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مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Gilt is a git layering tool
A simple GIT URL parser similar to giturlparse.py
Documentation for OpenStack Glance API Client
Documentation for gmpy2
Documentation for OpenStack Gnocchi API Client
Documentation for python-google-cloud-datacatalog
Documentation for python-graphql-core
Documentation for python-graphviz
Documentation for python-gsd
Documentation for guessit python library
Documentation for the python-gunicorn package
Documentation for python-h2
Documentation and examples for python-hdfs
Documentation for OpenStack Heat API Client
Documentation for hl7
Documentation for python-hpilo
HTML Minifier
Documentation for the python-hudman
Documentation for the 'humanfriendly' Python module
Documentation for python-hyperframe
Documentation for python-hyperlink
Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support
Common system dependencies for python-imgcreate
Documentation and examples for python-intern
Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage
python-ipuz documentation
Documentation for python-ipykernel
Documentation for python-ipyparallel
JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Client for Python
Javadoc files for python-jep
Documentation files for pyjnius
Documentation for python-jose
Documentation for python-josepy
jsonpath-rw-ext documentation
Documentation of the Jupyter protocol reference implementation
jupyter-console documentation
Documentation of the base package for Jupyter projects
Jupyter filesystem layout
Documentation for python-jupyter-sphinx
Documentation for Pure Python client for Apache Kafka
Documentation for python-kazoo
Documentation for python-keyrings-alt
Documentation for OpenStack Identity Authentication Library
Documentation for OpenStack Keystone API client
klein documentation
Documentation for python-kubernetes.
Documentation for python-latexcodec
Python launcher for Unix
Documentation for python-lazyarray
Common development files for the Python bindings for the LDB library
Common development files for the Python bindings for the LDB library
Python charting for 80% of humans
Electrostatic models for multicompartment neuron models
Documentation for libNeuroML
Documentation files for python bindings libcomps library
python-libcst documentation
Documentation for python-libpysal
Utilities to implement rate limiting using various strategies
listparser documentation
Documentation for python-livereload
Lightweight LLVM Python binding for writing JIT compilers
lockfile documentation
python-magnumclient documentation
Documentation for OpenStack Share API Client
markups documentation
Documentation for python-marshmallow
Documentation and examples for matplotlib-scalebar
Documentation for maxminddb
maya documentation
Documentation for MEAutility
mechanicalsoup documentation
Documentation for python-metaextract
Documentation for python-metakernel
sphinxcontrib-asyncio documentation
Documentation for python client for Mistral REST API
Documentation for python-mistune
HTML documentation for python-mizani
Documentation for python-mongoengine
Examples for python-mpd2
mplcursors documentation
HTML documentation for python-mpmath
Documentation for mrcrowbar
Configuration files for python-multilib
Documentation for python-multiprocess
Music corpus and other shared files for music21
Documentation for python-mutagen
Documentation for python-mysqlclient
Documentation for python-nb2plots
Documentation for nbconvert
nbsphinx documentation
Documentation and examples for python-ncclient
Documentation for python-neovim
Example files for python-networkmanager
Documentation for networkx
Documentation for python-neurom
Documentation for python-neurotune
Documentation for OpenStack Neutron API Client
Python automated machine learning framework
A minimalistic framework for numerical association rule mining
Python framework for building classifiers using nature-inspired algorithms