# django-friendship
This application enables you to create and manage follows, blocks and bi-directional friendships between users. It features:
- Friendship request objects that can be accepted, rejected, canceled, or marked as viewed.
- Hooks to easily list all friend requests sent or received by a given user, filtered by the status of the request.
- A blocklist for each user of users they've blocked.
- Tags to include information about friendships, blocks and follows in your templates.
- Integration with `AUTH_USER_MODEL`.
- Validation to prevent common mistakes.
- Faster server response time through caching
## Requirements
** Django 3.2 since v1.9.1 **
Previously: **Django 1.11+** since v1.7.0 (latest release supporting **Django 1.10** is v1.6.0)
## Installation
1. `pip install django-friendship`
2. add `"friendship"` to `INSTALLED_APPS` and run `python manage.py migrate`.
3. Use the friendship manager in your own views, or wire up the URLconf to include the builtin views:
urlpatterns = [
path('friendship/', include('friendship.urls'))
Note: If you are migrating from django-friendship `v1.6.x`, you'll need to rollback your migrations and fake
migration `0002`
$ ./manage.py migrate friendship 0001
$ ./manage.py migrate friendship 0002 --fake
If you're migrating from `v1.7.x`, you'll likely have to fake `0003` as well:
$ ./manage.py migrate friendship 0003 --fake
## Usage
`django-friendship` provides a free API that gives you several ways to create and manage friendship requests or follows in your views. Add the following at the top of your `views.py`:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from friendship.models import Friend, Follow, Block
### Getting Data about Friendships
- List all of a user's friends: `Friend.objects.friends(request.user)`
- List all unread friendship requests: `Friend.objects.unread_requests(user=request.user)`
- List all unrejected friendship requests: `Friend.objects.unrejected_requests(user=request.user)`
- Count of all unrejected friendship requests: `Friend.objects.unrejected_request_count(user=request.user)`
- List all rejected friendship requests: `Friend.objects.rejected_requests(user=request.user)`
- Count of all rejected friendship requests: `Friend.objects.rejected_request_count(user=request.user)`
- List of all sent friendship requests: `Friend.objects.sent_requests(user=request.user)`
- Test if two users are friends: `Friend.objects.are_friends(request.user, other_user) == True`
### Getting Data about Follows
- List of a user's followers: `Follow.objects.followers(request.user)`
- List of who a user is following: `Follow.objects.following(request.user)`
### Getting Data about Blocks
- List of a user's blockers: `Block.objects.blocked(request.user)`
- List of who a user is blocking: `Block.objects.blocking(request.user)`
- Test if a user is blocked: `Block.objects.is_blocked(request.user, other_user) == True`
### Managing Friendships and Follows
#### Create a friendship request:
other_user = User.objects.get(pk=1)
request.user, # The sender
other_user, # The recipient
message='Hi! I would like to add you') # This message is optional
#### Let the user who received the request respond:
from friendship.models import FriendshipRequest
friend_request = FriendshipRequest.objects.get(from_user=request.user, to_user=other_user)
# or friend_request.reject()
#### To remove the friendship relationship between `request.user` and `other_user`, do the following:
Friend.objects.remove_friend(request.user, other_user)
#### Make request.user a follower of other_user:
Follow.objects.add_follower(request.user, other_user)
#### Make request.user block other_user:
Block.objects.add_block(request.user, other_user)
#### Make request.user unblock other_user:
Block.objects.remove_block(request.user, other_user)
### Templates
You can use `django-friendship` tags in your templates. First enter:
{% load friendshiptags %}
Then use any of the following:
{% friends request.user %}
{% followers request.user %}
{% following request.user %}
{% friend_requests request.user %}
{% blockers request.user %}
{% blocking request.user %}
### Signals
`django-friendship` emits the following signals:
- friendship_request_created
- friendship_request_rejected
- friendship_request_canceled
- friendship_request_accepted
- friendship_removed
- follower_created
- following_created
- follower_removed
- following_removed
- block_created
- block_removed
### Contributing
Development [takes place on GitHub](https://github.com/revsys/django-friendship). Bug reports, patches, and fixes are always welcome!
# Need help?
[REVSYS](http://www.revsys.com?utm_medium=github&utm_source=django-test-plus) can help with your Python, Django, and infrastructure projects. If you have a question about this project, please open a GitHub issue. If you love us and want to keep track of our goings-on, here's where you can find us online:
<a href="https://revsys.com?utm_medium=github&utm_source=django-friendship"><img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/915928618840285185/sUdRGIn1_400x400.jpg" height="50" /></a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/revsys"><img src="https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/new_twitter_icon/256/bird_twitter_new_simple.png" height="43" /></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/revsysllc/"><img src="https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/picons-social/57/06-facebook-512.png" height="50" /></a>