Image Repository is a centralized BTree-based image repository with
keyword/tag-based browsing and filtering.
Image Repository is a simple folder that can hold thousands of images, and
provides you with a user interface that lets you tag things with keywords
effectively, as well as browse images by keywords (tags).
* Its goal is to provide you with an easy way to have a centralized image
library with thousands of images categorized by keywords, dates, etc.
* It has special handling that lets you browse the keyword space like it was
a collection of nested folders. Example: Browse to keyword "Carnivores",
you will get the available keywords "Cats", "Dogs", and the selection will
narrow down, applying all the keywords you have selected on your path
through the keyword space.
* It comes complete with a Kupu "library", meaning you can browse the
keywords through the Kupu image insertion dialog to make it easy to locate
images even in a large collection of images.
* It has a tagging interface that lets you tag images with a thumbnail like
view, and apply keywords to multiple images at once.
* It uses whatever image type you have installed (it does need to be added as
an addable type and be able to supply thumbnails like the default Plone
image type, though).
Development sponsored by the `Student Services of Bergen,
Norway <http://sib.uib.no>`_.
Created by `Jarn AS <http://www.jarn.com/>`_ in 2006.
1.0.2 - 2011-10-06
- Plone 4 compatibility for `imagerepository_tagging.cpt`.
1.0.1 - 2011-06-01
- Remove getMsgId calls on display lists, it does no longer exist.
- Fix templates imagerepository_view.pt and imagerepository_tagging.cpt.
1.0 - 2010-07-02
- Avoid hard GS setup dependency on kupu.
0.9 - 2009-02-12
- Fix for images using blobs.
- Better tagging interface.
- Updates for Plone 3.x.
- Added support for PloneFlashUpload.
0.8 - 2008-09-17
- Made that `manage_` warning go away.
- Added the (already defined) interface so things can be adapted etc.
- Fixed tests, moved skin registration to ZCML, minor fixes.
- Set up actions via gs profile.
- Updated status message handling.
- Images without keywords are now listed in kupu in the root of the keyword
hierarchy, i.e. when first selecting a repository.
- Fixed listing image keywords in Kupu where all images in the repository have
the same keywords. This edgecase is always present when there is only one
0.7 - 2007-03-30
- Added action to register the repository in Kupu.
- Using interfaces, views and adapters in various places to make this more
- Removed unused code.