معرفی شرکت ها
core-release i586
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Mapping between standard locale identifiers and Windows locale identifiers (LCID)
Mixed Mode - Mixed Level Circuit Simulator Based On Berkley's spice3f5
The check_smtp plugin for nagios
Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments
A CD player and ripper/MP3-encoder front-end
Runtime library for digikam
Development files for libnids
NFSv4 monitoring for clients and servers
MinGW Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules
Filesharing extension for Nautilus
Documentation for ruby-glib2
Python 3 module for GNU parted
OpenType text shaping engine
Devel library for avahi-event
OpenJDK 11 toolchain for XMvn
Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library Documentation Files
Sazanami Gothic Japanese TrueType font
Library for creating references that carry their owner with them
PCMan File Manager
Perl Module to generate self-cleaning scratch space for tests
Radius plugin for ppp
Programmable completion for bash
Optional user space component for Host AP driver
GNOME Document viewer library
LCG File Catalog (LFC) server with MySQL database back-end
A Marble Madness-like game
GNU Radio modtool
PySide6 httpserver module
Thread-pool Controls
Module for handling various files for Java packaging
Libraries for GEOS
GObject Introspection interface description for colord
Documentation for ocaml-odoc
Lisp Flavoured Erlang
Base install macros for kde 4
Metapackage for python3-lsp-server: websockets extras
Development files for ocaml-cryptokit
Split a string on a character except when the character is escaped
Parser for uniform resource names as seen on RFC 2141
Check validity of Internet email addresses
Development files for accountsservice-libs
Pidgin/libpurple protocol plugin for Amazon Chime
Virtual file-system on top of libowfs2 providing access to 1-Wire networks
Shared libraries for gtest
Packages and tools that support Go's build system
Markdown processor for Go
Data files for liblinphone
Warn Author About XXX.pm
Compact and efficient implementations of standard synchronization primitives
Documentation for ruby-mini_portile2
An open-source content package for Quake III Arena
API documentation for joni
Header files for development with libburn
Development files for libnsl
Cockpit user interface for diagnostic reports
Author tests making sure correct line endings are used
Binary serialization / deserialization strategy that uses Serde
Perform TLS scan of a domain
KTNEF - an API for handling TNEF data
Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM)
Build a modern dist like CSJEWELL does it
Package management plugin for the MMC web interface
A minicmd-plugin for the Xfce panel
Default configs used for upstream KDE
A simple chess board game for KDE
Wcstools shared library
An SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack
Requests + Gevent
Convert Markdown syntax to (X)HTML
Development files for vulkan-loader
Exception class for Test::Timer
Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc
Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config
Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
Routing daemon
Provide an interface to ZIP archive files
A tactical game for number-crunchers
Colorful puzzle
Simple detection of binary versus text in strings
Devel stuff for kxmlgui
64 Bit version of bzip2 for Windows
Lynx-like text WWW browser
Greek translation of Gimp2 help
Core requirements needed for LSB compliance
Generates uuid-format strings using purely high quality random bytes
Javadoc for jboss-jaxrs-1.1-api
Development files for libwps
A Latemp Utility Module
A Path::Class type library for Moose
Documentation for ruby-rspec-support
Configuration for t1lib
Basic support for legacy System V init scripts
Data caching daemon for RRDtool
Satisfies the basesystem bootloader requirement
Development files for WebKit GTK 4 port
An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
Generate a test to check that all namespaces are clean
A cairo bindings for R
Provide framework for multiple event loops - Event::Lib integration