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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Debian packages for PCB development
Packages for design of circuits at radio frequencies
Debian packages for simulation of electronic circuits
Debian Electronics tasks for tasksel
Original set of vector icons for elementary OS
elementary icon theme modified for Xfce
advanced text-mode WWW browser - data files
advanced text-mode WWW browser - documentation
documentation for the Extension Language Kit
Data mining algorithm development framework
Data mining algorithm development framework - development files
16-bit x86 C library and include files
functions for dealing with associative structures
auto-complete back-end for RTags
selecting a link to jump to
replace GUI popup menu with something more efficient
selecting a window to switch to
Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface
smart line-wrapping with wrap-prefix
Emacs frontend to ag
dependently typed functional programming language — emacs mode
Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change
show number of matches in mode-line while searching
Emacs major mode for editing Apache configuration files
api-wrapping macros
test support functions for Emacs
simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs
edit a web-browser text entry area with Emacs
ATS version 2 programming language emacs mode
intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs
automatic dictionary switcher for Emacs spell checking
Emacs library that makes theme creation more convenient
jump to things in Emacs tree-style
library providing avy-powered popup menu
switch Emacs block cursor to a bar
add programmable bash completion to Emacs shell-mode
highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls
redefine M-< and M-> for some modes to get to meaningful locations
key-chord binding helper for use-package-chords
simple way to manage personal keybindings
bind personal keymaps in multiple locations
visual bookmarks for GNU Emacs
quote text in Emacs with a semi-box
simple major mode for bpftrace scripts
interactively insert items from kill-ring
automatically debug and bisect your init.el or .emacs file
Emacs Buffer interface library
behaviour-driven testing for Emacs Lisp packages
signature tool for GNU Emacs
emacs mode for editing OCaml programs
create your own menu for fast insertion of arbitrary symbols
client for IRC in Emacs
Act on bibliographic references from Emacs
Emacs major mode for Clojure code
extra font-locking for clojure-mode
Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
cream/brown/orange color theme for Emacs
Emacs major mode for editing CMake sources
deftheme reimplementation of classic Emacs color-themes
Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs
company back-end for RTags
COMPATibility Library for Emacs
higher level library for concurrent tasks
Useful commands based on completing-read for Emacs
Completion Overlay Region FUnction in Emacs
collection of Ivy-enhanced versions of common Emacs commands
collaborative editing environment for Emacs
Emacs major mode for editing comma, char, and tab separated values
table component for Emacs Lisp
DAP UI controls implemented using treemacs.
pcl-cvs like interface for managing darcs patches
remove visual distractions and focus on writing
modern list manipulation library for Emacs
database interface for Emacs Lisp
D-Bus convenience layer for Emacs
Emacs helpers specific to Debian users
paste.debian.net client for Emacs
simple asynchronous functions for Emacs Lisp
Emacs mode to browse, filter, and edit plain text notes
Emacs wrappers for the commands in devscripts
highlight uncommitted changes using VC
view diffs in side-by-side format
hiding or abbreviation of the mode line displays of minor-modes
visually highlight the selected buffer
dired with recursive directory sizes
persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in various ways
support for rsync from Emacs dired buffers
UDisks2 UI for Emacs, to mount & unmount disks
discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode
Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles
opinionated pack of modern Emacs color-themes
Emacs helpers specific to Debian development
jump to definition for multiple languages without configuration
BibTeX database manager for Emacs
Emacs Does Interactive Prolog
coding style indenter for all editors - Emacsen plugin
Emacs Desktop Notification Center
Emacs client for Language Server Protocol servers
tiny mock and stub framework for Emacs Lisp
Emacs Lisp extensions