معرفی شرکت ها
core-release x86_64
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Lincity - A City Simulation Game
Communicating Sequential Processes for Java (JCSP)
Pidgin extension, to use end to end encryption
Update access and modification timestamps
Shared libraries for Unbound
Development documentation for Linux Driver Management
Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs
A ruby module for reading and writing zip files
Shared library files for openjade
Trie manipulation tool
Clipboard history plugin for the Xfce panel
QtPublishSubscribe runtime library
Header files and libraries from fluidsynth
Allows use of Module::Build and ExtUtils::MakeMaker in a dzil dist
Runtime library for Kopete
A transparant caching implementation of http get
Image_Text - Advanced text maipulations in images
Extract and convert bitmaps from Windows icon and cursor files
Microsoft WinNT domain authentication library
UI abstraction library - Qt plugin
RefDB-perlmod module for perl
Typesystems files for PySide xml and xmlpatterm modules
Screen-shot capture using Imlib 2
Javadoc for junit5
Formatting library for ls-like programs development sources
Faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
Compare JSON with Test::Deep
Header files and static libraries from libmpcdec
Greek -> English *Quick dictionary for StarDict 2
Sphinx Celery Theme
Static Lib for ngspice
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call shortcut
Kurdish language data for Tesseract
Library that is used to make fuzzy comparisons of strings and byte arrays
Correctness annotations for Java code
HornetQ Parent POM
Example clients that use Jack
A Custom MutableSet that remembers its order
Compatibility Maven settings artifact
Reusable cluster libraries
Shared library for guvcview rendering support
telepathy-qt development files
PyQt 5 sql
Base class for random devices
MinGW Windows Boost C++ library for the win32 target
QEMU block driver for DMG disk images
Network-related GIO modules
Programs dor manipulating Type 1 font
Extensions that were not, or are not yet, accepted in the main kernel/iptables packages
Yum plugin to add puppet checksums to verify data
Typesystems files for PySide phonon module
Tapper - Wrapper for Benchmark::Perl::Formance
Markdown processor for Go
Sans Kharoshthi font
Javadoc for plexus-cipher
Library of vigra library
Web Application Finger Printer
Simple tabbed text editor
Configuration file parsing library
Documentation for python2-marshmallow
EucJP-ascii - An eucJP-open mapping
Mysema Commons Lang
Re-implementation of zlib in pure Java
JDBC Connection Pool
Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian
Provide libnotify interface to Pidgin and Finch
Library for sleuthkit
Amarok Handbook
Parser and formatter for RFC 2253 style DN strings
Libraries and include files for developing with libgee
Javadoc for geronimo-jaxrpc
Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
International Components for Unicode for Java
A python binding to libmtp
UI/Kwallet Integration for telepathy-kde
Simple ruby build program with capabilities similar to make
Tool to create isolated Python 3 environments
Programming library for writing an XML-RPC server or client in C or C++
Javadoc for xmlenc
Unix::ConfigFile module for Perl
Base class for working with Perl distributions
Read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes
PipeWire media server documentation
Perl extension for adminstration of Heimdal Kerberos servers
A powerful declarative parser/builder for binary data
Fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
Downgrade listed dependencies to recommendations if present
Put a bunch of emitted events in an array, for testing
An implementation of the FITS World Coordinate System standard
Libraries from openbox
Advanced functionality for accessing LDAP directories
Apache OpenWebBeans EE Resource plugin
CPU frequency scaling daemon
Javadoc for apache-commons-vfs
An anti-virus utility for Unix
IntelliJ IDEA Annotations
Example tool from libcdio
Ruby Date Recurrence Library
Free/libre data files for Angband
Complete HTML documentation for isdn4k-utils