A Django helper app to add editing capabilities to the frontend using modal forms.
An accompaning `Demo site <>`_
- usage instructions and suggestions
- a detailed description of the techniques used under the hood
- a list of working code samples (source:
Bases on my previous research as documented here: `Editing Django models in the front end <>`_
.. image:: screenshots/main_screen.png
.. contents::
.. sectnum::
Install the package by running:
.. code:: bash
pip install django-frontend-forms
pip install git+
In your settings, add:
.. code:: python
Include library's views mapping (file ``):
.. code:: python
urlpatterns = [
path('frontend_forms/', include('frontend_forms.urls', namespace='frontend_forms')),
In your base template, include: the default styles, the javascript support,
the javascript messaeg catalog, and optionally the sample HTML template:
.. code:: html
<link rel='stylesheet' href="{% static 'frontend_forms/css/frontend_forms.css' %}">
<script src="{% static 'frontend_forms/js/frontend_forms.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% url 'frontend_forms:javascript-catalog' %}"></script>
{% include 'frontend_forms/dialogs.html' %}
How to use it
Follow the intructions given on the `Demo site <>`_
Basic example
In the following example, we build a Dialog() object providing some custom options;
then, we use it to open a modal dialog and load it from the specified url.
For demonstration purposes, we also subscribe the 'created' notification.
.. code:: html
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
dialog1 = new Dialog({
html: '<h1>Loading ...</h1>',
url: '{% url 'frontend:j_object' %}',
width: '400px',
min_height: '200px',
title: '<i class="fa fa-calculator"></i> Selezione Oggetto',
footer_text: 'testing dialog ...',
enable_trace: true,
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
switch (event_name) {
case "created":
console.log('Dialog created: dialog=%o, params=%o', dialog, params);
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" onclick="; return false;">
<i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i>
Test Popup
Dialog methods
=============================== ===================================================================================================================
Method Effects
------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
constructor(options={}) See `options` list below
open(event=null, show=true) Open the dialog
1. the dialog body will be immediately loaded with static content provided by option "html"
2. then the dialog is shown (unless the "show" parameter is false)
3. finally, dynamic content will be loaded from remote address provided by option "url" (if supplied)
4. if successfull, a 'loaded.dialog' event is fired; you can use it to perform any action required after loading
close() Close (hide) the dialog
show() Make the dialog visible
=============================== ===================================================================================================================
Dialog options
=============================== ========================== ===============================================================
Option Default value Notes
------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
dialog_selector '#dialog_generic' The selector for HTML dialog template
open_event null Used to "remember" the event which triggered Dialog opening
html '' Static content to display in dialog body
url '' Optional url to retrieve dialog content via Ajax
width null
min_width null
max_width null
height null
min_height null
max_height null
button_save_label 'Save'
button_save_initially_hidden false Will be shown after form rendering
button_close_label 'Cancel'
title ''
subtitle ''
footer_text ''
enable_trace false show notifications in debug console
callback null a callback to receive events
autofocus_first_visible_input true
=============================== ========================== ===============================================================
Unspecified options will be retrieved from corresponding HTML attributes on the
element which fires the dialog opening;
for example:
.. code:: html
<a href="{% url 'frontend:whatever' %}"
data-title="My title"
data-subtitle="My Subtitle"
onclick="new Dialog().open(event); return false;">
=============================== ==========================
Option HTML attribute
------------------------------- --------------------------
url href
html data-html
width data-width
min_width data-min-width
max_width data-max-width
height data-height
min_height data-min-height
max_height data-max-height
button_save_label data-button-save-label
button_close_label data-button-close-label
title data-title
subtitle data-subtitle
footer_text data-footer-text
=============================== ==========================
Dialog notifications
============================ ================================
event_name params
============================ ================================
created options
loading url
loaded url, data
loading_failed jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown
submitting method, url, data
submission_failure method, url, data
submitted method, url, data
============================ ================================
During it's lifetime, the Dialog will notify all interesting events to the caller,
provided he supplies a suitable callback in the contructor:
self.options.callback(event_name, dialog, params)
.. code:: javascript
dialog1 = new Dialog({
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
console.log('event_name: %o, dialog: %o, params: %o', event_name, dialog, params);
event_name: "created", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {options: {…}}
event_name: "initialized", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {}
event_name: "open", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {}
event_name: "shown", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {}
event_name: "loading", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {url: "/admin_ex/popup/"}
event_name: "loaded", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {url: "/admin_ex/popup/"}
event_name: "submitting", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {method: "post", url: "/admin_ex/popup/", data: "text=&number=aaa"}
event_name: "submitted", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {method: "post", url: "/admin_ex/popup/", data: "text=111&number=111"}
event_name: "closed", dialog: Dialog {options: {…}, element: …}, params: {}
You can also trace all events in the console setting the boolean flag `enable_trace`.
