معرفی شرکت ها
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
A small package to log django requests and responses
A package for logging all requests
Django Logic - easy way to implement state-based business logic
a base model that provides built in logical delete functionality
A rule engine for Django apps.
Django Logic Celery - background transitions
A django-cms apphook to aid with user authentication.
A simple Django app to login and also with mongoengine as User backend.
An app to add a "Log in as user" button in the Django user admin page.
Django Login As any user
A Django app to login and signup users.
django-login-canary is a reusable Django application to notify users upon successful and failed logins.
A small example package
Django Login.gov.pl auth
A django app to store logins history of each user
OTP authentication
A Django Middleware to protect all URLs behind a login
Requires login to all requests through middleware.
Allowing an anonymous user to log in by only visiting a URL
Django application for Loginza service
Django Decorator of Logging Request Params/Response Content
Django middleware and log filter to attach a unique ID to every log message generated as part of a request
Simple enhancement to the TestCase which creates user and loggs him in.
Log outgoing requests made by the requests python library
Move data around between Python services using Kafka and/or AWS Kinesis and Django Rest Framework serializers.
Read & Download log files on the admin page
A simple Django app to register log and save them.
Django middleware and log filter to attach a unique ID to every log message generated as part of a request
Logs registry for services
Simple logstash-compatible log handler for Django-based projects
Multiprocess log collector for python/django-logging
A log viewing and tailing utility accessible via a Django admin panel
Allows to read log files from disk with a tail like web console on Django admin interface.
Parses your web server access logs, resolves your URLs against your django project, and tells you what URLs take a long time
a simple logger that sends 500 exceptions to a Telegram bot of your choice.
A Django app to conduct api logs
Simulate exceptions and logging calls in django through http
A middleware to log the requests and responses using loguru.
Various logging-related utilities for Django projects.
Django log viewer
Lokalise (https://lokalise.co) module for Django
logging handler with loki for django
A non-blocking django logging handler for Loki
django-longerusernameandemail provides a migration and a monkeypatch to make the django auth.user username and email fields longer, instead of the arbitrarily short 30 and 75 characters.
A Django application for longform blogging.
A framework for long-living worker processes for Django using redis
Long polling requests for for Django 1.3+ using gevent
API endpoint for receiving incident reports from Content Security Policy (CSP), HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP), and the HTTP Reporting API.
Lookup tables for Django models with management features and fuzzy matching
Django Lookup Dict is a django app that enables you use a django model the Python dict way
Django lookup extensions use NOT query.
A django rating widget with a lookup-table for score-making rules.
Combine all lookup tables into a single unified system.
Django Loose FK handles local or remote "ForeignKey" references.
A simple, generic, API-only shopping cart framework for Django
A django app to manage lost places
Django Login over Token.
A simple Django app to do lunch lotteries
A simple collaborative image/screenshot review app for Django applications
Django-Sandstorm integration
Utils for django project
A smarter local memory cache backend for Django
A simple Django app to conduct Web-based polls.
LTI tool support for Django
Django LTI Authentication Made Easy. Easily integrate with your LTI provider for django projects
LTI helper
This is a highly confirgurable LTI provider for django projects.
A Django application to build LTI Tool Providers
Django app to support ltree postgres extension
LTreeField for Django
django implemention of the ltree postgres extension - this is a backport to Python 2.7/Django 1.11
Ready-built Django managers and models for PostgreSQL trees
Blog app
A simple Luigi app to connect django and luigi.
Django site for personal blog, and anything else
Simple logging. Stored in database, accessed in Django admin.
Django-tuki lume- eli näennäiskentille
A general account app for projects.
Django Lutefisk is a Django user account management app with an API.
ALPHA - don't use!
A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
Django ManyToMany relation field with history of changes
Fast MySQL ordering
MAC address model and form fields for Django apps.
MAC address model and form fields for Django apps.
A Django application to simplify mail account management.
Django app designed to help with easy database record manipulation/creation through a frontend interface. It is called Maced for Merge Add Clone Edit Delete.
Django helpers to run SQL schema migrations ahead of time.
A Django forum engine for building powerful community driven websites.
A package to help developers build front end user interfaces for machine learning models.
A Django template tag library for repeating blocks tags and creating in template macros.
Macros Url library for django
Integrate Madcap Flare docs into your Django project
Magento integration
A collection of simple helpers and utilities for Django web development
Password-less authentication: login by clicking on a magic link received by email.
A Django app for the Oracle text of all Magic: the Gathering cards.
Dynamic database router