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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر


Certificate System - Java Framework
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل Linux
توزیع CentOS 7
مخزن Centos updates noarch
نام بسته pki-base-java
نام فایل بسته pki-base-java-10.5.18-27.el7_9.noarch.rpm
نسخه بسته 10.5.18
انتشار بسته 27.el7_9
معماری بسته noarch
نگهدارنده -
تاریخ ساخت Mon 12 Jun 2023 05
هاست سازنده x86-02.bsys.centos.org
نوع بسته .rpm
آدرس صفحه اصلی http://pki.fedoraproject.org/
مجوز GPLv2
حجم دانلود 1.3M
حجم نصب 1.238M
The PKI Framework contains the common and client libraries and utilities written in Java. This package is a part of the PKI Core used by the Certificate System. This package is a part of the PKI Core used by the Certificate System. ================================== || ABOUT "CERTIFICATE SYSTEM" || ================================== Certificate System (CS) is an enterprise software system designed to manage enterprise Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) deployments. PKI Core contains ALL top-level java-based Tomcat PKI components: * pki-symkey * pki-base * pki-base-python2 (alias for pki-base) * pki-base-python3 * pki-base-java * pki-tools * pki-server * pki-ca * pki-kra * pki-ocsp * pki-tks * pki-tps * pki-javadoc which comprise the following corresponding PKI subsystems: * Certificate Authority (CA) * Key Recovery Authority (KRA) * Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Manager * Token Key Service (TKS) * Token Processing Service (TPS) Python clients need only install the pki-base package. This package contains the python REST client packages and the client upgrade framework. Java clients should install the pki-base-java package. This package contains the legacy and REST Java client packages. These clients should also consider installing the pki-tools package, which contain native and Java-based PKI tools and utilities. Certificate Server instances require the fundamental classes and modules in pki-base and pki-base-java, as well as the utilities in pki-tools. The main server classes are in pki-server, with subsystem specific Java classes and resources in pki-ca, pki-kra, pki-ocsp etc. Finally, if Certificate System is being deployed as an individual or set of standalone rather than embedded server(s)/service(s), it is strongly recommended (though not explicitly required) to include at least one PKI Theme package: * dogtag-pki-theme (Dogtag Certificate System deployments) * dogtag-pki-server-theme * redhat-pki-server-theme (Red Hat Certificate System deployments) * redhat-pki-server-theme * customized pki theme (Customized Certificate System deployments) * <customized>-pki-server-theme NOTE: As a convenience for standalone deployments, top-level meta packages may be provided which bind a particular theme to these certificate server packages.

جایگزین ها

بسته نسخه معماری مخزن
pki-base-java-10.5.18-7.el7.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS os
pki-base-java-10.5.18-16.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-18.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-25.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-19.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-12.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-15.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-24.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-14.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-17.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates
pki-base-java-10.5.18-21.el7_9.noarch.rpm 10.5.18 noarch CentOS updates


مقدار نام
- apache-commons-cli
- apache-commons-codec
- apache-commons-io
- apache-commons-lang
- apache-commons-logging
- jakarta-commons-httpclient
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
- javassist
>= 0:1.7.5-10 jpackage-utils
>= 4.4.9-3 jss
>= 4.19-5 ldapjdk
= 10.5.18-27.el7_9 pki-base
>= 3.0.6-1 resteasy-base-atom-provider
>= 3.0.6-1 resteasy-base-client
>= 3.0.6-1 resteasy-base-jackson-provider
>= 3.0.6-1 resteasy-base-jaxb-provider
>= 3.0.6-1 resteasy-base-jaxrs
>= 3.0.6-1 resteasy-base-jaxrs-api
- slf4j
- xalan-j2
- xml-commons-apis
- xml-commons-resolver

ارائه دهنده

مقدار نام
= 10.5.18-27.el7_9 pki-base-java

نحوه نصب

نصب پکیج rpm pki-base-java:

    sudo yum localinstall pki-base-java-10.5.18-27.el7_9.noarch.rpm

فایل ها


گزارش تغییرات

تاریخ آخرین تغییر جزئیات

# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 23):
# RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 23):
Bugzilla Bug #2179305 - Unable to use the TPS UI "Token Filter" to filter
Bugzilla Bug #2092522 - TPS Not allowing Token Status Change based on
Bugzilla Bug #2176233 - TPS Not allowing Token Status Change based on


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 22):
# RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 22):
Bugzilla Bug #2179305 - Unable to use the TPS UI "Token Filter" to filter
Bugzilla Bug #2092522 - TPS Not allowing Token Status Change based on
Bugzilla Bug #2176233 - TPS Not allowing Token Status Change based on


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 21):
Bugzilla Bug #2160355 - RA Separation by KeyType - Set Token Status
# RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 21):
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 19):
Bugzilla Bug #2107329 - CVE-2022-2414 pki-core: access to external
7.9.z] (ckelley, mharmsen)
# RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 19):
Bugzilla Bug #2107325 - CVE-2022-2414 pki-core: access to external


