Home-page: https://github.com/bitmazk/django-frequently
Author: Tobias Lorenz
Author-email: tobias.lorenz@bitmazk.com
License: The MIT License
Description: django-frequently
A Django application that can be used as a FAQ, a Q&A, for general
announcements or as a miniblog. There are a lot of functions to increase the
user experience, like sorting by popularity, statistics and ratings.
You need to install the following prerequisites in order to use this app::
pip install Django
If you want to use the cms app or the cms plugin please install additionally::
pip install django-cms
If you want to install the latest stable release from PyPi::
$ pip install django-frequently
If you feel adventurous and want to install the latest commit from GitHub::
$ pip install -e git://github.com/bitmazk/django-frequently.git#egg=frequently
Add ``frequently`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``::
# django-cms related
Add the ``frequently`` URLs to your ``urls.py``::
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^faq/', include('frequently.urls')),
As of version 2 of this app, there are some significant backwards incompatible
changes. If you are a new user, you are fine, existing users must check
the migration docs at
[cmsplugin-frequently](https://github.com/bitmazk/cmsplugin-frequently). When
you are ready to install this app, set the following setting to `True` in
your `settings.py`::
Now you can migrate your database::
./manage.py migrate frequently
Just visit the root URL of the app. Let's assume you hooked the app into your
``urls.py`` at `f/`, then visit `yoursite.com/f/`. You will see the entry
overview. As you can see, you can provide a form to let users submit their own
entries @ `yoursite.com/your-question/`.
The entry handling is made by AJAX and jQuery, but is also functional without
Javascript enabled.
* The entries can be up- or downvoted.
* The entries are sorted by popularity.
* Entries can be fixed via an extra attribute.
* The last view date and the amount of all views is tracked.
Default: ``False``
Set this to ``True`` if you want to allow anonymous users to see the list view
and to submit new questions.
Default: ``True``
Set this to ``False`` in order to hide the email field on the question create
form. This makes sense when you have set ``FREQUENTLY_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS`` to
``False`` - in this case you already know the email address of the user.
Template Tag
We provide a template tag to render entries of a certain category.:
{% render_category 'slug-of-the-category' %}
IMPORTANT: Make sure to include the js file in this template:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "frequently/js/frequently.js" %}"></script>
If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps::
# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 django-frequently
$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt
$ python setup.py test
# You should get no failing tests
$ git co -b feature_branch master
# Implement your feature and tests
$ git add . && git commit
$ git push origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch
Whenever you run the tests a coverage output will be generated in
``tests/coverage/index.html``. When adding new features, please make sure that
you keep the coverage at 100%.
If you are making changes that need to be tested in a browser (i.e. to the
CSS or JS files), you might want to setup a Django project, follow the
installation instructions above, then run ``python setup.py develop``. This
will just place an egg-link to your cloned fork in your project's virtualenv.
See the issue list on GitHub for features that are planned for the next
Keywords: django,app,reusable,faq,questions,answers
Platform: OS Independent