معرفی شرکت ها
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
A simple math library
Utilities SDK for extending Cloudify
Diff Helper for Continuous Integration (CI) Services
cloud.iO endpoint glue
Chaos for Clouds.
Auto suggestion english translations cli
Plainchant in Python
A utility for organizing a media folder
html/xml processors for using with BeautifulSoup
Implementation of the cross-entropy information criterion and related algorithms.
Converts a string from snake case to camel case or camel case to snake case
A tiny C++ in-memory cache system with Least recently Used algorithm!
get a china area by province, city or county
Handle data from extjs to bst.pygausus server
Checks CloudFormation templates for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved
A small example package
Python Interface for CaosDB
Package to create a duck marker in matplotlib.
Sets up TFE / TFC workspaces for all stacks based on a seed stack.
Agent Helper
Library for get url content (cached when testing).
A command called sbatch and foo for the cloudmesh shell
Sending email is hard. Let's go shopping!
ArvanCloud DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
Chan for Python, lovingly stolen from Go
Scaleway DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
Composable command line interface toolkit
a python static blog generator
Expose system environment into buildout section
Neural Search
CDK construct library for CloudFront Extensions
Tools for manipulating characters, strings, and character sets.
Pipeline for building clinical outcome prediction models on training dataset and transfer learning on validation datasets.
CCSTD is a library for logging in Python.
A command called gpu and foo for the cloudmesh shell
Manages cloud_sql_proxy connections, allocating fixed ports and allowing control over starting and stopping
A bioinformatics toolkit for processing high-throughput lymphocyte receptor sequencing data.
ccc-gistemp is a reimplementation of GISTEMP in Python for clarity. GISTEMP is a reconstruction of the global historical temperature record from land and sea surface temperature records. It produces a familiar graph of historical temperatures
Schema for Module Fragment of type Logzio::awsCostAndUsage::cur::MODULE
New launcher for TACC
Cloudflare Proxy DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
cdk-aurora-globaldatabase is an AWS CDK construct library that provides Cross Region Create Global Aurora RDS Databases.
Electron diffraction utilities
Cherab spectroscopy framework: OpenADAS atomic data source package
Returns the correct writing of a compound name, respecting the first letters of the names in upper case.
Module for handler postgresql more easy
a command-line toolbox for Ceph
Cameo Future predict future.
CloudFormation equivalent of ad_computer
Reasoning on the response of logical signaling networks with Answer Set Programming
Leverages the Burrows-Wheeler compression of BZip to estimate the complexity/information density of a sequence
click-prompt provides more beautiful interactive options for the Python click library
BTCTurk Rest API Python Implementation
Subclass for string.Template: adds placeholders() method.
change between one type of casing and another
A check50 extension for running and interpreting junit5 unit tests
A Docker and AWS utility package
A Python package for chemical engineering
Several useful custom dictionaries for Python 📖 🐍
Agent LVS
cassandra_backups is a tool to backup a Cassandra cluster to Amazon S3.
Prebuilt google Provider for Terraform CDK (cdktf)
Um coletor de vogais de uma string.
Provides timezone support for bson.json_util.dumps and bson.json_util.loads
Clear Lambda code storage
Captcha Bypass API
Include China city name
Make a website in just 5 minutes!
Select ClickHouse data, convert to pandas dataframes
echarts g2plot klinechart highcharts tabulator python wrapper
Python library to control BruteFIR
Module to validate, format, clean and get verification digit for Chileans RUT numbers
Клиент для API rating.chgk.info
Python package to access the IMDb's database
Deep learning in FEN’s win / loss evaluation.
A small example package
CheckPasswords uses pass_import to read a password manager source file to check for duplicate passwords; check for weak passwords; identify http sites; list available 2fa options; list emails
For easily making chemical buffers and solutions
Add chapters to video based on scene cuts
A module for service
common package for chatbot
Chromedriver Installer
Bridge that takes incoming IRC messages and converts them to other formats
Tools with which to work with Scratch JSON files.
Python package to easily access the CAMELS-AUS dataset
Clapton manages your machine learning setup for easy Zappa deployments
This is an AWS CDK Construct to make deploying a single page website (Angular/React/Vue) to AWS S3 behind SSL/Cloudfront as easy as 5 lines of code.
Prebuilt ionoscloud Provider for Terraform CDK (cdktf)
A database-backed ORM for CIM datasets.
Configuration tool for configuration files
A CIvil ENgineering PYthon package
CaSQ: Celldesigner as Sbml-Qual