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مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
auto generate flask_restful interface document to doclever
A packed to help generate documentation automatically for flask endpoints.
Adds Docs support to Flask.
Simple DocuSign client for Flask
Flask extension to use huey task queues
Flask extension to easily reuse redis connection pools
The .env file support for Flask
Defines a SQLALchemy Mixin for creating Bootstrap download buttons in a Flask application.
Adds Dramatiq support to your Flask application
WebDriver server support for Flask applications
A small http file drop server
Upload files in Flask with Dropzone.js.
A python package implementing the strategy of business transaction in flask microservices developement
Convert Doc String OpenAPI 2.0 in a single endpoint
Display Tables
A simple framework for building HTML Tables for Flask
Use to connect DataWald RESTful API.
Flask-DXCaptcha是依赖顶象科技提供的无感验证功能开发的Flask 扩展
DynamoDB integration for Flask.
Server side sessions in Flask using AWS DynamoDB table as a data store
Flask extension for storing session in dynamodb. Uses flask_dynamo.
Flask extension for creating REST APIs. You get autogenerated OpenAPI spec (with Redoc and Swagger Docs), Request parsing and validations (query, path, body, form and files) and Response validation.
Flask extension for creating REST APIs
Rest API on Flask made a little too easy.
Super simple JSON Web Tokens for Flask
flask_easylog extension for flask application
Make Flask development even easier
A great base model, bringing Django conveniences to Flask
Serves static files with optional directory index
Flasked is a package for creating an API-REST even easier than with Flask_Restful.
Implementation of editor.md the markdown editor for Flask and Flask-WTF.
Editable Content in Flask
Skeleton for flask applications
Core code for Flask based projects
Elegant and simple email library for Flask.
An encrypted cookie based session implementation for flask
Flask extension helping encrypting users personal files
Easily set Flask settings from environment variables
os.environ wrapper for flask config
An environment manager for Flask, with support for whitelists and AWS SSM.
Load application settings from env variables
Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Celery integration
Python CLI build/dev tool for templated code generation and project modification. Think Angular schematics for Python.
The Flaskerizer makes Bootstrap templates work "out of the box" with Flask.
ERPPeek Connector for Flask
A small package to quickly create a very simple flask project
Easy error code and messages with useful troubleshooting and callback features.
A simple and extensible way of displaying error messages.
A flask package to handle exception and notify on gmail
Generic error handlers for Flask blueprints.
Simple and Extensible Error Monitor framework for Flask
Changes standard flask and jwt errors format
Create Flask HTTP error handlers that use template rendering.
Escape curly braces in jinja template for use in JS frameworks
Extension of Elasticsearch for Flask with a simple integration
A flask + connexion + dash ensemble to quickly deploy an app.
A flasket plugin.
Rapid GUI Development for Ethereum Smart Contracts in Flask
Eureka client library for flask
Event planner extension for Flask
Easy structured logging and metrics collection for Flask
A flask extension that provides one application programming interface to read and write data in different excel file formats
flask_exception_emails is a amazing package for data handling
Exchange support for Flask using ExchangeLib.
Decorator for REST endpoints in flask. Validate JSON request data.
interactive app like expressJs for flask.
flask_extended is a tool for help you developing flask applications
Flask extend headers module for API versioning.
Demo for flask extension.
Cookiecutter template for a Flask Extension
Simple configuration system for mail, required for forms packages
A sourcecode manipulation tool for converting imports.
Assorted useful flask views, blueprints, Jinja2 template filters, and templates/macros
flask app init request id
flask decorators check with cerberus,flask return result auto convet
Flaskez is a multipurpose flask extension. It exists both to make creating websites easier, but also to add extra functionality to flask.
Flask extension for sending email
Tool to make integration testing flask app's using flask_sqlalchemy package easy to set up and organized
Tool to make integration testing flask app's using flask_sqlalchemy package easy to set up and organized
flask serverless decorator
Provide a general-purpose application factory of the Flask application, and the configurator that is independent of the app object.
A failsafe for the Flask reloader
A lazy web-framework based on Flask
Flask-fast. It's fast.
Flask-fast. It's fast.
ini config model for flask
Flask-Fastx is a Fast API style support for Flask. It Gives you MyPy types with the flexibility of flask.
Flask Extension for using Firebase Cloud Messaging service