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# Fuelwatcher
A simple python module that scrapes XML data from the government of Western Australia's FuelWatch website that makes parsing a breeze.
> Fuelwatch.wa.gov.au provides information on fuel prices by fuel type, location, brand and region within Western Australia.
> Fuelwatcher will parse the XML from the fuelwatch.wa.gov.au RSS feed giving the developer an easy way to manipulate the information.
## Installation
Requires `pip` to be installed or `pip3` dependent on system, or environment.
pip install fuelwatcher
## Usage example
### Basic Usage
from fuelwatcher import FuelWatch
api = FuelWatch()
# returns byte string of xml.
api.query(product=2, region=25, day='yesterday')
# iterates over each fuel station entry in the byte string
# and returns list of dictionaries in human-readable text
xml_query = api.get_xml
>>>> [{'title': '138.5: Puma Bayswater', 'description': 'Address: 502 Guildford Rd, BAYSWATER, Phone: (08) 9379 1322, Open 24 hours', 'brand': 'Puma', 'date': '2018-04-05', 'price': '138.5', 'trading-name': 'Puma Bayswater', 'location': 'BAYSWATER', 'address': '502 Guildford Rd', 'phone': '(08) 9379 1322', 'latitude': '-31.919556', 'longitude': '115.929069', 'site-features': ', Open 24 hours'} ..snip... '}]
# python dictionary parsing
>>>> '138.5: Puma Bayswater'
Fuelwatcher can also transform the XML into JSON format. It is as simple as calling the `get_json` method.
api = FuelWatch()
json_response = api.get_json
>>>> [
>>>> {
>>>> "title": "143.9: United Boulder Kalgoorlie",
>>>> "description": "Address: Cnr Lane St & Davis St, BOULDER, Phone: (08) 9093 1543",
>>>> "brand": "United",
>>>> "date": "2018-04-13",
>>>> "price": "143.9",
>>>> ... snip ...
>>>> "longitude": "121.433746",
>>>> "site-features": "Unmanned Station, "
>>>> }
>>>> ]
For most operations the `get_xml()` or `get_json()` method will be sufficient. If the developer wants to parse the raw RSS XML then the `get_raw()` method is available.
This will return bytes.
get_raw = api.get_raw
>>>> (b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<rss version="2.0"><channel><title>FuelWatch Prices For North of River</title><ttl>720</ttl><link>http://www.fuelwatch.wa.gov.au</link><description>05/04/2018 - North of River</description><language>en-us</language><copyright>Copyright 2005 FuelWatch... snip...</item></channel></rss>\r\n')
>>>> <class 'bytes'>
The query method takes several keyword arguments.
A query without any arguments will return *all* of today's Unleaded stations in Western Australia.
As guide query takes the following kwargs
def query(self, product: int = None, suburb: str = None, region: int = None,
brand: int = None, surrounding: str = None, day: str = None):
If `suburb` is set then `surrounding` will default to `yes`. To get only the suburb, and not surrounding areas an explicit `surrounding='no'` must be called.
Setting `region` with `suburb` and `surrounding` will have unexpected results and are best not mixed together.
Simply put, if you want just one `suburb` then set `surrounding='no'`, else leave the default. Only one `suburb` can be set per query. If a `region` is selected, do not set `surrounding` or `suburb`.
A list of valid suburbs, brands, regions and products (fuel types) can be found in [constants.py](https://github.com/danielmichaels/fuelwatcher/blob/master/fuelwatcher/constants.py)
Fuelwatcher will run validation on the `query` method and throw AssertionError if an invalid integer or string is input
api.query(product=20) # product=20 is invalid
>>> .... error snippet....
>>> AssertionError: Invalid Product Integer.
## Release History
* 0.2.1
* README.md updated
* 0.2.0
* __Breaking Change!__
* @property added raw, xml and json methods
* json output now supported
* 0.1.1
* Include correct packages in setup.py
* 0.1.0
* First release live to PyPi
* 0.1.0rc2
* Minor formatting fixes
* 0.1.0rc1
* The first release candidate
* 0.0.1
* Work in progress
## Meta
Daniel Michaels – https://www.danielms.site
Distributed under the MIT license. See ``LICENSE`` for more information.
## Contributing
All requests, ideas or improvements are welcomed!
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/fooBar`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/fooBar`)
5. Create a new Pull Request
## Inspired by..
A local python meetup group idea that turned into a PyPi package for anyone to use!