معرفی شرکت ها


Card image cap
تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر
Card image cap
تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر
Card image cap
تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر
Card image cap
تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر
Card image cap
تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر


Atomic OpenShift Utilities
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل Linux
توزیع CentOS 7
مخزن Centos paas noarch
نام بسته atomic-openshift-utils
نام فایل بسته atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.43-1.git.1.ed51ddd.el7.noarch.rpm
نسخه بسته 3.7.43
انتشار بسته 1.git.1.ed51ddd.el7
معماری بسته noarch
نگهدارنده -
تاریخ ساخت Thu 12 Apr 2018 02
هاست سازنده c1bk.rdu2.centos.org
نوع بسته .rpm
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible
مجوز ASL 2.0
حجم دانلود 366K
حجم نصب 157.209K
Atomic OpenShift Utilities includes - atomic-openshift-installer - other utilities

جایگزین ها

بسته نسخه معماری مخزن
atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.64-1.git.0.cf13b6c.el7.noarch.rpm 3.7.64 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.13-1.el7.noarch.rpm 3.7.13 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.70-1.git.0.8aa39fa.el7.noarch.rpm 3.7.70 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.68-1.git.0.c02c049.el7.noarch.rpm 3.7.68 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.61-1.git.1.3624530.el7.noarch.rpm 3.7.61 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.35-1.git.1.b270aea.el7.noarch.rpm 3.7.35 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.52-1.git.1.8a8bce3.el7.noarch.rpm 3.7.52 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.5.82-1.git.1.f658b01.el7.noarch.rpm 3.5.82 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.8.37-1.git.1.151d57f.el7.noarch.rpm 3.8.37 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils- noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.0-0.53.0.git.1.af49d87.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.0 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils- noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils- noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.4.59-2.git.2.76c5698.el7.noarch.rpm 3.4.59 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.3.54-1.git.0.61a1dee.el7.noarch.rpm 3.3.54 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.49-1.git.0.046ac59.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.49 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.46-1.git.0.40a8fde.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.46 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.41-1.git.0.4c55974.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.41 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.30-1.git.1.93d1631.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.30 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.47-1.git.0.8180c87.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.47 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.43-1.git.0.d0bc600.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.43 noarch CentOS paas
atomic-openshift-utils-3.9.40-1.git.1.b3380d7.el7.noarch.rpm 3.9.40 noarch CentOS paas


مقدار نام
- /usr/bin/python
= 3.7.43-1.git.1.ed51ddd.el7 openshift-ansible-playbooks
= 2.7 python(abi)
- python-click
- python-setuptools

ارائه دهنده

مقدار نام
= 3.7.43-1.git.1.ed51ddd.el7 atomic-openshift-utils

نحوه نصب

نصب پکیج rpm atomic-openshift-utils:

    sudo yum localinstall atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.43-1.git.1.ed51ddd.el7.noarch.rpm

فایل ها


گزارش تغییرات

تاریخ آخرین تغییر جزئیات

Fixing crlnumber file missing (bedin@redhat.com)
openshift_facts: convert node labels to string before joining
Ensure etcd.conf variables are updated during upgrade (rteague@redhat.com)
Update deprecated etcd vars in openshfit_cert_expiry (rteague@redhat.com)
is_atomic check (m.judeikis@gmail.com)
openshift_client_binary --> openshift.common.client_binary
RPM upgrade: avoid using replace (vrutkovs@redhat.com)
Use long form of "scc" resource type in logging facts (hansmi@vshn.ch)
RPM upgrade: support jinja 2.7 (vrutkovs@redhat.com)
Removing hardcoding of configmap_namespace for patching (ewolinet@redhat.com)
Add max-time option to curl to avoid long running ansible
Bumping up the default wait time for ES node to be yellow or green, made it
GlusterFS - Invoke oc binary with the admin.kubeconfig token rather than
GlusterFS: Don't copy non-existant topology file (jarrpa@redhat.com)
Merge pull request #7322 from mjudeikis/gluster-block-iscsi
Merge pull request #7336 from SaravanaStorageNetwork/fix_s3_service_to_s3_pod
Merge pull request #7320 from SaravanaStorageNetwork/fix_s3_image
Add s3 and block uninstall sections as well. (sarumuga@redhat.com)
Update glusterfs-template: - Add GB_LOGDIR - failureThreshold as 50 secs
Merge pull request #7237 from jarrpa/glusterfs-kernel-mod-fix
Fix for support multi-cluster heketi's topology (chinacoolhacker@gmail.com)
Merge pull request #7149 from jarrpa/uninstall-regression (openshift-merge-
Add target mount for gluster block (m.judeikis@gmail.com)
kernel module loading fix (m.judeikis@gmail.com)
Merge pull request #6918 from SaravanaStorageNetwork/uninstall_playbook
Backport changes for glusterfs, heketi, s3 and block templates
GlusterFS: Fix block StorageClass heketi route (jarrpa@redhat.com)
GlusterFS: Minor documentation update (jarrpa@redhat.com)
Merge pull request #6969 from mjudeikis/gluster-dynamic-invetory-bug
dynamic inventory bug when group exists but its empty (m.judeikis@gmail.com)
Check for openshift attribute before using it during CNS install.


