`Two-step verification <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-step_verification>`_
for Plone 4 with use login codes sent by SMS. This app allows users to enable
the two-step verification for their Plone accounts. A mobile phone capable to
receive SMS messages is obviously required. Usage of two-step verification is
optonal, unless site admins have forced it (configurable in app control panel).
Admins can white-list the IPs, for which the two-step verification would be
- Mobile phone which is able to receive SMS messages.
- Plone 4 (tested with Plone >= 4.3.1)
Note, that two-step verification works only for Plone users and does not work
for Zope users (those added with "./bin/instance" adduser command).
Case 1: Enabling the two-step verification
Pre-conditions: User is not logged into the Plone site, does not yet have
two-step verification enabled and has a mobile phone.
From any page follow the "Enable two-step verification" link in the menu (next
to "Log out").
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/01_menu_enable.png
:align: center
If you haven't yet filled in your mobile phone number, you will be requested to
do so. You will receive immeditely a SMS with confirmation code in.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/02_setup_mobile_number.png
:align: center
When you're done, you get to a page on which you will be requested to enter the
code received by SMS.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/03_confirm_mobile_number_and_complete_two_step_verification_setup.png
:align: center
Enter the secret code shown in the "Enter the verification code to activate
two-step verification" field for confirmation and press the "Verify" button.
Upon successful confirmation (you should see a message stating that) the
two-step verification is enabled for your account.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/04_enable_two_step_verification_confirmation_message.png
:align: center
Case 2: Two-step verification
Pre-conditions: User is not logged in and has enabled the two-step verification.
When you log into the Plone site (just using username and password), you would
see an extra screen on which you are asked to provide the login code, sent to
your by SMS.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/05_login_code_form.png
:align: center
You should then check your phone for the new SMS message and type in the token
shown into the "Enter code" field.
If token is valid, you would be logged in.
Case 3: Lost mobile phone or phone number
Pre-conditions: User is not logged in, has enabled the two-step verification.
There might be cases when you have lost your mobile phone (either really lost
it or broken accident or somehow lost ownership of your former mobile number).
For such cases, you can reset the phone number.
Log into the Plone site (just using username and password), for to see the extra
screen on which you are asked to provide the login code, sent to your by SMS
and follow the link (help text of the "Enter code" field). You would then land
on the page where from you can request the mobile number reset.
Enter your username and mobile number in the "Username" and "Mobile number"
fields respectively, press the "Submit" button. Link for resetting your mobile
number will appear in your mailbox shortly. Having clicked on the link to reset
the mobile number, would bring your to a page where you can enter the
verification code.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/06_request_to_reset_mobile_number.png
:align: center
You will receive an SMS with verification code shortly. Enter the code in the
"Enter the verification code to activate the two-step verification" field.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/07_confirm_mobile_number_reset.png
:align: center
Upon successful confirmation (you should see a message stating that) your
mobile number is reset.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/08_mobile_number_reset_confirmation_message.png
:align: center
Case 4: Disabling the two-step verification
Pre-conditions: User is logged in and has enabled the two-step verification.
From any page follow the "Disable two-step verification" link in the menu (next
to "Log out").
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/09_menu_disable.png
:align: center
After which you would get a message.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/10_disable_two_step_verification_confirmation_message.png
:align: center
>>> [instance]
>>> eggs +=
>>> collective.smsauthenticator
>>> zcml +=
>>> collective.smsauthenticator
ZMI -> portal_quickinstaller
Choose "SMS Authenticator Plone" and install it.
ZMI -> acl_users
1. Choose "sms_auth (SMS Authenticator plugin (collective.smsauthenticator))".
2. Make sure the "Active plugins" section of "Authentication" has the following
plugins in the given order ("sms_auth" should come as first - critical!):
- sms_auth
- session
- source_users
Configuration options
App control panel can be accessed at
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/11_control_panel_tab_main.png
:align: center
Globally enabled
If checked, two-step verification is globally force-enabled for all site users
and they no longer have an option to disable it; this applies to all new users
(just registered accounts) as well.
White-listed IP addresses
List of white-listed IP addresses - one at a line. If user comes from one of
those, the two-step verification is skipped even if user has enabled it or
two-step verification is globally enabled.
Additionals options of the control panel are:
- Enable two-step verification for all users.
- Disable two-step verification for all users.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/12_control_panel_tab_twilio.png
:align: center
Twilio number
Your `Twilio <https://www.twilio.com/>`_ AccountSID and AuthToken. Visit your
Twilio `Account Phone Number
<https://www.twilio.com/user/account/phone-numbers/incoming>`_ page and check
the `Manage Numbers` section.
