معرفی شرکت ها
core-release aarch64
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
ParaNamer Integration Test Parent POM
Calligra Kplatoui library
Plasma System Monitor
KDE 4 core library
Library of assertions similar to fest-assert
Deprecated module for sonar
Lowlevel DNS(SEC) library with API
CompatibleOne Accords Platform - Publisher
CPAN Mail-Transport-Dbx perl module
OpenCV Visual Text Matching module
Static version of the MinGW Windows Leptonica library
MultiDict implementation
gtk3 immodule for gcin
Tools to transform QuarkXPress documents into other formats
finite-state C library
Devel stuff for kpty
OpenSAML-Java :: SOAP Provider API
Javadoc for maven-docck-plugin
Qt GUI interface for GPSBabel
Simple, flexible system to implement workflows
Abraction/convenience libraries for OpenEXR
AWS Java SDK for Amazon Inspector Service
a cosmology package for Python
A GNU file archiving program
Javadoc for codenarc
Libraries needed by kwave
Development files for gtkhotkey
DocList plugin for juffed
Test.pm wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
X.org null input driver
Croatian hyphenation rules
Development tools for programs using the OpenJPEG library
A non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
Ruby/ATK is a Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x
Easy to use mocking/stub framework
OpenSFX sound replacement set for OpenTTD
Sysprof library
Shinken Receiver Deamon
Perl modules for ivtv support
VDR plugin: A friendly greeting
Sensible default end action for Catalyst
Kerberos programs for use on workstations
Cross-compiled GNU arbitrary precision library
Let the apocalypse generate your POD!
perf tool and the supporting documentation
Performs an LDAP search and update results using a text editor
A class for formatting numbers that follows printf conventions
libmpfi static libraries
Emoticons for qutIM
xcb-util-keysyms development files
Kexi main library
The Apache FreeMarker Template Engine
GUI for G'MIC real-time manipulations on the output of a webcam
Drakxtools libraries and background tools
GObject Introspection interface description for libsignon-glib
Write more readable tests in Test::Unit with this tiny script
Memory efficient serialization library
Perl module for character screen handling and windowing
Functions for various exact algebraic calculations
Class::Accessor::Fast compatability for Rose::Object
Brazilian man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation Project
Javadoc for maven-jxr
Texas Instruments calculators files library
Write C<$my_variable = 42> instead of C<$MyVariable = 42>
Perl::Critic policy for using Storable
Gujarati interface for Firefox
Converts pod to latex with Pod::Parser
Development files for dbus-sharp1.0
Krita is a FREE sketching and painting program
Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git
A Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container
LSB dynamic loader links
SCIM IMEngine module for chewing
A package manager for Lua modules
ApacheDS Protocols
Locate proxy services
Jetty websocket
Base files for localization (Sanskrit)
Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library Development Package
KDE 4 core library
Model the Point Spread Function from FITS images
Python module to query the langtable-data
Csound development files and libraries
Javadoc for jmh
Tiny console text editor that aims to emulate Pico
Library package for gtkpod
Arabic TrueType fonts
Parameterizable packages
Control Geany using commands from a command panel
Devel files needed to build apps based on AccessibilitySupport
Tools to transform the supported formats into other formats
A high performance network sniffer for packet inspection
GTK+ UVC Viewer and Capturer
Markdown processor implemented in Go
Cyrus SASL 2 plugin for libkgapi
Python 2 bindings for sqlite
Fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel
OCaml module for creating valid XHTML 1.1 documents
SMTP client library