# AI Harness
## Introduction
This project would like to supply some convenient tools for the machine learning and deep learning.
Current features:
- XMLConfiguration: for loading a configuration defined in xml files into a Python Object
- Arguments: Mapping a Python Object to the arguments of argparse
- inspector: Some convenient method for class/object
- executors: Some convenient ProcessExecutor
- fileutils: DirectoryNavigator, FileReadPipeLine
- others:
## Log
- 2019.4.18, version: 0.3.0: Added distributed training tools for python
- 2019.4.23, version: 0.3.5: Added a Json file Reader
- 2019.4.24, version: 0.3.6: Added a data utils for processing data
- 2019.4.26, version: 0.3.7 Added a data utils for processing data for zip file
- 2019.4.28, version: 0.3.8 Added QueueExecutor
## Examples
### 1. XMLConfiguration
##### (1) Define the configuration in xml file like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<arg name="name" default="TestName" help="Name Test Help"/>
<arg name="age" default="20" help="Age Test Help"/>
<group name="address">
<arg name="home" default="shanghai" help="Home test Help"/>
<arg name="phone" default="136" help="Phone test Help"/>
<group name="education">
<arg name="school" default="beijing" help="school test Help"/>
<arg name="grade" default="master" help="grade test Help"/>
you can define multiple xml configuration files, and if the name is same, the value of the later will cover the previous.
#### (3) Define the configuration class like:
from aiharness.configuration import configclass,field
class Address:
phone: int = field(139, "phone help")
home: str = field("beijing", "phone help")
class Education:
school: str = field('ustb', "phone help")
grade: str = field("master", "phone help")
class Config:
name: str = field("test", "name help")
age: str = field(10, "age help")
address: Address = Address()
education: Education = Education()
#### (3) Load the xml configuration into python object as folling:
from aiharness.configuration import XmlConfiguration
### Arguments Example
Generally, we use argparse as following:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--name",default='TEST',help='name help')
parser.add_argument("--age",default=18,help='age help')
And you can got a arguments object.
Here give an example showing how to load a xml configuration and set to argparse arguments and to parse the arguments into a object you defined.
And here the Config Class and 'configuration.xml' are same with those of the Configuration example.
Firstly, in fact, the Config Class instead of the codes of 'add_argument' of the argparse.ArgumentParser.
Secondly, you can put the configuration into a xml file so that you can change it conveniently.
from aiharness.configuration import Arguments, XmlConfiguration
config: Config = XmlConfiguration(Config).load(['configuration.xml'])
arguments = Arguments(config)
config: Config = arguments.parse()