Twilio AccountSID and Twilio AuthToken
Your `Twilio <https://www.twilio.com/>`_ AccountSID and AuthToken. Visit your
Twilio `Account Settings <https://www.twilio.com/user/account/settings>`_ page
and check the `API Credentials` section.
.. figure:: https://github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/raw/master/docs/_static/13_control_panel_tab_security.png
:align: center
Secret Key
Site secret key - can be any string. See it as some sort of a password.
Token lifetime
Lifetime of the login- and the mobile number reset- codes. Defaults to 5
minutes (300 seconds).
It's important that SMS Authenticator comes as first in the
ZMI -> acl_users -> Authentication.
Tested in combination with the following products:
- The `Products.LoginLockout
`SMSAuthenticator` comes as first, `LoginLockout` as second. All works fine.
See the documentation at:
- http://collectivesmsauthenticator.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
- http://pythonhosted.org/collective.smsauthenticator/
For feature requests or bugs, open an issue. For questions, send us an email to
GPL 2.0
Authors & Copyright
Copyright (C) 2014 `Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe <http://www.goldmund-wyldebeast-wunderliebe.nl/>`_.
Authors are listed in alphabetic order (by name):
- Artur Barseghyan [barseghyanartur]
- Harald Friessnegger[frisi]
- Jan Murre [JJM]
- Rene Jochum [pcdummy]
- Peter Uittenbroek [puittenbroek]
TODOs and Roadmap
See `TODOS.rst <https://raw.github.com/collective/collective.smsauthenticator/master/TODOS.rst>`_
file for the list of TODOs.
0.3.5 (unreleased)
0.3.4 (2018-03-16)
- Added support for Messagebird SMS gateway provider.
For now, quite hard-coded, could be made more pluggable. [JJM]
0.3.3 (2017-03-10)
- use the correct memberdata property in the login-formcontroller-script.
(this used to work on a plone 4.3.9 portal, but broke the login process on 4.3.11) [fRiSi]
0.3.2 (2016-05-25)
- Set the default value of `enable_two_step_verification` for new users to the registry
setting `ISMSAuthenticatorSettings.globally_enabled` (see issue #15)
[pcdummy, fRiSi]
- Expand the uninstall functionality with proper removal of persisent objects [puittenbroek]
- Better error logging [puittenbroek]
- Don't logout user when doing a POST [puittenbroek]
- Allow admin's to change fields on the user's profile [puittenbroek]
- Add a whitelist of user's who are excluded from two factor [puittenbroek]
- Use newer version of Twilio api (=> 5.4.0) so we can see the 'Delivered' status [puittenbroek]
- pep8 some files [puittenbroek]
- Only enable two factor for all users if it was actually changed, turned on [puittenbroek]
- Always sent a (new!) code upon login [puittenbroek]
0.3.1 (2015-02-12)
- Clean product uninstall (also the PAS plugin). [barseghyanartur]
- Soften dependencies.
0.3.0 (2014-10-06)
- Make it possible to resend a token in case if the SMS message
got lost on the way. [barseghyanartur]
0.2.9 (2014-10-03)
- Fix: CL adduser fails due to plone.api, but adduser adds as a Zope account,
which doesn't need the twofactor properties. We shortcut the subscriber if
it's a Zope account being added. See plone.api docs for issue with 'scripts':
0.2.8 (2014-07-07)
- Use source_users IAutheticationPlugin for password check to prevent
recursive loop [puittenbroek]
- Better return values, we always return None in our pas plugin [puittenbroek]
- Add 'enableAutoFocus' forms to enable auto focus [puittenbroek]
0.2.7 (2014-06-20)
- Direct user to a 'reset email sent' page instead of loginfom [puittenbroek]
- Improve/change some help texts [puittenbroek]
0.2.6 (2014-06-19)
- Improved help texts. [barseghyanartur]
0.2.5 (2014-06-18)
- Adding admin helper views for viewing IPs that users have been using when logging in.
0.2.4 (2014-05-08)
- Increasing number of chars in the SMS token from 6 to 8. [barseghyanartur]
0.2.3 (2014-03-20)
- Number of fixes and improvements. [barseghyanartur]
- Fixes in translations. [barseghyanartur]
0.2.2 (2014-03-10)
- Fixed lost Plone info status message on mobile number (re)set.
0.2.1 (2014-03-10)
- Better success message on mobile number (re)set. [barseghyanartur]
0.2 (2014-03-10)
- Taking out an extra step with logging in for the first time. Instead, logging it
the user after the confirmation of the mobile. [barseghyanartur]
- Having the username filled in setting up the mobile number for the first time, since
at that point it's already known. [barseghyanartur]
0.1 (2014-02-28)
- Initial release, with two-step verification, IP white-listing, configurable lifetime for the login
codes, mobile number recover and app control panel. [barseghyanartur]