# FunCLI [](https://gitlab.com/valtron/funcli)
Automatically generate a simple CLI.
## Installation
pip install funcli
## Basic Usage
def main(*args: int):
Adds numbers together.
:param args: some numbers
print("Sum:", sum(args))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import funcli
# $ python sum.py 1 2 3
# Sum: 6
`--help` is autogenerated by the backend (argparse):
$ python sum.py -h
usage: sum.py [-h] [args [args ...]]
Adds numbers together.
positional arguments:
args some numbers
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
## Advanced Usage
from typing import Optional, List
def foo(): pass
def bleep(): pass
def bloop(a, second_arg: int = 0, *c: str, d: Optional[List[float]] = None):
print("Args:", a, second_arg, c, d)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import funcli
funcli.main({ 'foo': foo, 'bar': { bleep, bloop } })
# $ python advanced.py bar bloop arg0 c0 c1 --second-arg=987 --d 42 -0.3
# Args: arg0 987 ('c0', 'c1'), [42, -0.3]
Note that underscores in variable names are automatically converted to dashes
in the command-line argument (`second_arg` -> `--second-arg`). You can disable
this by passing `dash = False` to `funcli.main` or `funcli.run`.
## Reference
funcli.main(spec = None, dash = True)
Sugar. `spec` defaults to the `main` function from the caller's scope.
Calls `funcli.run` on `spec`, and calls `sys.exit` with the return value.
If `dash == True`, underscores in Python parameters will be changed to dashes
in the corresponding command-line arguments.
funcli.run(spec, args = None, converters = None, dash = True)
- `spec` is either a callable, a sequence of callables, or a dict mapping strings to nested `specs`
- `args` default to `sys.argv[1:]`
- `converters` is a mapping from types (or whatever you want to use as annotations) to a function that parses a command-line argument
- if `dash == True`, underscores in Python parameters will be changed to dashes in the corresponding command-line arguments
Given functions `foo`, `bar`, `baz`, here are some sample invocations:
funcli.run(foo, ['arg0']) # Calls foo('arg0')
funcli.run({ foo, bar }, ['bar', 'arg0']) # Calls bar('arg0')
funcli.run({ 'beep': foo, 'bloop': [bar, baz] }, ['beep', 'arg0']) # Calls foo('arg0')
funcli.run({ 'beep': foo, 'bloop': [bar, baz] }, ['bloop', 'bar', 'arg0']) # Calls bar('arg0')
### `bool` arguments
Non-optional bool values should be passed as `True` and `False` on the command line.
Optional bool values, on the other hand, must be omitted.
def f(warnings: bool = False): ...
funcli.run(f, ['--warnings']) # f(warnings = True)
*Note:* currently, if the default value is `True`, there is no way to pass `False`.
### Converters
Built-in converters handle `int`, `float`, `bool`, and `pathlib.Path`. Unannotated args are kept as a `str`.
Basic sequence types (`list`/`List[T]`, `set`/`Set[T]`, `tuple`/`Tuple[T, ...]`, `Iterable[T]`, `Sequence[T]`) are supported, but only as optional arguments, e.g.:
def f(mylist: List[int] = []): ...
funcli.run(f, ['--mylist', '1', '2']) # f([1, 2])
`Optional[T]` is supported, but there's currently no way to explicitly pass `None` values.
### Notes
Because of `argparse` limitations:
- `**kwargs` aren't supported; if your function has them, they'll always be empty
- optional arguments cannot be positional; `f(a = 'default')` has to be invoked as `python foo.py --a=nondefault`