Handling form submission
When a form submission is involved, the modal life cycle has to be modified as follows:
- First and foremost, we need to **prevent the form from performing its default submit**.
If not, after submission we'll be redirected to the form action, outside the context
of the dialog.
We'll do this binding to the form's submit event, where we'll serialize the form's
content and sent it to the view for validation via an Ajax call.
- Then, upon a successufull response from the server, **we'll need to further investigate
the HTML received**:
+ if it contains any field error, the form did not validate successfully,
so we update the modal body with the new form and its errors
+ otherwise, user interaction is completed, and we can finally close the modal
`django-frontend-forms`, upon detecting a form in the content downloaded from the server,
already takes care of all these needs automatically, and keeps refreshing the modal
after each submission until the form validation succeedes.
Giving a feedback after successful form submission
Sometimes, you might want to notify the user after successful form submission.
To obtain this, all you have to do, after the form has been validated and saved,
is to return an HTML fragment with no forms in it; in this case:
- the popup will not close
- the "save" button will be hidden
thus giving to the user a chance to read your feedback.
.. code:: bash
def form_validation_with_feedback(request):
assert request.is_ajax()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = MyForm(data=request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return HttpResponse("<h1>Great !</h1> Your form has been validated")
form = MyForm()
return render(request, "my_form.html", {
'form': form,
Logging in with a modal form
If you're trying to minimize page switching and reduce navigation in your frontend,
why not provide a modal window for login as well ?
The library contains a login view adapted from the standard (function based) Django
login view, which can be used for either a standalone HTML page or in a Dialog.
For example:
.. code:: html
<a id="login_with_dialog" href="{% url 'frontend_forms:login' %}">
<i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i>
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#login_with_dialog').on('click', function(event) {
var target = $(;
var url = target.attr('href');
var logged_in = false;
var login_dialog = new Dialog({
url: url,
width: '400px',
min_height: '200px',
title: '<i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> Login ...',
button_save_label: "Login",
button_close_label: "Close",
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
switch (event_name) {
case "submitted":
logged_in = true;
case "closed":
if (logged_in) {
FrontendForms.redirect('/', true);
.. image:: screenshots/login-dialog.png
You can customize the following templates:
- frontend_forms/login.html
- frontend_forms/login_inner.html
- frontend_forms/login_successful_message.html
Replacing login_required
A decorator suitable for modal forms is provided to replace login_required():
.. code:: python
from frontend_forms.decorators import check_logged_in
def my_view(request, ...):
It checks that the user is logged in, showing an error message in place if not.
