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توضیح خلاصه
Documentation for rubygem-ruby_version
This is an update to the old `gem mirror` command
Documentation for rubygem-rubygems-mirror
A ruby module for reading and writing zip files
Documentation for rubygem-rubyzip
Rugged is a Ruby binding to the libgit2 library
Documentation for rubygem-rugged
Parse YAML safely
Documentation for rubygem-safe_yaml
A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
Documentation for rubygem-sass
Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
Documentation for rubygem-sass-rails
Gem of the Twitter Bootstrap
Documentation for rubygem-sass-twitter-bootstrap
Use libsass with Ruby!
Documentation for rubygem-sassc
Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails
Documentation for rubygem-sassc-rails
A Ruby implementation of the C function scanf(3)
Documentation for rubygem-scanf
Pure-ruby polyfill of MRI 2.1 String#scrub
Documentation for rubygem-scrub_rb
A powerful, clean graphing library for Ruby
Scruffy gem documentation
Pure Ruby implementation of systemd's sd_notify(3)
Documentation for rubygem-sd_notify
Selenium is a browser automation tool for automated testing of webapps and more
Documentation for rubygem-selenium-webdriver
Utility class for parsing, storing, and comparing versions
Documentation for rubygem-semantic
Useful tools for working with Semantic Versions
Documentation for rubygem-semantic_puppet
The Database Toolkit for Ruby
Documentation for rubygem-sequel
Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports
Documentation for rubygem-serialport
Session drives external programs
Documentation for rubygem-session
Simple settings solution for Ruby
Documentation for rubygem-settingslogic
A branch of ParseTree providing generic sexp processing tools
Documentation for rubygem-sexp_processor
Simple, somewhat portable command capturing
Documentation for rubygem-shellany
Simple depth first Ruby testing
Documentation for rubygem-shindo
Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
Context framework extracted from Shoulda
Documentation for rubygem-shoulda-context
Documentation for rubygem-shoulda
Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality
Documentation for rubygem-shoulda-matchers
Code coverage analysis tool for Ruby 1.9
Documentation for rubygem-simplecov
Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov
Documentation for rubygem-simplecov-html
Punycode ACE to unicode UTF-8 (and vice-versa) string conversion
Documentation for rubygem-simpleidn
Ruby-based web application framework
Cross Origin Resource Sharing helper for Sinatra
Documentation for rubygem-sinatra-cross_origin
Documentation for rubygem-sinatra
Ruby DSL for creating restful applications using Sinatra
Documentation for rubygem-sinatra-rabbit
Slim is a template language
Documentation for rubygem-slim
A Ruby implementation of SNMP (the Simple Network Management Protocol)
Documentation for rubygem-snmp
Rails application preloader
Documentation for rubygem-spring
Makes spring watch files using the listen gem
Documentation for rubygem-spring-watcher-listen
Rack-based asset packaging system
Documentation for rubygem-sprockets
Sprockets Rails integration
Documentation for rubygem-sprockets-rails
Allows Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite3 database
Documentation for rubygem-sqlite3
Generate private/public SSH key-pairs using pure Ruby
Documentation for sshkey
Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
Documentation files, rdoc, ri, examples and tests
Ruby client for the Stomp messaging protocol
Documentation for rubygem-stomp
Useful extensions to Ruby's String class
Documentation for rubygem-stringex
Gemified version of Syck from Ruby's stdlib
Documentation for rubygem-syck
A module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter
Documentation for rubygem-sync
Ruby library for performing simple syntax highlighting
Documentation for rubygem-syntax
An interface for returning uname (platform) information
Documentation for rubygem-sys-uname
Documentation for rubygem-systemu
Template compilation framework in Ruby
Documentation for rubygem-temple
Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences