معرفی شرکت ها
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
An abstraction layer for constraint solvers
Python SDK for use with Clarity.io sensors
Talk to me, Clarissa Campbell, your favorite bot
CLeaning to Analysis: Reproducibility-based Interface for Traits and Exposures
A colored logger for python
Health Check for Clarity Stack
A pipeline used to vizualize and analyze clarity treated brain images.
Utility library.
A tool which auto-documents researcher workflows.
Clarke and Park Transforms
Shell based spreadsheet application
Clarus Microservices
Clarus Microservices
Clarus UI Library
Framework to wrap Cloudify local based blueprints as CLIs
Update IP address of Clash of Clans and/or Clash Royale API keys with token fetching
Python package to find chimeras in CRAC/CLASH and HITS-CLIP datasets
A per-character diff/compression algorithm in python
A Clash of Clans API
Library for creating ClashOfClans bots and scripts.
Clash of Clans war moniting for telegram channels.
An (a)sync wrapper for royaleapi.com
A Clash Royale API
A platform for creating bots to play Clash Royale
a http client based on requests just like Flask
Load your classes with json and save it with json or work with python dictionary's
clasp is tools for command line and subprocess script development
ClaSP - Time Series Segmentation
A simple class!
a framework to investigate the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer weather balloons worldwide
Python extension for using 7zip.dll in memory (Example in test/test.py)
Python package to parse and interpret HTCondor classads
tool to find the API of a class
A simple python script to manage students attendance in class in terminal.
Class based routing for FastAPI
Decorator overwriting sys.modules with a class instance as the module.
data client of class card server
A python wrapper for the Classcharts API
Command Line Interfaces from custom classes
Converts a python class into a CLI program
Class Wrapper for Click
A library for making dataclasses
Package for creating configuration files automatically and loading objects from those configuration files.
Generate standardized class diagrams based on C# source code
Tools to get points from the classdojo point system
Get a license from the GitHub API
Classes for scripts
Implements classes for stocks model and db client
Simple library including list of school classes
Python package classeval
Classe Viva Python API
Classeviva Python API wrapper
Allows classes to be extended
Comfortable figure handling in Python3 / Matplotlib
удобный класс дял работы с файлом
удобный класс дял работы с файлом
Удобный класс для работы с файлами.
Удобный класс для работы с файлами
A new python object system
Generador de clases en python
a simplem program to manage class
Generate a Graphviz diagram of Python classes
Interactive classification diagnostic plots
Cluster Administrators' ssh Wrapper
Class Tools for Python
A Python package for accessing open-source geospatial datasets.
Useful tools for classical ciphers
classicalguitar by Doraeboy
Classifier Comparison and Feature Analysis Tools in Python
Модуль для зашифровывания файлов. | File encryption module.
Provides decorator for creating components
Loaders for classic datasets commonly used in Machine Learning
Persistent and reproducible experimental pipelines for Machine Learning
Implementation of Porter Stemmer algorithm (M.F Porter 1980)
Make your classes classier.
Graphical User Interface for machine learning classification algorithms from scikit-learn
A classification library using a novel audio-inspired algorithm.
A Compound classification engine
Classification model for animal activity recognition based on XGBoost
Example regression model package from Train In Data.
A library that will be used to find the model that explains the variable the best
Set of models for classification of 1D data.
Set of models for classification of 3D volumes.
Declaratively configured pipeline for image classification
Automate machine learning classification task report for Pak Zuherman