Django Freckle Budgets
A reusable Django app that allows to plan year budgets and track them via letsfreckle.
To get the latest stable release from PyPi
.. code-block:: bash
pip install django-freckle-budgets
To get the latest commit from GitHub
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -e git+git://
TODO: Describe further installation steps (edit / remove the examples below):
Add ``freckle_budgets`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``
.. code-block:: python
Add the ``freckle_budgets`` URLs to your ````
.. code-block:: python
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^freckle-budgets/', include('freckle_budgets.urls')),
Don't forget to migrate your database
.. code-block:: bash
./ migrate freckle_budgets
Finally make sure to add the necessary settings to your ````:
.. code-block:: python
FRECKLE_BUDGETS_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'your-freckle-account-name'
FRECKLE_BUDGETS_API_TOKEN = 'your-freckle-api-token'
Add a year
The first thing you need to do is to add a year via the Django admin:
* **Year**: This is the year you want to add, i.e. 2015
* **Rate**: This is your hourly rate that you would like to get for new
projects in this year. This value will be used to calculate the potential
amount of money you could earn if you were fully booked out (one can be
allowed to dream).
* **Work hours per day**: The number of hours you will definitely work on each
work day.
* **Sick leave days**: The number of sick leave days that you estimate (this is
per person, not the total for all employees)
* **Vacation days**: The number of vacation days that each employee may take
during this year.
These values will be used to calculate the total number of hours that your team
can possibly work during any month.
Add months
Once you have added a year, you need to add twelve months for that year via the
Django admin:
* **Year**: The year this month belongs to.
* **Month**: The month number (i.e. 1 for January)
* **Number of employees**: The number of employees that you will have during
this month.
* **Public holidays**: The number of public holidays that this month has in
this year.
Again, these values are mainly needed to calculate the total number of hours
that your team can work during this month.
Add projects
After adding a year and it's months, you need to add a few projects via the
Django admin:
* **Name**: The display name for this project.
* **Freckle project ID**: The project ID of this project in your freckle
* **Color**: A CSS color code for this project (i.e. ``#C7B06F``)
* **Is investment**: If you are working on this project for free (i.e. for
internal projects), enable this checkbox.
Add project budgets to months
For each of your projects, add as many ``ProjectMonth`` objects as needed. For
example, if you have a long running project that has budgets for the whole
year, you would have to add twelve objects:
* **Project**: The project you want to plan for.
* **Month**: The month you want to plan for.
* **Budget**: The budget that you can burn on this project during this month.
* **Rate**: The hourly rate that you can bill for this project.
Add employees
By now, your budget planning should look pretty good. It is time to add some
employees. You can do that via the Django admin:
* **Name**: The name of your employee
* **Freckle ID**: The user id of that employee in Letsfreckle.
Add employee project months
For each ``ProjectMonth`` you can define responsibilities for your employees:
* **ProjectMonth**: Foreign key to the ``ProjectMonth`` you are referring to.
* **Employee**: Foreign key to the ``Employee`` you are referring to.
* **Responsibility**: Amount in percent (1-100). For example, 50 would mean
that this employee is responsible of working off 50% of the total budget
for this project in this month.
Add free time
If your employees know that they will have vacation days, or there are public
holidays, you can track those as well. This will raise the hours per day, since
the same amount of hours will have to be spread over lesser days available in
the month:
* **Employee**: Foreign key to the ``Employee`` who will be absent.
* **Day**: The day when the employee will be absent.
* **Is public holiday**: If ``True``, we will assume that this is a public
holiday. This could be interesting in the future to track, public holidays,
sick-leave and vacation days.
* **Is sick leave**: If ``True``, we will assume that this is a sick-leave day.
This could be interesting in the future to track, public holidays, sick-leave
and vacation days.
If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps
.. code-block:: bash
# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 django-freckle-budgets
make develop
git co -b feature_branch master
# Implement your feature and tests
git add . && git commit
git push -u origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch
In order to run the tests, simply execute ``tox``. It will create two more
venvs and run tests against Django 1.6 and Django 1.7.