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 18):
Bugzilla Bug #2107329 - CVE-2022-2414 pki-core: access to external
7.9.z] (ckelley, mharmsen)
Bugzilla Bug #2111514 - CVE-2022-2393 pki-core: When using the
7.9] (cfu, ckelley)
# RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 18):
Bugzilla Bug #2107325 - CVE-2022-2414 pki-core: access to external
Bugzilla Bug #2111493 - CVE-2022-2393 pki-core: When using the


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 17):
Bugzilla Bug #2107329 - CVE-2022-2414 pki-core: access to external
7.9.z] (ckelley, mharmsen)
Bugzilla Bug #2111514 - CVE-2022-2393 pki-core: When using the
7.9] (cfu, ckelley)
# RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 17):
Bugzilla Bug #2107325 - CVE-2022-2414 pki-core: access to external
Bugzilla Bug #2111493 - CVE-2022-2393 pki-core: When using the


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 15):
Bugzilla Bug #2074722 - user password and pkcs12 password exposure when
Bugzilla Bug #2082717 - SCEP manual approval failure (cfu)
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 14):
Bugzilla Bug #2074722 - user password and pkcs12 password exposure when
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 11):
Bugzilla Bug 1998597 - TPS RA Separation Issues (cfu)
Bugzilla Bug 2008319 - PKISpawn with ECC Signing Algorithms fail
Bugzilla Bug 2018608 - Invalid certificates with creation of subCA
7.9.0.z] (cfu)
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 10):
Bugzillla Bug 1978345 - End Entity's List Certificates Page Back/Forward
Bugzilla Bug 2008707 - pkispawn bails out too easily for things that could
Bugzilla Bug 2016773 - Directory authentication plugin requires directory
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 9):
Bugzilla Bug 1958788 - ipa: ERROR: Request failed with status 500: Non-2xx
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)


# RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 8):
Bugzilla Bug 1958277 - PKCS10Client EC Attribute Encoding [cfu]
Bugzilla Bug 1958788 - ipa: ERROR: Request failed with status 500:
2xx response from CA REST API: 500 [ftweedale, ckelley]
# RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 8):
Bugzilla Bug 1959937 - TPS Allowing Token Transactions while
Bugzilla Bug 1979710 - TPS Not properly enforcing Token Profile


# RHEL 7.9:
Bugzilla Bug 1905374 - restrict EE profile list and enrollment submission
7.9.z] (cfu)
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)


# RHEL 7.9:
Bugzilla Bug 1911472 - Revoke via REST API not working when Agent
7.9.z] (cfu)
Bugzilla Bug 1914587 - RHEL IPA PKI - Failed to read product version
Bugzilla Bug 1942687 - TPS not populating Token Policy, or switching
7.9.z] (jmagne)
Bugzilla Bug 1955633 - Recovery of Keys migrated to latest version of KRA
7.9.z] (jmagne)
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 6)


# RHEL 7.9:
Bugzilla Bug 1949136 - PKI instance creation failed with new 389-ds-base
Bugzilla Bug 1949656 - CRMF requests with extensions other than SKID cannot
# RHCS 9.7:
Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and
console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 6)


Change variable 'TPS' to 'tps'
# RHEL 7.9:
Bugzilla Bug 1883639 - Add KRA Transport and Storage Certificates
# Backported CVEs (ascheel):
Bugzilla Bug 1724697 - CVE-2019-10180 pki-core: unsanitized token
Bugzilla Bug 1725128 - CVE-2019-10178 pki-core: stored Cross-site
tps web Activity tab
default] (edewata, ascheel)
Bugzilla Bug 1791100 - CVE-2020-1696 pki-core: Stored XSS in TPS profile
default] (edewata, ascheel)
Bugzilla Bug 1724688 - CVE-2019-10146 pki-core: Reflected Cross-Site
7.9.z] (dmoluguw, ascheel)
Bugzilla Bug 1789843 - CVE-2019-10221 pki-core: reflected cross site
Bugzilla Bug 1724713 - CVE-2019-10179 pki-core: pki-core/pki-kra:
7.9.z] (ascheel)
Bugzilla Bug 1798011 - CVE-2020-1721 pki-core: KRA vulnerable to
7.9.z] (ascheel,jmagne)
Update to jquery v3.4.1 (ascheel)
Update to jquery-i18n-properties v1.2.7 (ascheel)
Update to backbone v1.4.0 (ascheel)
Upgrade to underscore v1.9.2 (ascheel)
Update to patternfly v3.59.3 (ascheel)
Update to jQuery v3.5.1 (ascheel)
Upgrade to bootstrap v3.4.1 (ascheel)
Link in new Bootstrap CSS file (ascheel)
# RHCS 9.7:
# Bugzilla Bug #1733588 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and