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مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Make Google Json Style and Django Rest Framework play nice together.
django-guardian support for Django REST Framework
django-guardian support for Django REST Framework
A collection of useful modules for Django Rest Framework
HMAC Authentication for the django-rest-framework
Django Rest Framework tools for django-hstore
HTTP Signature support for Django REST framework
Idempotency key app & middleware for Django Rest Framework
Optimized includable serializer fields.
A DRF renderer to side-load relations
JET - Django APP
A Django REST framework API adapter for the JSON:API spec.
Implements Google's partial response in Django RestFramework
JSONP support for Django REST Framework
build Django REST Framework API from jsonschema
Easy JSON Web Keys (JWK) for your Django project
JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework
JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework
JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework
JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework
A generic api for oauth2
A minimal JSON Web Token authentication plugin for Django REST Framework
Django Rest Framework JWT Proxy <- forked from: https://github.com/eofs/django-rest-framework-proxy
Long Refresh Tokens for JSON Web Token based authentication
JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework
django-rest-framework-keycloak package provides Keycloak support.
Provides DRF auth classes that are backed by various AWS resources
Kong consumers for Django
Last Modified header support for Django Rest Framework.
Provide pagination using a "Link" HTTP header as described in https://developer.github.com/guides/traversing-with-pagination/
A set of viewset mixin for the Django REST Framework.
Facilitating microservice architecture in Django REST framework
MongoEngine support for Django Rest Framework.
Hack for django-rest-framework-mongoengine to support newer mongoengine and drf
More Cool Django Rest Framework Stuff
MessagePack support for Django REST framework
A field for representing a relationship via multiple fields on the target
Version of Django REST Framework auth Token allowing multiple Tokens per User.
A Django REST Framework extension for creating views that serialize model data to Google Protobuf encoded Map Box Vector Tiles via Postgres.
A toolkit for Django REST framework to easily switch APIs' naming styles.
Nested resources for the Django Rest Framework
DRF view mixin for nested resources
OAuth Support for Django REST Framework
OAuth support for Django REST Framework
Your project description goes here
Provides parser and renderer support for orjson library
response pagination using django restframework
Extra paginations for the rest framework
Plist support for Django REST framework
Django Rest Framework Proxy allows easy proxying of incoming REST requests
Serialize a partial subset of fields in the API
Mimicking the Django ORM queryset over rest framework api
Provides rapidjson support with parser and renderer
Making Django REST Framework reactive
reCAPTCHA field for Django REST framework serializers.
Recursive Serialization for Django REST framework
Live API endpoints for django rest framework 1.x & 2.x
RESTful account registration, activation, and login
Parameterizes Django REST Framework methods over user-defined roles
Django REST framework integration for django-rules
SaaS plugin for the django rest framework
Session Authentication View for Django REST Framework
Specify API endpoint data shape declaratively in a DRF view
Extensions to DRY up Django Rest Framework serializers
Mixins for Django Rest Framework Serializer
Adds the possibility to do `select_related()` and `prefetch_related()` queries on querysets provided to Django REST Framework (DRF) model serializers.
Django Rest Framework Signature Authentication
Allow access to your REST resources via a signed url
API Key authentication and permissions for Django REST.
A minimal JSON Web Token authentication plugin for Django REST Framework
A minimal JSON Web Token
A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework, integrated with CAS Authentication.
Simple JWT is a JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework which to be compatible with MongoEngine.
A minimal JSON Web Token authentication to allow sso
Django Rest Framework Simplify
python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
Single sign-on extension to the Django REST Framework.
PEP-484 stubs for django-rest-framework
Swagger UI for your Django REST Framework API
Works with Django REST Framework and allows you to create authenticationtokens that expire within a given number of minutes and optionally refresh the time to expiration on each successful authentication.
An authentication token for djangorestframework that has an expiration date.
Django Rest Framework serializer field for timedelta fields.
Collection of various tricks for Django REST framework.
Type stubs for Django Rest Framework
Utilities for Django REST Framework
Versioning tools for use with Django Rest Framework
A library to enable the use of delta transformations for versioning of Django Rest Framwork API representations.
By word filter backend for Django REST Framework. No db backend special features (work on all db).
XML support for Django REST Framework
YAML support for Django REST Framework
DRF endpoints for django-friendship
Python Django RestFul Admin
Python Django RestFul Admin (forked by PPB)
django rest_framework 框架返回的Respone的异常不符合规范、增加error和message的描述
Fuzzy Search for Django REST Framework