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A product providing clamav antivirus integration for Plone sites with AT and Dexterity content types.
It does that by defining a validator which could be used with any content
type that uses File, Image or Named field(s). The open-source `Clam Antivirus` is
supported which is available for all platforms.
- To start, you need to have ``clamd`` running on some host accessible by your instances. ``collective.clamav`` supports either UNIX socket connections or remote connections.
- Install collective.clamav and setup the host & port or the path to the ``clamd`` socket in the control panel (default is a network connection to ``clamd`` listening on *localhost* at port 3310). By default *Files* and *Images* are going to be checked for viruses when added or updated.
Adding anti-virus protection to non-ATFile based content
If you want to add anti-virus protection to your custom AT content types
add the *isVirusFree* validator to your FileField(s). For instance::
validators = (('isNonEmptyFile', V_REQUIRED),
('isVirusFree', V_REQUIRED),),
widget = FileWidget(label=u'File'),
If you create custom Dexterity content types add only the necessary import statement to the
module and all plone.namedfile fields were automatically scaned::
from Products.validation import V_REQUIRED)
Install collective.clamav by adding it to your buildout::
eggs =
and then running ``bin/buildout``
- Issue Tracker: https://github.com/collective/collective.clamav/issues
- Source Code: https://github.com/collective/collective.clamav
- Documentation: in the docs folder
Some code was shamelessly borrowed from `pyClamd` and collective.ATClamAV:
- Clam Antivirus: http://www.clamav.net
- github: https://github.com/ggozad/collective.ATClamAV
- pyClamd: http://xael.org/norman/python/pyclamd
- github: https://github.com/collective.ATClamAV
- github: https://github.com/davisagli/collective.ATClamAV
If you are having issues, please let us know.
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.
- Andreas Mantke, maand@gmx.de [andreasma]
- Laurent Lasudry, laurent.lasudry@affinitic.be [laulaz]
- Thomas Grainger, tagrain@gmail.com [graingert]
- Yiorgis Gozadinos, ggozadinos@gmail.com [ggozad]
- Hanno Schlichting, hanno@hannosch.eu [hannosch]
- David Glick, david@glicksoftware.com [davisagli]
- Víctor Fernández de Alba, sneridagh@gmail.com [sneridagh]
3.0.0 (2021-01-25)
- Remove the AT schema extension and make it work within Plone 5.2
and Python 3. [Andreas Mantke]
- Increase the release number to 3 because it breaks compatibility
to old Archetypes content types. [Andreas Mantke]
- Added a test for value NOT_CHANGED to the validator module because
of a change in converter.py of plone.formwidget.namedfile [Andreas Mantke]
- isort and flake8 fixes in validator module [Andreas Mantke]
- Fix tests for Plone 5.2, discontinue Travis and switch to Github Actions
2.0a2 (2016-09-12)
- Fix ReST/pypi page syntax.
2.0a1 (2016-09-12)
- Initial release based on collective.ATClamAV with a new controlpanel module
and and a configuration configlet for Plone 5 compatibility. The product
and release works with Dexterity content types. [andreasma]
- Complete Plone 5 compatibility and transferring and adapting tests from