Pop etcd_port from local_facts file (mgugino@redhat.com)


Migrate: make sure masters are restarted instead of started
Master: upgrade SDN package only when openshift SDN is used
node: install sdn-ovs package only when openshift SDN is used
Add key check for facts_for_clusterrolebindings (nakayamakenjiro@gmail.com)
Add key existing check to collect facts for rolebidings
migrate: update ETCD_NAME for migrated hosts (vrutkovs@redhat.com)
Adding check in case only one ES container is in the pod for upgrades to 3.7
start_api_server: service catalog healthcheck doesn't require proxy
Update API healthz check to use uri module (mkhan@redhat.com)
wire_aggregator: skip openshift_upgrade_target version check if its undefined


Bump pyOpenSSL to 17.5.0 (rteague@redhat.com)
Bug 1541946- waiting for master reboot now works behind bastion
Change openshift_client_binary to openshift.common.client_binary


backport to 3.7 for bug 1537857 (jcantril@redhat.com)
Fixing how patches are generated for logging configmaps (ewolinet@redhat.com)
Making patching a local_action and ensuring we become:false for local_actions


package_version check: stop looking for docker (lmeyer@redhat.com)
Use explicit broker version for image tag (erik@nsk.io)
etcd migrate: instead of scaleup playbook etcd server should be started back
Changing default of openshift_logging_public_master_url to use


During master upgrade reset loopback config (sdodson@redhat.com)


Fixing evaluating if ops deployment needs to skip health check, removing



delete config map, dameon set, and cluster role (john.sanda@gmail.com)
check for empty string in the installers deps task (john.sanda@gmail.com)



bug 1547348. Annotate ops projects with an .operation prefix
Link to etcd v3 migration docs rather than suggesting dangerous things
Adding blank library files for action_plugins (ewolinet@redhat.com)
Only try to yaml.load a file if it ends in .yml or .yaml in logging facts
Removing include_tasks calls and fixing prior cherrypicks
Fix undefined lib_utils_oo_random_word on release-3.7. #7173
Patching only if file exists. Fixing es configmap name we patch against
Updating deprecation variable check to use a module for cleaner output and
Changing conditional_set_fact from module to action_plugin since it does not
Updating logging_facts to be able to pull values from config maps yaml files,
Revert "GlusterFS: Remove image option from heketi command" (hansmi@vshn.ch)


origin-dns: make sure cluster.local DNS server is listed first
Whenever we create a new es node ignore health checks, changing prometheus pw
Add python-ipaddress to dependencies (fabian@fabianism.us)
Bug 1541625- properly cast provided ip address to unicode
Make IP object a string (fabian@fabianism.us)
Add kube service ipaddress to no_proxy list (sdodson@redhat.com)
Use r_etcd_common_etcdctl_command instead of hardcoded binary name to support
bug 1537857. Fix retrieving prometheus metrics (jcantril@redhat.com)
include elasticsearch container name (jvallejo@redhat.com)
persistent volume: fix template to support python3 (vrutkovs@redhat.com)
xPaaS v1.4.8 for v3.7 (sdodson@redhat.com)
Bump xpaas version (sdodson@redhat.com)
changed oc command to {{ openshift.common.client_binary }}
Allow journald_vars_to_replace to set (mgugino@redhat.com)
fix indentation of terminationGracePeriodSeconds var (jsanda@redhat.com)
Changing the check for 1,3 or 5 etcd nodes so that it just checks that the


Add ability to mount volumes into system container nodes (mgugino@redhat.com)
health checks: tolerate ovs 2.9 (lmeyer@redhat.com)
Fixing file write issue. (kwoodson@redhat.com)
image name incorrect (rcook@redhat.com)


Conditionally create pvcs for metrics depending on whether or not it already
cherry-pick to 3.7 gluster block (m.judeikis@gmail.com)
allow setting of kibana env vars (jcantril@redhat.com)
No longer compare with legacy hosted var (ewolinet@redhat.com)
Preserving ES dc storage type unless overridden by inventory variable
Rework provisioners vars to support different prefix/version for Origin/OSE
Correct ability to override openshift_management_app_template
Pull openshift_image_tag from oo_masters_to_config rather oo_first_master.
Default install_result when reloading generated facts. (abutcher@redhat.com)
Remove remaining haproxy files with uninstallation
Remove master ha_bool checks 3.7 (mgugino@redhat.com)
Don't restart docker when re-deploying node certs (sdodson@redhat.com)


docker_image_availability: containerized overrides (lmeyer@redhat.com)
[release-3.7] [1538896] Correct certificate alt name parsing
Readd etcd openshift_facts (mgugino@redhat.com)
Only automatically restart if cluster is in yellow or green state
[1538816] Backport #6817 & #5970 (rteague@redhat.com)
[1530403] Improve etcd group error message (rteague@redhat.com)
Update haproxy.cfg.j2 (rteague@redhat.com)
Add support for Amazon EC2 C5 instance types (rteague@redhat.com)
Lowercase node names when creating certificates (vrutkovs@redhat.com)
Ensure that node names are lowerecased before matching (sdodson@redhat.com)
Ensure we are running oc execs against running pods (ewolinet@redhat.com)