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تبلیغات ما
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مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Amphora Data
An IPython extension for working with AMPL.
Buildout recipe for making files out of Jinja2 templates
A Python3.x package for CNV detection
script to generate amplicon coverage plot
Amplify your Python developer experience
Amplify SDK for Quantum Annealing and Ising Machines
Utility functions for working with AWS resources
CloudFormation toolkit for amplify.
Amplify (abstract multi-purpose-limited flexibility) is a model for operational flexibility remaining after a primary application is fullfilled by distributed energy resources.
Amplify SDK for running QAOA with quantum computer and simulator
Ampligone is a tool which accurately removes primer sequences from FastQ NGS reads in an amplicon sequencing experiment
A Python library for relational learning on knowledge graphs.
amplicon/smMIP mapping and analysis pipeline
A Python preprocessor
AmpliSeq amplicon mapper tool
The official Amplitude backend Python SDK for server-side instrumentation.
A simple aiohttp based python client for Amplitude
python wrapper for using the amplitude analytics and taxonomy APIs
The official Amplitude Experiment Python SDK for server-side instrumentation.
Client for the Amplitude HTTP V1 and V2 API (https://developers.amplitude.com/docs).
Amplitude Python 3 SDK.
A map plot based on Amap(高德地图).
A Python module to produce raw AMPL console reports for model solutions and parse those into JSON.
Python API for AMPL
CPLEX extension for amplpy
Financial portfolio optimization with amplpy
GUROBI extension for amplpy
AMPL Remote Driver
AMPL Sphinx Theme
AMPL Python Tools
Amply allows you to load and manipulate AMPL/GLPK data as Python data structures
This is the Amply Python SDK that integrates with the v1 API.
A Python package to convert AM PM time mode to 24 hours mode.
A process pool implementation in Twisted Matrix and AMP
A process pool built on Twisted and AMP.
Asynchronous command-line YouTube interface
A generic queue client
AMP-SCZ Dicom anonymizer
Data aggregator
AMPtk: amplicon tool kit
Python AMP Library
Client for twisted's amp interface to trac
Ampule (Automated MatPlotLib) is a minimalistic tool designed for repeatednon-interactive processing and plotting of tabular data
This is a dummy package.
An adafruit-ampy batch tool
Characterization of cloud layers from ceilometer measurements
Template based configuration generator
Basic AMQP client for API testing purposes
Python library that simplified the utilisation of a AMQP client/server
Remote events through amqp
Simple AMQP python CLI applications for receiving/sending
A command line interface for interacting with amqp exchanges.
Python AMQP Client Library
Versatile AMQP client
Python AMQP connection for worker
Simple library for building a distributed task system over AMQP.
AMQP event listener
AMQP Control Command Line Utility
Asynchronous file transfer using AMQP
A daemon gevent to run AMQP consumers
A flexible RMQ monitor that keeps track of RMQ, notifying you over multiple channels when connections cannot be made, queues have not been declared, and when queue lengths increase beyond specified limits.
Awesome producers and consumers powered by aio_pika.
simple Helper library to configure AMQP communication
simple package/command for tesitng if an amqp instance is responding
Twisted based pipeline framework for AMQP
Object oriented AMQP layer for microservices communication.
AMQP Client Library
AMQP Consumer-Publisher Middleware
Remote AMQP mock
simple rpc amqp python library on pike
AMQPQueue - Python Queue interface for AMQP
an AMQP 0.9.1 client library for Python 2.7 & Python >= 3.2.0
AMQP library for python
Active MQ Python Client Using Stomp
MQTT client/broker using Python asyncio
MQTT client/broker using Python asyncio
Transform Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) annotations to First Order Logic (FOL) formulas.
The JupyterLab notebook server extension.
Cryptography for Automatic Meter Reading Systems.
Gaussian distributions
Making connection between bython and Node-RED
Gaussian distributions
a simple print function
Convert Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) into first-order logic
Unified Messaging for AMR and MDM systems. A way to enable and simplify multi-utility operations.
Painless queue management
The HART Lab's tools for registration-based segmentation
AMSAT API Client for Python
Debugger-based on Target Testing (DOTT)
Runtime Environment for Debugger-based on Target Testing (DOTT)
This is an Amharic document segmentation and normalization tool