You can customize the following template:
- frontend_forms/check_logged_in_failed.html
A full, real example for a Django Form submission from a Dialog
.. image:: screenshots/contract-form.png
We start by creating a view for form rendering and submission:
file ``:
.. code:: python
import time
from frontend_forms.decorators import check_logged_in
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
def select_contract(request):
# if settings.DEBUG:
# time.sleep(0.5);
if not request.user.has_perm('backend.view_contract') or not request.is_ajax():
raise PermissionDenied
#template_name = 'frontend/dialogs/generic_form_inner_with_video.html'
template_name = 'dashboard/dialogs/select_contract.html'
object = None
if request.method == 'POST':
form = SelectContractForm(request=request, data=request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
object =
if not request.is_ajax():
# reload the page
next = request.META['PATH_INFO']
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
# if is_ajax(), we just return the validated form, so the modal will close
form = SelectContractForm(request=request)
return render(request, template_name, {
'form': form,
'object': object, # unused, but armless
and provide an endpoint to it for ajax call:
file ``
.. code:: python
from django.urls import path
from . import ajax
app_name = 'dashboard'
urlpatterns = [
path('j/select_contract/', ajax.select_contract, name='j_select_contract'),
The Form in this example does a few interesting things:
- includes some specific assets declaring an inner Media class
- receives the request upon construction
- uses it to provide specific initial values to the widgets
- provides some specific validations with `clean()`
- encapsulates in `save()` all actions required after successfull submission
file ``:
.. code:: python
import json
import datetime
from django import forms
from selectable.forms import AutoCompleteWidget, AutoCompleteSelectWidget, AutoComboboxSelectWidget
from backend.models import Contract
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from .lookups import ContractLookup
class SelectContractForm(forms.Form):
contract = forms.CharField(
widget=AutoComboboxSelectWidget(ContractLookup, limit=10),
help_text=mark_safe(" "),
today = forms.BooleanField(label="Oggi", required=False)
date = forms.DateField(widget=forms.DateInput(), label='', required=False)
class Media:
css = {
'screen': ('dashboard/css/select_contract_form.css', )
js = ('dashboard/js/select_contract_form.js', )
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['date'].widget = forms.DateInput(attrs={'class': 'datepicker'})
assert request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.is_active
self.fields['contract'].initial = request.user.contract_attivo
self.fields['date'].initial = request.user.data_attiva
self.fields['today'].initial = request.user.data_attiva is None
def lookup_contract(self):
contract = Contract.objects.get(
except Contract.DoesNotExist:
contract = None
return contract
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
if not cleaned_data['today'] and not cleaned_data['date']:
raise forms.ValidationError({
'date': 'Questo campo è obbligatorio'
return cleaned_data
def save(self, request):
user = request.user
assert request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.is_active
user.contract_attivo = self.lookup_contract()
if self.cleaned_data['today']:
user.data_attiva = None
user.data_attiva = self.cleaned_data['date']['contract_attivo', 'data_attiva', ])
The javascript and css assets are used for specific needs of this form:
.. code:: javascript
function onChangeToday(event) {
var controller = $('#id_today');
var value =":checked");
$('#id_date').prop('disabled', value);
$('.field-date .ui-datepicker-trigger').prop('disabled', value);
if (value) {
$('#id_date').datepicker('setDate', null);
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#id_today').on('change', onChangeToday);
In the template, remember to include the Form's assets:
.. code:: html
{% load i18n frontend_forms_tags %}
{{ }}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<form action="{{ action }}" method="post" class="form {{form.form_class}}" novalidate autocomplete="off">
{% csrf_token %}
{% if form.errors or form.non_field_errors %}
<p class="errornote">{% trans 'Please correct the error below.' %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if form.non_field_errors %}
<ul class="errorlist">
{% for error in form.non_field_errors %}
<li>{{ error }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for hidden_field in form.hidden_fields %}
{{ hidden_field }}
{% endfor %}
{% render_form_field form.contract %}
<div>Data di riferimento:</div>
<div class="data-selection-block">
{% render_form_field %}
{% render_form_field %}
<input type="hidden" name="object_id" value="{{|default:'' }}">
<div class="form-submit-row">
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
{% if request.is_ajax %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
And finally, the Dialog itself;
please note that we use the `loaded` event notification to rebind the widgets
after form rendering.
.. code:: html
{% block extrajs %}
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
dialog1 = new Dialog({
dialog_selector: '#dialog_generic',
html: '',
url: "{% url 'dashboard:j_select_contract' %}",
width: '80%',
max_width: '400px',
min_height: '200px',
button_save_label: 'Salva',
button_close_label: 'Annulla',
title: '<i class="fa fa-file-o"></i> Selezione Contract',
footer_text: '',
enable_trace: true,
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
switch (event_name) {
case "loaded":
case "submitted":
$('.btn-cambia-contract').off().on('click', function(event) {
{% endblock extrajs %}
Editing a Django Model from a Dialog
First of all, we need a view for form rendering and submission.
