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مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Zurb Foundation (http://foundation.zurb.com) static files packaged in a django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
Flexible Django permissions backend
Perms for iscore library
Fraction display and form fields for Django
a tag for improving django template fragment cache
Useful stuff for django. .
A Django app to provide a database structure, API and import scripts to manage French communes, intercommunalités, départements and régions, with their structure and data from Insee and the DGCL.
A reusable Django app that allows to plan year budgets and track them via letsfreckle.
Freebasing in Django.
A simple django freeipa rpc authentication backend app with a simple server failover solution.
FreeIPA authentication for Django using FreeIPA JSON API
Collections of functions and helpers that helps speed up development of your django project
Django middleware for enabling anonymous permissions
Easily add CMS functionality to your Django site
Django reusable app that provides an admin interface to a freeradius database
FreeRADIUS commands for Django
FreeRADIUS models for Django
convert your dynamic django site to a static one with one line of code.
Print pip freeze in your admin panel
A reusable Django app that can be used as a FAQ.
Auto-refresh your browser when files in your project change.
Single Sign-On functionallity between Django and Freshdesk
Django Freshdesk SSO enables SSO for freshdesk from your django application.
A Django application that enables your server to remotely trigger assets reload by the client(s)
Reusable Django application that helps you to deliverfresh media files, even if their expiry period is really long. To do this,the application provides a template tag that adds a small hash to the URLof each served file. This hash depends on the file metadata or content,so if it is changed, the hash will be changed too.
Responsive, powerful, simple Django forums.
Refrigerator Game PageBlock
Django library for friendly captcha
Want to optionally use a template tag library? Use this!
Use friendly urls with Django.
friendship, contact and invitation management for the Django web framework
django-friendship provides an easy extensible interface for following and friendship
Simple solution for Django User Friendships
Simple solution for Django User Friendships
Web based FritzBox management using Python/Django.
django-froala-editor package helps integrate Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor with Django.
Media server built on django
Automatically build Django models from an Excel file
A Django application to allow of front-end editing
Frontadmin is a Django app to conduct Web-based frontend theme.
Create django front-end data apps
Front end editing for Django.
Django Frontend is a collection of static files and templates to jumpstart Django front-end development.
A a set of templatetags to allow an easy and unobstrusive way to edit model-data in the frontend of your page.
A Django helper app to add editing capabilities to the frontend using modal forms
django application to display list of notifications, run basic actions such as view all notifications and delete notifications
Django frontend presets provide a command line that allow you to rapidly swap the front-end scaffolding for the application.
Expose feature flags and settings from django waffle and django constance in an endpoint.
A basic Django template skeleton built on HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap.
A basic Django application to install often used static files.
A basic Django template built on HTML5 Boilerplate.
Use model field validator functions for front end JS validation
Utils used by Frontera.
Grunt based frontend asset management utils
Front-end scaffold tool for your django project.
Show a page before your users authenticate into the admin site
Run grunt/gulp watcher and django server with a single command.
Django model field used to store snapshot of data.
Django friendly finite state machine support, forked from django-fsm
The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to dump database and media files via an admin interface.
The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to send multipart emails and store them in a database.
The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to send multipart emails and store them in a database.
Scalabe file storage fields for your Django models
A reusable Django application for rendering forms with Foundation for Sites.
The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to create and store in a database files such as robots.txt, sitemap.xml and so on.
The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to store settings in a database and configure settings via an admin interface.
Django friendly finite state machine support.
Integrate django-fsm state transitions into the django admin
django-fsm transition integration to django admin.
Integrate django-fsm state transitions into Django Admin.
Basisapp für die Webseite des FSR Medizin der Uni Rostock
Django-App für die Auswertung von Veranstaltungen
一个基于 Django 有限状态管理工具库,基于 django-fsm 修改
django-fsm data immutability support
Transition's persistence for django-fsm
Logging for django-fsm
A Django app to integrate django-fsm to wagtail admin.
Django application for serving page templates from the file system
Django integration with SMS Aero
Django integration with SMS Centre
minio for django store.
Trumbowyg (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin.
Flask-Style URL Patterns for Django
A fault-tolerant pylibmc cache backend for Django
Django bindings for Fluent, the localization system from Mozilla for today.
Auto FTP deployment for django.
FTP server application for Django.
Django-related utilities
Django wrapper for the ExactTarget FuelSDK.
A web based console for Django's development server built using Tornado
Force django model call full_clean before save.
Django Full CRUD
Django-Directmessages is a low-level and easy-to-use Django App to manage simple directmessages.
Add localization support for user's fullname.
Adds three template tags to Django: `fullurl`, `fullstatic` and `buildfullurl`. The template tag `fullurl` acts just like `url`, but it always prints absolute URLs with scheme and domain
Small tool for easily getting parts or full URL in Django templates and views.