WSGI middleware that shows you log messages produced during request handling.
Wraps Dozer_ and adds a few features:
- Pretty request timeline for functions decorated with
- Stack formatter shows the value of ``__traceback_info__`` in each stack
frame, if a local with that name exists (which is a convention used by
- A monkey-patch for `zope.browserpage`_\'s ViewPageTemplateFile that logs the
names of page templates being rendered (enable with ``monkeypatch=True``).
- A monkey-patch for ``_\'s ZopePublication that logs the
name of the view class that is being called, and also the representation of
and interfaces provided by the content object (enable with
Add ``cipher.logview.LogviewMiddleware`` in your WSGI pipeline.
For example, here's an excerpt for a PasteDeploy_-style paster.ini::
use = egg:cipher.logview
next = main
loglevel = DEBUG
keep_tracebacks = yes
monkeypatch = yes
# highlighting rules: logview.substring = css-color
logview.sql = #fee
logview.txn = #efe
# traceback highlighting rules: traceback.substring=css-color
traceback.dozer/ = #ddd
traceback.python2.7/ = #ccc
traceback.paste/ = #bbb
traceback.webob/ = #aaa
traceback.weberror/ = #999
traceback.zope/ = #888
traceback.z3c/ = #888
traceback.storm/ = #777
traceback.transaction/ = #666
traceback.ZODB/ = #555
traceback.keas/ = #444
traceback.cipher/ = #840
which lets you optionally enable the middleware from the command line ::
bin/paster serve paster.ini -n logview
Note: if you want to see debug messages -- such as those produced by
cipher.logview itself -- you will need to make sure the logging level of
the root logger is set to DEBUG. If you don't want debug messages in
your log files (and who does?), filter them out by setting the level of
each handler. Example paster.ini::
keys = root, ...
handlers = stdout, logfile
level = DEBUG
keys = stdout, logfile, ...
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stdout,)
level = INFO
formatter = ...
class = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = ('events.log', 'a', 10*1024*1024, 5)
level = INFO
formatter = ...
.. Links
.. _Dozer:
.. _PasteDeploy:
.. _zope.exceptions:
.. _zope.browserpage:
1.1.0 (2013-03-22)
- Add support for Python 3.3.
- Require Dozer 0.4.
- No longer require Paste.
- Cosmetic fix: add the missing closing parenthesis to the request timeline
1.0.2 (2012-12-13)
- Handle views that are methods (e.g. <browser:page class="..."
attribute="..." />): show the class and method name, the correct source
location of the method, and the context. Previously you'd see
"Calling __builtin__.instancemethod - no source information available".
- Add cipher.logview.format_tb. Use it to format exception tracebacks
(requires Dozer 0.3).
- Add support for __traceback_supplement__ in format_stack/format_tb.
This is used by Zope Page Templates to indicate the page template
1.0.1 (2012-12-07)
- Handle dynamic subclasses created by <browser:page> and show the real class.
- Bugfix: sometimes enumerating interfaces of the context could trigger a
ForbiddenAttribute exception.
- Mention logging levels gotcha in README.rst.
1.0.0 (2012-12-05)
- First public release.