A library to inject common functional programming operations as methods
into iterable objects. Currently, it injects
``filter, flat_map, foldl, foldr, map,`` and ``reduce`` operations along
with ``sum, count, any, all, max, min,`` and ``zip`` operations.
Getting the library
The library can be installed via ``pip install funcipy``. Similarly, it
can be uninstalled via ``pip uninstall funcipy``.
When you want to inject common functional programming operations as
methods into an object *Obj*, invoke ``funcipy.funcify`` function with
*Obj* as the argument. If *Obj* is iterable, then the function will
return an object that
1. provides the same interface as the input object and
2. has functional programming operations as methods.
Otherwise, *Obj* is returned as is.
Here are few example invocations.
.. code:: python
from funcipy import funcify
import functools
import itertools
import operator
i = range(5, 15)
print("Map function: " + ' '.join(map(str, i)))
tmp1 = funcify(i)
print("Map function applied to funcified object: " + ' '.join(map(str, tmp1)))
print("Map method: " + ' '.join(
print("Map and Filter Method chaining: " +
' '.join(tmp1.filter(lambda x: x % 2).map(str)))
print("Reduce function: " + str(functools.reduce(operator.add, i, 5)))
print("Reduce method: " + str(tmp1.reduce(operator.add, 5)))
print("Reduce function: " + str(functools.reduce(operator.sub, i)))
print("Foldl method: " + str(tmp1.foldl(operator.sub)))
print("Foldr method: " + str(tmp1.foldr(operator.sub)))
print("Flat-map operation: " + ' '.join(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
map(str, i))))
print("Flat-map method: " + ' '.join(funcify(i).flat_map(str)))
print("Sum function: " + str(sum(i)))
print("Sum method: " + str(tmp1.sum()))
print("Count function: " + str(sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x > 10, i))))
print("Count method: " + str(tmp1.count(lambda x: x > 10)))
print("Max function: " + str(max(i)))
print("Max method: " + str(tmp1.max()))
print("Min function: " + str(min(i)))
print("Min method: " + str(tmp1.min()))
print("Any function: " + str(any(map(lambda x: x > 10, i))))
print("Any method: " + str( x: x > 10).any()))
print("All function: " + str(all(map(lambda x: x > 10, i))))
print("All method: " + str( x: x > 10).all()))
j = range(0, 7)
print("Zip function: " + ' '.join(map(str, zip(i, j))))
print("Zip method: " + ' '.join(
Copyright (c) 2017, Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath
Licensed under BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
**Authors:** Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath