معرفی شرکت ها
universe amd64
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
automatic cleanup of old TeX-related files
Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
setuid helper for making bind mounts and chrooting
setuid helper for making bind mounts and chrooting (debug files)
utilities for wireless prism2 cards
Port of the Windows file-sharing program, DC++
convert LinuxDoc SGML source into other formats
Displays extended system information
Color ANSI System Logo
Precision Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE1588) implementation for Linux
VNC server to allow remote access to a tty
audio streaming language
audio streaming language -- all plugins
audio streaming language -- ALSA plugin
audio streaming language -- AO plugin
audio streaming language -- Camlimages plugin
audio streaming language -- DSSI plugin
audio streaming language -- FAAD plugin
audio streaming language -- FLAC plugin
audio streaming language -- Frei0r plugin
audio streaming language -- Gavl plugin
audio streaming language -- libgd plugin
audio streaming language -- Graphics plugin
audio streaming language -- GStreamer plugin
audio streaming language -- Icecast plugin
audio streaming language -- JACK plugin
audio streaming language -- LADSPA plugin
audio streaming language -- Lame plugin
audio streaming language -- Lastfm plugin
audio streaming language -- LO plugin
audio streaming language -- Mad plugin
audio streaming language -- Ogg plugin
audio streaming language -- Opus plugin
audio streaming language -- OSS plugin
audio streaming language -- Portaudio plugin
audio streaming language -- Pulseaudio plugin
audio streaming language -- Samplerate plugin
audio streaming language -- SDL plugin
audio streaming language -- Shine plugin
audio streaming language -- Soundtouch plugin
audio streaming language -- Speex plugin
audio streaming language -- Taglib plugin
audio streaming language -- Theora plugin
audio streaming language -- Voaacenc plugin
audio streaming language -- Vorbis plugin
audio streaming language -- Xmlplaylist plugin
truly original multiplayer wargame
Liquid War server
Infra-red remote control support - daemons and utils
LIRC plugin providing irman compatible devices support
infra-red remote control support - X utilities
Object-oriented language based on prototype
Keyboard with configurable layout and transparency
Lightweight Trace Library - tools
WebDAV server test suite
development environment for children
multimedia RTSP streaming tools
Simple mixer for live performances
Video Editing system allowing users to edit and create video
LiVES plugins pack
Tools for manipulating C source code
LizardFS - administration tools
simple CGI-capable HTTP server to run LizardFS CGI monitor
LizardFS - data server
LizardFS - client tools and mount utility
LizardFS - master server
LizardFS - metalogger server
user-space access to Linux kernel SCTP - commandline tools
an oscilloscope DSSI plugin
LLVM-based linker
LLVM-based linker
LLVM-based linker
Next generation, high-performance debugger
Next generation, high-performance debugger
Next generation, high-performance debugger
Next generation, high-performance debugger
Next generation, high-performance debugger
Link Layer Discovery Protocol Implementation (Runtime)
Link Layer Discovery Protocol Implementation (Development headers)
implementation of IEEE 802.1ab (LLDP)
Link-Local Multicast Resolution (LLMNR) Daemon for Linux
Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM)
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, tools
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, tools
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, tools
Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, tools
Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), libraries and headers
Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), bytecode interpreter
utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
Command-line firmware flashing tool to communicate with the Stellaris Launchpad
game where you build figures out of colored marbles
Lightning Memory-Mapped Database Utilities
Children's game based on the "memory" card game
Remote GDB socket over USB for Stellaris Launchpad ICDI