``ftw.trash`` is a Plone addon which modifies Plone's behavior when content is deleted.
When a user deletes content, it will not actually be deleted but rather marked as trashed.
Trashed content can then be restored when needed.
.. contents:: Table of Contents
Installation and usage
- Be aware that ``ftw.trash`` requires and installs ``collective.deletepermission``.
- Add ``ftw.trash`` to the eggs in your buildout configuration:
eggs +=
- Install the ``ftw.trash`` addon in Plone (Addons control panel or portal_setup or quickinstaller).
- Deleting content looks exactly as in standard Plone, but it does not actually delete the content
but only hides it.
- Administrators can restore content with a global trash view, accessible via the user menu.
- Personal trashes are not implemented at the moment.
.. image:: https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.trash/raw/master/docs/trash.png
The catalog is patched, so that it includes the default query ``{'trashed': False}``.
This makes sure that we only work with 'untrashed' objects by default.
If you want to access trashed objects, you can simply use the query keyword ``trashed``
with one of these values:
- ``False``: only return objects which are not trashed.
- ``True``: only return objects which are trashed.
- ``None``: do not apply "trashed" filter, return both trashed and 'untrashed' objects.
These filters only apply when ``portal_catalog.searchResults`` is used.
When using ``portal_catalog.unrestrictedSearchResults`` the behavior is different,
especially for ``trashed=None``, since this method is not patched.
Methods for trashing and deleting
``ftw.trash`` patches ``manage_delObjects`` so that it trashes the content instead of deleting
it. ``ftw.trash`` also adds new methods:
- ``parent.manage_trashObjects([id1, id2, ..])``: trashes the contents.
- ``parent.manage_immediatelyDeleteObjects(([id1, id2, ..])``: immediately deletes the contents
without trashing it.
- ``parent.manage_delObjects([id1, id2, ..])``: trashes the contents. If called from ZMI (or
within link integrity checker), the content is immediately deleted.
The patches are applied on the site root, on DX- and on AT-folders when ``ftw.trash``
is installed in the path.
For the methods to work properly, the Generic Setup profile must be installed as well.
Temporary disable trash feature
You can either set the env variable ``DISABLE_FTW_TRASH`` manually, or use the provided context manager.
.. code:: python
from ftw.trash.utils import temporary_disable_trash
with temporary_disable_trash():
Setting the required permission for restoring content
Restoring a page can be compared to adding a new page to its container.
Therefore by default we require the ``Add portal content`` permission on the parent in order to restore content.
However this can depend on the application and the content type - there are some content types
which can be seen as *part of* the content of their parents, in which case we'd like to
require the ``Modify portal content`` permission for the parent instead.
This can be modelled by simply registering an `IIsRestoreAllowedAdapter` for the
content type being restored. For example:
.. code:: python
@adapter(IMyType, IMyBrowserLayer)
def is_restore_allowed_for_my_type(context, request):
parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(context))
return getSecurityManager().checkPermission('Modify portal content', parent)
The following object events are fired:
- `ftw.trash.interfaces.IBeforeObjectTrashedEvent`: the object will be trashed.
- `ftw.trash.interfaces.IObjectTrashedEvent`: the object has been trashed.
- `ftw.trash.interfaces.IBeforeObjectRestoredEvent`: the object will be restored.
- `ftw.trash.interfaces.IObjectRestoredEvent`: the object has been restored.
- When content is deleted, it is marked as ``ITrashed`` and ``IRestorable``, children are only
marked as ``ITrashed``.
- Only the root node of the deleted structure can be restored and thus provides ``IRestorable``.
Restoring children without their deleted parents is not possible since their parent(s) would be missing.
- Trashed content is not moved.
- The catalog's ``searchResults`` method is patched so that it filters trashed objects by default.
- The ``contentItems`` method is patched to exclude trashed content.
It is used for ``listFolderContents`` and ``getFolderContents``.
- Trashed content is prevented from being published / accessed through the browser unless
the user has the ``Manager`` role.
- For restoring content, the permissions ``Restore trashed content`` and ``Add portal content``
are required. The ``Restore trashed content`` is granted by default to the roles
``Manager`` and ``Site Administrator`` on the site root.
1. Fork this repo
2. Clone your fork
3. Shell: ``ln -s development.cfg buildout.cfg``
4. Shell: ``python bootstrap.py``
5. Shell: ``bin/buildout``
Run ``bin/test`` to test your changes.
Or start an instance by running ``bin/instance fg``.
- Github: https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.trash
- Issues: https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.trash/issues
- Pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ftw.trash
This package is copyright by `4teamwork <http://www.4teamwork.ch/>`_.
``ftw.trash`` is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.
1.7.4 (2021-06-01)
- Only sheck IItem based objects for trashed interfaces. [mathias.leimgruber]
1.7.3 (2020-01-07)
- Stop trash items with long paths from hiding action buttons on the trash view. [djowett-ftw]
1.7.2 (2019-12-09)
- Rename trash user action from "user_management" to "trash".
If you use ``ftw.usermanagement`` you should reinstall it. [jone]
1.7.1 (2019-12-05)
- Fix bug when migrating Plone site. [jone]
1.7.0 (2019-12-05)
- Disable trash when migrating Plone site. [jone]
1.6.0 (2019-12-04)
- Introduce ``temporary_disable_trash`` context manager. [mathias.leimgruber]
1.5.1 (2019-10-18)
- Do not check security recursively when trashing in order to have
the same behavior as standard Plone. [jone]
1.5.0 (2019-10-02)
- Let ``contentItems``, ``listFolderContents`` and ``getFolderContents`` no longer return trashed content. [jone]
1.4.1 (2019-07-25)
- Make it possible to delete single items in the trash view. [jone]
1.3.1 (2019-04-23)
- Clean trash, even if there is not enough permission to delete the actual item. [mathias.leimgruber]
1.3.0 (2018-12-17)
- Add Plone 5.1 support. [jone]
1.2.1 (2018-11-13)
- Patch `Products.PloneFormGen` to make it aware of trashed objects [Nachtalb]
1.2.0 (2018-08-16)
- When restoring a file, redirect to /view so that the file is not downloaded. [jone]
- Provide a manage_immediatelyDeleteObjects method. [jone]
- Fix cleaning trash when there is a parent and a child in the trash at once. [jone]
- Fix and translate error message when trying to restore child of trashed parent. [jone]
1.1.1 (2018-08-03)
- Show changelog on pypi. [jone]
1.1.0 (2018-08-03)
- Do not restore earlier trashed children when restoring parent. [jone]
- Allow deleting content from ZMI. [jone]
- Fire events when trashing and restoring object. [jone]
- Do not intercept link integrity checker. [jone]
- Add "clean trash" functionality to trash view. [jone]
1.0.0 (2018-07-05)
- Initial implementation [jone]