معرفی شرکت ها
classic x86_64-i586
تبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشترتبلیغات ما
مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.
مشاهده بیشتر
توضیح خلاصه
Developer tools for the winbind library
Framework which is meant to be a simple, drop-in replacement for WebKit
Python bindings for obexftp
Utilities for manipulating XML documents
Storage driver plugin for lvm volumes
SSH support for guacd
GIO-based library for use by operating system components
Sip files for python-module-PyQt4
keyutils bindings for Python
Development files for Wayland server library
Yet Another JSON Library
Intuitive programming environment robots
Post-It notes on the KDE desktop
Pidgin plugin for connecting to MS Communications Server
Real-time Audio I/O Library
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) plugins
GROMACS MPI development libraries
Development files for libsigc++ library
DBI driver for Firebird and InterBase RDBMS server
another anti hot-linking lighttpd module
Ultra fast memcache client written in highly optimized C++ with Python bindings
The Xinerama Library
Python extension for emulating keypresses and getting the keyboard geometry from the xserver
The Boost.Random library
Header files for libqof
Perl interface to the cairo vector graphics library
Snack - a sound toolkit for scripting languages
TLS library from LibreSSL
Dynamic ext2/ext3 filesystem libraries
Headers for developing programs that will use glitz
PostgreSQL support module for collectd
mnoGoSearch web search engine ODBC database backend
Video4Linux input plugin for VLC media player
strigi development library and headers
kde5-ktp-common-internals library
A privileged helper for drm initialization
A software library for accesing MusicBrainz servers
Qmmp CDAudio Plugin
Newt windowing toolkit development files.
Libraries and include files for Aiksuarus
Static libraries for C++ development
GLib bindings development files for D-BUS
Internet Radio plugin for Rhythmbox
Free Pascal -- miscellaneous units
Static library for perfctr
Multimedia add-on for the wxWidgets library
Voicetronix VPB interface library
Development files for libuserspace-rcu
Development headers and libraries for libsidutils
Berkeley database library
Java bindings for the OpenGL API
Cryptopp Library - a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
GNU Fortran support for gcc
Development files for skstream
Shared libraries for high-quality image printing
Faster runtime libraries for programs produced with chicken compiler
a fast math parser library
Development files of fortran command line arguments library for MPI applications
Vector graphics editor
Abstraction to provide and leverage actions of a specific kind
Library used to query system info and statistics
GLE - Graphics language that produces ps/eps/pdf/png/jpg ouput
krita library
KDE5 KWallet auth module
Includes and other files to develop audiofile applications
kde4-connect libraries
libwxsvg is C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files
ORB from AT&T (COS service stub and skel libraries)
LIRC Configuration Tools and Data
PPTP VPN plugin for pppd
kde4pimlibs libraries
The Xtst Library
Development files for mbelib
GUI support library for the Qt5 toolkit
MariaDB as an embeddable library
Java Simple Serial Connector
Provides ssh rcmd capability to pdsh
ownCloud Desktop Client
Polymer chemistry-related functionalities
Comma-separated values manipulation routines
GTK3 Extensions for LibreOffice
Python module for isomd5sum
Libraries needed to develop for uniset MySQL
A library for reading and writing xorg configuration files
Development files for qt5-base
Python interface for the SAO developed projects, such as XPA,DS9 & Funtools
KDE Workspace 5 Window Manager
Open vSwitch python3 bindings
Development tools for programs which will use the libxf86config library
Common files for im-chooser subpackages
Development files for kde5-kimap
Development files of Extended and Mixed Precision BLAS
Edinburgh Speech Tools Library - developer's libraries and docs
MSWord 6/7/8/9 binary file format -> HTML converter library
Headers of libmimic for development
KDE Workspace 5 common cli tools
Qmmp SoX Resampler Plugin
Dropbox integration for Nautilus
A library for dealing with JSON as python objects
Development part of VDR