The system is an integrated solution, with a headless instance
processing items in the background.
ZEO or other shared storage is required.
Compatibility: Plone 4+, Plone 5
Add the package to your buildout, then install the add-on from inside
Next, set up an instance to run the link checking processor. This can
be an existing instance, or a separate one::
$ bin/instance linkcheck
This process should always be running, but may be stopped and started
at any time without data loss.
Control panel
Once the system is up and running, interaction happens through the
"Link validity" control panel::
It's available from Plone's control panel overview.
The report tab lists current problems.
An alert system is provided in the form of an RSS-feed::
Note that this view requires the "Manage portal" permission. To allow
integration with other services, a self-authenticating link is
available from the report screen:
RSS-feed available. Click the orange icon |rss|
To set up e-mail notification, configure an RSS-driven newsletter
with this feed and adjust the frequency to match the update
interval (i.e. every morning). There's probably a lot of choice
here. `MailChimp <>`_ makes it very easy.
The settings tab on the control panel provides configuration for
concurrency level, checking interval and link expiration, as well as
statistics about the number of links that are currently active and the
queue size.
There is also a setting available that lets the processor use the
publisher to test internal link validity (at the cost of
additional system resources). If this mode is enabled, the
processor will attempt to publish the internal link and check that
the response is good.
From the controlpanel you can also crawl the entire site for broken links.
You can constrain the content that is checked by type and workflow-state.
Beware that this can take a very long time!
You can export the report about broken links in various formats.
Call @@linkcheck-export?export_type=csv for the export.
Supported formats are: csv, xlsx, xls, tsv, yaml, html and json.
.. |RSS| image::
How does it work?
When the add-on is installed, Plone will pass each HTML response
through a collection step that keeps track of:
1. The status code of outgoing HTML responses;
2. The hyperlinks which appear in the response body, if available.
This happens very quickly. The `lxml
<>`_ library is used to parse and
search the response document for links.
The benefit of the approach is that we don't need to spend additional
resources to check the validity of pages that we've already rendered.
There's an assumption here that the site is visited regularly and
exhaustively by a search robot or other crawling service. This is
typically true for a public site.
Link status
A good status is either ``200 OK`` or ``302 Moved Temporarily``; a
neutral status is a good link which has turned bad, or not been
checked; a bad status is everything else, including ``301 Moved
In any case, the status of an external link is updated only once per
the configured interval (24 hours by default).
Link validity checking has previously been a core functionality in
Plone, but starting from the 4.x-series, there is no such
capability. It's been proposed to bring it back into the core (see
`PLIP #10987 <>`_), but the idea has
since been retired.
There's a 3rd party product available, `gocept.linkchecker
<>`_ which
relies on a separate process written in the `Grok
<>`_ framework to perform external
link-checking. It communicates with Plone via XML-RPC. There's a Plone
4 `compatibility branch
available. This product demands significantly more resources (both CPU
and memory) because it publishes all internal links at a regular
In the default configuration, the system should not incur significant
That said, we've put the data into a Zope 2 tool to allow easily
mounting it into a separate database.
Keeping a separate database for updates
Using the ``plone.recipe.zope2instance`` recipe for buildout, this is
how you would configure a mount point for a Plone site located at
zope-conf-additional =
<zodb_db linkcheck>
mount-point /site/portal_linkcheck
container-class collective.linkcheck.tool.LinkCheckTool
server ${zeo:zeo-address}
storage linkcheck
This should match a ``plone.recipe.zeoserver`` part::
zeo-conf-additional =
<filestorage linkcheck>
path ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/linkcheck.fs
Note that you must add the mount point using the ZMI before installing
the add-on for it to work.
GPLv3 (
Malthe Borch <>
- Malthe Borch,
- Philip Bauer,
- Jörg Kubaile
- lewicki
- petschki
- Toni Fischer
1.5 (2017-10-10)
- Update german translations
- Clear before crawling site
- Catch error when auth is empty
- Add fallbacks when trying to remove empty entries
1.4.dev1_gww (2017-03-22)
- Nothing changed yet.
1.3.dev1_gww (2017-03-22)
- Allow to export the report about broken links report in various formats.
Call @@linkcheck-export?export_type=json for the view. Supported formats are
csv, xlsx, xls, tsv, yaml, html and json.
- Add a setting to select workflow-states to check on crawl and update.
- Add timeout setting.
- Allow recent versions of Requests.
- Add a setting to select portal_types to check on crawl and update.
- Add a view @@linkcheck to check links from object context
- Add setting to disable event triggering on each request.
- Handle mailto links
[Jörg Kubaile]
- Handle relative urls
[Toni Fischer]
- Add link to remove entry from the report list
[Jörg Kubaile]
- Added german translations
- Added .gitignore
- Add upgrade step for new registry entry
1.2 (2012-11-22)
- Fixed an issue where URLs containing unquotable characters would
cause the controlpanel to break.
- Discard anchor (#) and query string (?) URL components.
- Resolve links with parent pointers ("../") to avoid duplicate
- Always enter run loop and routinely poll for new sites.
- Fixed issue where the composite queue implementation would be used
1.1 (2012-06-25)
- Don't store path (location in document) information; it's useless
and it takes up too much disk space.
- Added option to limit number of referers to store (default: 5).
- Datastructure optimization.
Use bucket-based data types when possible, and avoid copying strings
(instead using an integer-based lookup table).
Note: Migration required. Please run the upgrade step.
1.0.2 (2012-06-15)
- Add whitelist (ignore) option. This is a list of regular expressions
that match on links to prevent them from being recorded by the tool.
- Make report sortable.
1.0.1 (2012-05-10)
- Quote URLs passed to the "Enqueue" action.
- Added support for HEAD request.
- Use ``gzip`` library to correctly read and decompress
zlib-compressed responses.
1.0 (2012-05-10)
- Initial public release.