معرفی شرکت ها
core-release x86_64
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
PulseAudio Preferences
Library files for basket
Utilities for the zziplib library
Headers and pkg-config files needed to compile xrdp backends
Build or find libtool
Persian language data for Tesseract
The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M. - a 2D platform game in classic style
KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for generating UI
Network reporting plugin
Simple PolicyKit authentication agent
Static Library for developing applications with libcddb
Dump the syskey bootkey from a Windows system hive
Yamagi Quake II is an enhanced client for id Software's Quake II
Read and write meta information
Real-time patchable audio and multimedia processor
Sans Telugu UI font
Build infrastructure and utilities for GNOME C++ bindings
Maven Install Plugin
Data files for Thai
Javadoc for artemis
JBoss IIOP Client
Python 2 object model built on top of JSON schema
DOSEMU allows you to to run DOS programs
Sums decimal big integers from stdin or files - one in each line
Querydsl - Scala support
Development libs for libiec61883
Devel files needed to build apps based on qbs
Application handbook documentation for simon
MATE menu library
Plymouth "Fade-Throbber" plugin
RainbowCrack (improved, multi-threaded)
Jetty rewrite handler
OpenJPEG library
T-Engine4 is a graphical roguelike and tactical RPG engine
Module for RADIUS authentication and accounting
Header files and development libraries for libfuse2
Runtime libraries for PARPACK
Mako template library for Python 3
API docs for postgresql-jdbc
Development files for GLFW
Arcus C++ headers and libraries
Development files for libopenshot
Plugin for CPANPLUS to automate
Plugin loginfail
Sans Gujarati font
Fast and reliable FTP client
A grammar development environment for natural languages
Devel stuff for qqc2-desktop-style
A thumbnail D-Bus service
Base files for localization (Yakut (Sakha))
Erlang module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax
A GIMP plug-in to load raw files of digicams (GIMP 2.x)
389 Directory Server (base)
Page numbering and page sets
Javadocs for woden
PostgreSQL database support for Sympa
htmlcxx is a simple non-validating css1 and html parser for C++
Load and save configuration files in a standard format
SELinux policy documentation
GNOME Taquin game
Virtual package providing default zh_CN fonts
Tool for audio spectrum analysis and visualization
OpenCascade based MESH framework
Xorg X11 font adobe-75dpi
KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module for icon themes
Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
Development documentation for notify-sharp
Open Geographic Datastore Interface - library
Frontend and .dmod installer for GNU FreeDink
Write DOAP data quickly and easily
Internal library required for xmorph/gtkmorph
Documentation for ruby-sdoc
Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes
Documentation for cookiecutter
Access the authentication and encryption features provided by GnuPG
Script to setup a PXE server, dhcpd tftp and optiannly a DNS server
Romanian thesaurus
A Linux clone of Notepad++
That package provides plugin "desklet-rendering"
Apache Geronimo JCache Spec 1.0
Completely open audiocodec
Fully reentrant perl OO LALR(1) parser creator
An open source cryptography library
Decorator for retrying when exceptions occur
Parse::RecDescent::Consumer - reveal text matched through n token transitions
Trace a DNS record to its start of authority
The Erlang standard libraries
Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
gRPC++ Cronet library
The KDE calendar utility library
Nagios account settings management
Apache Tika XMP
SQLObject Object-Relational Manager, aka database wrapper
Qt5 ScXml component
Continuous build and release infrastructure
GSS-API support for rsyslog
A spell checker for Java
Returns true if the given number is odd
Colorizer for subversion, based on colorgcc and colorcvs
GNU Radio analog