For example:
.. code:: python
def edit_something(request, id_object=None):
# if not request.user.has_perm('backend.view_something') or not request.is_ajax():
# raise PermissionDenied
if id_object is not None:
object = get_object_or_404(Something, id=id_object)
object = None
template_name = 'frontend_forms/generic_form_inner.html'
if request.method == 'POST':
form = SomethingForm(data=request.POST, instance=object)
if form.is_valid():
object =
if not request.is_ajax():
# reload the page
next = request.META['PATH_INFO']
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
# if is_ajax(), we just return the validated form, so the modal will close
form = SomethingForm()
return render(request, template_name, {
'form': form,
'object': object, # unused, but armless
.. code:: python
class SomethingForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Someghing
exclude = []
and an endpoint for Ajax call:
File "" ...
.. code:: python
path('j/edit_something/<int:id_object>/', ajax.edit_something, name='j_edit_something'),
We can finally use the form in a Dialog:
.. code:: javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
dialog1 = new Dialog({
dialog_selector: '#dialog_generic',
html: '<h1>Loading ...</h1>',
url: '/j/edit_something/{{ }}/',
width: '400px',
min_height: '200px',
title: '<i class="fa fa-add"></i> Edit',
footer_text: '',
enable_trace: true,
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
switch (event_name) {
case "created":
console.log('Dialog created: dialog=%o, params=%o', dialog, params);
case "submitted":
Default dialog layout
When contructing a Dialog, you can use the `dialog_selector` option to select which
HTML fragment of the page will be treated as the dialog to work with.
It is advisable to use an HTML structure similar to the default layout:
.. code:: html
<div id="dialog_generic" class="dialog draggable">
<div class="dialog-dialog">
<div class="dialog-content">
<div class="dialog-header">
<span class="spinner">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
<span class="close">×</span>
<div class="title">Title</div>
<div class="dialog-body ui-front">
<div class="dialog-footer">
<input type="submit" value="Close" class="btn btn-close" />
<input type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-save" />
<div class="text">footer</div>
- ".draggable" make the Dialog draggable
- adding ".ui-front" to the ".dialog-box" element helps improving the behaviour of the dialog on a mobile client
App Settings
=========================================== ===============================================================
Option Accepted values
------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
=========================================== ===============================================================
Default values::
"bs4" flavor
Add the .compact-fields class to the form to modify the layout as in the right picture below:
.. image:: screenshots/bs4-forms.png
Utilities (module FrontendForms)
======================================================= ========================================================================================
Helper Purpose
------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
display_server_error(errorDetails) Display an error message using SweetAlert2; failing that, uses a simple alert instead
display_message(html_content) Display a message using SweetAlert2; failing that, uses a simple alert instead
redirect(url, show_overlay=False) Similar behavior as an HTTP redirect; optionally calls overlay_show('body')
gotourl(url, show_overlay=False) Similar behavior as clicking on a link; optionally calls overlay_show('body')
reload_page(show_overlay=False) Reload the current page; optionally calls overlay_show('body')
overlay_show(element) Show overlay on given element; Requires: gasparesganga-jquery-loading-overlay
overlay_hide(element) Hide overlay on given element; Requires: gasparesganga-jquery-loading-overlay
hide_mouse_cursor Hide the mouse cursor
dumpObject(obj, max_depth) Serialize the given dictionary up to `max_depth` levels
logObject(element, obj) Render `obj` content as HTML table an assign to given element
isEmptyObject(obj) Check if given `obj` is empty
cloneObject(obj) Deep clone an object in JavaScript
lookup(array, prop, value) Find an Object by attribute in an Array
formdata_serialize(formData) Serializing form data with the vanilla JS FormData() object
formdata_to_querystring(formData) Transform FormData into query string
adjust_canvas_size(id) Adapts canvas size to desired size
getCookie(name) Add to POST headers as follows: FrontendForms.getCookie('csrftoken')
confirmRemoteAction(url, options, afterDoneCallback) Invoke remote action upon user confirmation.
