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تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Lots of helper functions and useful widgets for the django REST Framework.
Artifical Intelligence, Do
AI Dungeon adventure!
Play ai dungeon from your terminal
A sample Python project
it is i.
Python Education Tools for Teaching
A tiny framework for AI.
A Jupyter widget for dynamic Leaflet maps
AIEngine is a next generation interactive/programmable Python/Ruby/Java/Lua packet inspection engine
A universal serial communication engine
AIEarth Engine Python SDK
get the eye state from the landmarks of the face in the image
IBM AI Fairness 360
analyze the face of the face in the image
alpha version of AI Factory client api package
beta version of AI Factory client api package
Project Skeleton
Simple utility to search buildout root directory
AIFashion® Python SDK
This is a convert tool to create AIfES models for direct use in the Arduino IDE or other IDEs
AI Feynman: a Physics-Inspired Method for Symbolic Regression
a library for extract the information
AI Flow, an extend operators library for airflow, which helps AI engineer to write less, reuse more, integrate easily.
An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
A machine learning toolbox
FRi3D model of coronal mass ejections
Django app yang digunakan untuk mempermudah penggunaan rabbit mq
AI Generator helpers using RapidAPI
A module for test aiges's python wrapper.py
Analysis and Inter-comparison of Gene Ontology functional annotations
Compiler error solution
Python Common Tool
Python Common Tool
AI Graphics Toolkit
AI Graphics Toolkit
A harness project for ML & DL
Generate graphql code
Aih Dynamodb
A harmless package to prevent exploitation
A Python library for AIHUB.
A simple cli utility to generate ML project structure for quickly starting ML projects
A Python library for Deep Learning Developers.
A Python Package for Deep Learning Developers.
aihub things sdk
IBM Analog Hardware Acceleration Kit
Swagger UI for Django REST Framework 3.5+
AiiDA: an automated interactive infrastructure and database for computational science
The AiiDA plugin for ABINIT.
The official AiiDA plugin for ASE
AiiDA plugin for the Aurora platform.
AiiDA Plugin for running bands_inspect
Aiida plugin for BigDFT code
AiiDA plugin for CASTEP
Collection of AiiDA WorkChains Developed in Morgan Group
AiiDA plugin that wraps the vmc executable of CHAMP code for computing the total energy and much more stuff.
The Official AiiDA plugin for the cod-tools package.
AiiDA package with utilities and interfaces for common workflows.
AiiDA scheduler plugins that allow for `conda run`.
AiiDA is a workflow manager for computational science with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility.
The official AiiDA plugin for CP2K.
The CP2K plugin for the AiiDA workflow and provenance engine.
AiiDA plugin for running the CRYSTAL17 code
Yet another AiiDA plugin for CRYSTAL code, mainly intended for use with the cloud infrastructures (currently, MPDS)
Custodian based VASP Plugin for AiiDA
AiiDA data plugin for pandas DataFrame objects
AiiDA plugin for DDEC code
AiiDA demo plugin that wraps the `diff` executable for computing the difference between two files.
AiiDA plugin for Environ
AiiDA plugin to calculate the equation of state of a material.
Export archives for migration tests for AiiDA
Python package containing an AiiDA Plugin for running the pfdisloc-code (phasefield dislocation interaction) from the IAS-9 of the Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH. The code is based on Fenics. The package also contains some workflows and utility
AiiDA Transport/Scheduler plugins for interfacing with FirecREST.
AiiDA plugin to allow using `fireworks` as the execution engine for `CalcJob`.
Python FLEUR simulation package containing an AiiDA Plugin for running the FLEUR-code and its input generator. Plus some workflows and utility
AiiDA plugin for the Gaussian quantum chemistry software.
AiiDA data plugin to manage gaussian datatypes (basis sets and pseudopotentials) as first-class citizens
A plugin for using GROMACS with AiiDA for molecular dymanics simulations.
AiiDA plugin provides the GroupPathX class
AiiDA plugin for the [GUDHI](http://gudhi.gforge.inria.fr/) library for topological data analysis.
AiiDA plugin for running the GULP MD code
AiiDA plugin interfacing with the Imperial College London cx1 HPC