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The `Products.mcdutils` product supplies a replacement for the ZODB-based
session data container supplied by the `Transience` product, shipped with
the Zope core prior to Zope 4 and available as a separate package after that.
Rather than using a ZODB storage as the backing store for session data, as
`Transience` does, `Products.mcdutils` stores session data in a cluster of
one or more `memcached` servers.
This approach is a bit of a cheat, as it uses the daemons as primary stores,
rather than as caches for results of an expensive query. Nevertheless, the
semantics are not a bad match for typical session usage.
Documentation is available at
Bug tracker
A bug tracker is available at
Thanks go to...
- Tres Seaver for implementing this product back in 2006
- Christian Theune for making it available as egg on PyPI in 2011
- Jens Vagelpohl for preparing it for Zope 4 and Python 3
Change log
3.2 (2021-09-03)
- reorganized package to use current zopefoundation standards
- claim compatibility with Python 3.9 and Zope 5
- fixed type error on adding session items via ZMI test page
3.1 (2021-01-01)
- revised ZMI 'Test Adding Items to Session'
3.0 (2020-08-07)
- packaging cleanup and test fixing due to shifting dependencies
- drop Zope 2 compatibility claims and tests
2.5 (2019-11-13)
- implement transaction savepoint support
(`#3 <https://github.com/dataflake/Products.mcdutils/issues/3>`_)
2.4 (2019-10-23)
- attempt to hide session values that may contain passwords in ``__repr__``
which is used when rendering the ``REQUEST`` object as string.
2.3 (2019-10-13)
- rely on the Zope 4.x branch for Python 2 compatibility
- update description to replace Zope2 wording with just Zope
- reorganize source folder structure and drop the ``src`` folder
2.2 (2019-05-21)
- add an implementation for ``has_key`` which is gone under Python 3
2.1 (2019-03-31)
- fix wrong method call during cache manager record invalidation
(`#1 <https://github.com/dataflake/Products.mcdutils/issues/1>`_)
2.0 (2019-03-28)
- make sure ``zcache.aggregateKey`` does not create unsuitable MemCache keys
- allow storing values that don't conform to ``IMemCacheMapping``
- add ability to set a title for a MemCacheZCacheManager
- Python 3 compatibility
- switch to the ``python-memcached`` library and remove the old ``memcache``
library module inside this package, which is actually a really old version
of ``python-memcached``.
Possible breaking change
The objects returned by Zope's session data manager are implicitly expected
to support Acquisition. Zope's session data manager uses it to insert itself
into the object's acquisition chain. However, under Python 3 Acquisition can
no longer be supported by the session data objects due to a metaclass conflict
between the classes ``permisstence.mapping.PersistentMapping`` and
``Acquisition.Explicit``. This may break expectations for code consuming the
session data objects from this package.
1.0 (2019-03-28)
- Zope 4 compatibility
- documentation using Sphinx
- ``tox`` configuration for unit, coverage and code quality tests
- package configuration cleanup
- full ``flake8`` compliance
- add ability to set a title for a MemcacheProxy
- add ability to set a title for a MemcacheSessionDataContainer
0.2b3 (2011-11-21)
- Extend MANIFEST.in to include other missing files (.gif, .pt, .txt)
0.2b2 (2011-11-21)
- Fix source distribution by including README.txt and CHANGES.txt via
- Include test runner in buildout and fix broken tests.
0.2b1 (2011-11-19)
- Turn product into an egg and release on PyPI.
- Implement a forced refresh of the in-process cache of memcache data at the
end of transactions to avoid stale data.
- mapping.py: Added 'getContainerKey' method to 'MemCacheMapping' in
order to make it compatible with the API of the TemporaryFolder version
(allows the session testing rig code can generate error messages).
- Added (preliminary) RAMCacheManager replacement.
- Removed proxy's 'create' method, to allow other multiple of data to be
stored. The session data container now handles instantiating the
- Fixed the pickling of mappings *correctly*, instead of requiring that
the proxy pick out the 'data' member.
- Expanded API for IProxy to expose more of the memcached client API.
0.1 (2006-05-31)
- CVS tag, 'mcdutils-0_1'
- Initial public release.