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تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Include stack traces on all warnings and errors
Code coverage metrics for Perl
Find memory cycles in objects
Deprecated Perl code profiler
Adding keywords to perl, in perl
Higher level interface to Devel-Declare
Pure-OO reimplementation of dumpvar.pl
Find access violations to blessed objects
Fast perl per-line profiler
Find the path to the current Perl interpreter
Tests for perl-Devel-FindPerl
Walk Perl's arena
Expose PL_dirty, the flag that marks global destruction
Detect perl's global phase on older perls
Optimise executable Perl ops
Print nice hex dump of binary data
Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing)
Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
Scoped checks for object leaks
Alias lexical variables
Write a heap dump file for later analysis
Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler
Tests for perl-Devel-NYTProf
Introspect overloaded operators
Override CORE::GLOBAL::require safely
Perl Pollution Portability header generator
Tests for perl-Devel-PPPort
Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing
Patch perl source a la Devel::PPPort's buildperl.pl
A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
Helper functions for developers of lexical pragmas
Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp
Modern perl interactive shell
Devel-REPL plugin for tab completion
Devel-REPL plugin for completing module names
Devel-REPL plugin for completing keywords and operators
Devel-REPL plugin for formatting results with Data::Dumper::Concise
Devel-REPL plugin for formatting results with Data::Dump::Streamer
Devel-REPL plugin for trapping INT signal
Devel-REPL plugin for lexical environments
Devel-REPL plugin for multi-line blocks
Devel-REPL plugin for uploading data to a nopaste site
Devel-REPL plugin for dumping Perl code
Devel-REPL plugin for reloading libraries
Tests for perl-Devel-REPL
Perl extension for refactoring Perl code
Obtain the REFCNT value of a referent
Generate stubs for a SelfLoading module
See where you code warns and dies using stack traces
Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
Per-line Perl profiler
Perl module implementing stack trace and stack trace frame objects
Displays a stack trace in HTML
Generate stack traces with lexical variables
Gather information about strings
A Perl module for inspecting Perl's symbol table
Track and report execution time for parts of code
Print out each line before it is executed (like sh -x)
Linux/POSIX emulation of Win32::SerialPort functions
Calculate a diff with LibXDiff (via XS)
Modules that calculate message digests
Create bubble-babble fingerprints
Generic CRC functions
Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Tests for perl-Digest-HMAC
Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm
Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
Perl interface to the MD4 Algorithm
Perl interface to the MD5 algorithm
Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and URLs
Perl interface to the Nilsima Algorithm
Perl implementation of Ron Rivest's MD5 Algorithm
Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
Tests for perl-Digest-SHA
Digest-SHA1 Perl module
Perl extension for SHA-3
Tests for perl-Digest-SHA3
Tests for perl-Digest
Load texts or blobs from a directory of files
A __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in
Supply object methods for directory handles
Object oriented interface to a directory based queue
Test suite for package perl-Directory-Queue
Self-cleaning scratch space for tests
Creates temporary files and directories from a structured description
Declare version conflicts for your dist
Information about a perl module distribution
CPAN distribution builder
Tests for perl-Dist-Milla
Distribution builder; installer not included!
Code coverage metrics for your distribution
Config::MVP::Slicer customized for Dist::Zilla
Ensure Changes file has content before releasing
Dist::Zilla configuration for a Git repository
Copy specific files after building for SCM inclusion
Copy files from a release for SCM inclusion
Update your git repository after release
Add contributor names from git to your distribution
Tests for perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git
Automatically include GitHub meta information in META.yml