downloadFromAjaxPost(url, params, headers, callback) Handle file download from ajax post
querystring_parse(qs, sep, eq, options) Parse query string
set_datepicker_defaults(language_code) Set datepicker defaults, and optionally select language ("it" or "es" for now)
apply_multiselect(elements) Bind MultiSelect widget
======================================================= ========================================================================================
Form rendering helpers
A **render_form(form, flavor=None, layout=FORM_LAYOUT_DEFAULT)** template tag is available for form rendering:
.. code:: html
{% load frontend_forms_tags ... %}
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{% render_form form %}
<div class="form-group form-submit-row">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">{% trans 'Submit' %}</button>
For more a more advanced customization, you can use **render_form_field(field, flavor=None, extra_attrs='', layout=FORM_LAYOUT_DEFAULT, index=0, addon='')** instead:
.. code:: html
{% load frontend_forms_tags ... %}
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{% if form.non_field_errors %}
<ul class="errorlist">
{% for error in form.non_field_errors %}
<li>{{ error }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for hidden_field in form.hidden_fields %}
{{ hidden_field }}
{% endfor %}
{% render_form_field form.username extra_attrs="autocomplete=^off,role=presentation,autocorrect=off,autocapitalize=none" %}
{% render_form_field form.password extra_attrs="autocomplete=^off,role=presentation,autocorrect=off,autocapitalize=none" addon='<i class="fa fa-user"></i>' %}
<div class="form-group form-submit-row">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">{% trans 'Submit' %}</button>
In this second example, we supply `extra_attrs` attributes to each form field; these will be added to the
attributes already derived from the Django Form field definitions.
The special prefix `^` will be removed from the attribute, and interpreted as "replace" instead of "append".
A generic template is also available:
.. code:: html
{% load i18n frontend_forms_tags %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<form action="{{ action }}" method="post" class="form" novalidate autocomplete="off">
{% csrf_token %}
{% render_form form %}
<input type="hidden" name="object_id" value="{{|default:'' }}">
<div class="form-submit-row">
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
Please note that, as a convenience when editing a Django Model, we've added an hidden field `object_id`;
in other occasions, this is useless (but also armless, as long as the form doesn't
contain a field called "object").
Datepicker support
A basic support is provided for jquery-ui datepicker.
Follow these steps:
(1) Initialize datepicker default by calling `FrontendForms.set_datepicker_defaults(language_code)` once:
.. code:: javascript
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
FrontendForms.set_datepicker_defaults('{{LANGUAGE_CODE}}'); <-------------
(2) In your form, make sure that the `datepicker` class is assigned to the input element;
for example:
.. code:: python
class MyForm(forms.Form):
date = forms.DateField(widget=forms.DateInput())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['date'].widget = forms.DateInput(attrs={'class': 'datepicker'})
(3) If loading the form in a dialog, rebind as necessary:
.. code:: javascript
dialog1 = new Dialog({
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
switch (event_name) {
case "loaded":
dialog.element.find(".datepicker").datepicker({}); <-------------
jQuery MultiSelect support
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'multiselect/css/multi-select.css' %}" />
<script src="{% static 'multiselect/js/jquery.multi-select.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'jquery.quicksearch/dist/jquery.quicksearch.min.js' %}"></script>
Follow these steps:
(1) In your form, add the `multiselect` class to the SelectMultiple() widget
.. code:: python
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['operators'].widget.attrs = {'class': 'multiselect'}
(2) Later on, bind the widget using `apply_multiselect()` helper:
.. code:: javascript
dialog1 = new Dialog({
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
switch (event_name) {
case "loaded":
django-select2 support
pip install django-select2
npm install select2
Changes to ""::
Changes to "base.html"::
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'select2/dist/css/select2.min.css' %}" />
<script src="{% static 'select2/dist/js/select2.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'select2/dist/js/i18n/it.js' %}"></script>
<script language="javascript">
$.fn.select2.defaults.set('language', 'it');
<script src="{% static 'django_select2/django_select2.js' %}"></script>
Follow these steps:
(1) In your form, use one or more Select2Widget():
.. code:: python
from django_select2.forms import HeavySelect2Widget
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
widgets = {
'fieldname': HeavySelect2Widget(
(2) Later on, bind the widgets using `djangoSelect2()` helper:
.. code:: javascript
dialog1 = new Dialog({
callback: function(event_name, dialog, params) {
switch (event_name) {
case "loaded":
// "dropdownParent" is required for Bootstrap; see:
dropdownParent: dialog.element
I normally opt to include all required static files in "base.hmtml", since I'm already
including so much javascript stuff.
In this case, make sure django-select2 won't istall them twice;
for example:
.. code:: python
class MySelect2Widget():
Avoid inclusion of select2 by django-select2 as a result of {{}},
since we're already including everything in base.html
def _get_media(self):
return None
media = property(_get_media)
class AlbumWidget(MySelect2Widget, ModelSelect2Widget):
model = Album
search_fields = [
def build_attrs(self, base_attrs, extra_attrs=None):
attrs = super().build_attrs(base_attrs=base_attrs, extra_attrs=extra_attrs)
# "data-minimum-input-length";
# - either override build_attrs() here,
# - or provide as attr in the instance; for example:
# 'album': AlbumWidget(attrs={'data-minimum-input-length': 0,}),
attrs['data-minimum-input-length'] = 0
return attrs
- generic_edit_view() now treats request.FILES
- [fix] frontend_forms.js was out of sync with frontend_forms.jsx
- [fix] "it" language selection for datepicker
- formdata_serialize() and formdata_to_querystring() helpers added
* diplay_message() helper added
* small style fix for checkbox in horizontal generic form rendering
* revised example project
* Prepare for Django 4.0
* POSSIBLE INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Radio button layout refactored in "render_form_field.html"
* send "submission_failure" notification
* package up data from form with FormData (instead of form.serialize()) to allow files upload
* allow customization of `enctype` in generic form template
* send "submission_failure" notification
* Prevent default on close button submission
* Replace $() with jQuery() for higher compatibility
* Add never cache to all views for extra safeness
* [fix] Properly hide btn_save and btn_close when corresponding label is empty
* [fix] frontend_forms.js was out of sync with frontend_forms.jsx
* Removed wrong [fix] render_form_field rendering for bootstrap
* Update Pillow (example project)
* Upgrade Django (in example project)
* [fix] render_form_field rendering for bootstrap
* Optionally retrieve missing Dialog options from HTML attributes
* subtitle added to dialog_generic
* in case of form errors, autofocus now selects the first editable invalid field
* transpile frontend_forms.jsx
* non-destructive form_class annotation
* POSSIBLE INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Added javascript catalog for translating messages in JS code
* Italian transation added
* Example: chain selection sample
* [fix] Send missing "submitted" notification
* Login view suitable for modal forms
* check_logged_in() decorator
* fix format_datetime
* POSSIBLE INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: provided templates now extend "base.html" instead of "frontend/base.html"
* Improved example project (Creating or updating a Django Model from the front-end)
* revised confirmRemoteAction() helper
* Make sure invalid-tooltip is visible with BS4
* Select2 support and examples
* Small adjustments to default styles; "important" removed where possible
* Partial support for Bootstrap's "input-group-addon"
* Example updated
* Giving a feedback after successful form submission
* Make sure Sweetalert2 pops up above modal dialog
* render_form_field: show errors for radio groups
* example django project added
* autofocus_first_visible_input option added
* generic Form submission from a Dialog example added to Readme
* fix horizontal forms for BS4
* add even/odd class to form groups
* Display checkbox fields errors
* Adjust errors styles
* Optionally provide the `request` to the Form constructor
* Add a class attribute 'form-app_label-model_name' to the rendered form
* django-select2 support
* jQuery MultiSelect support
* ModalForms module renamed as FrontendForms
* optional parameter `event` added to open()
* Module renamed from "django-modal-forms" to "django-frontend-forms"
* Fixes for Django 3; support both int and uuid PKs
* Support for model forms in a Dialog (undocumented)
* Datepicker support
* optional extra_attrs added to render_form_field template tag
* fix confirmRemoteAction()
* fix
* add custom widget attrs when rendering a field with render_form_fields()
* add "has-error" class when appropriate in render_form_field tag, to trigger errors in modal forms
* "simpletable" fix
* "simpletable" styles
* downloadFromAjaxPost helper JS function added
* Display non_field_errors in BS4 form
* Prepend fields' class with 'field-' prefix, as Django admin does
* Radio buttons and Checkboxs rendering for Bootstrap 4
* bs4 form rendering
* querystring_parse() utility added
* Add object_id hidden field to generic form
* .ui-front added to .dialog-body for bette behaviour on mobiles
* notify "loaded" event in _form_ajax_submit() when approriate
* First working release
* Project start