# Overview
This is a FTP library that provides simple means for downloading and uploading files.
It can be installed using python3 setup tools works.
python setup.py install
You can use directly ftpshutil/ftpshutil.py file in your project instead of installing with setup tools.
## General
The walk_ftp_dir method might be used to traverse a directory tree. As the first argument accepts the FTPShutil object.
def walk_ftp_dir(ftp, root_dir):
This can be used therefore like:
ftp = FTPShutil(server,user,password)
for root, dirs, files in walk_ftp_dir(ftp, "MyDirectory"):
## FTPShutil class
Can be observed using examples/ftpmgr.py. Provides FTPShutil class with the following methods:
- downloadtree
def downloadtree(self, directory, destination):
- uploadtree
def uploadtree(self, directory, destination):
- uploadfile
def uploadfile(self, local_file, remote_file):
- downloadfile
def downloadfile(self, remote_file, local_file):
- listdir. Returns list of files / directories withing the location.
def listdir(self, root_dir):
- listdir_ex. Returns list of directories and files in the root_dir (as a tuple of two lists)
def listdir_ex(self, root_dir):
- write. Allows to create a file with the specified data.
def write(self, file_path, data):
- read. Allows to read contents of a file.
def read(self, file_path):
- mkdir
def mkdir(self, path):
- makedirs
def makedirs(self, path):
- rename
def rename(self, fromname, toname):
- exists
def exists(self, path):
- isdir
def isdir(self, dir_path):
- isfile
def isfile(self, dir_path):
- remove_file
def remove_file(self, path):
- remove_dir
def remove_dir(self, path):
- rmtree
def rmtree(self, directory):
- get_ftplib_handle
def get_ftplib_handle(self):
- quit
def quit(self):
# API with CRC synchronization
Sometimes you do not want to transfer entire page into the Internet. You have a webpage, you modified one page and you need to transfer only that page, not entire image assets of your page.
For every directory on your local file system a CRC checksum file is generated. If the checksum of that directory is exactly the same as the remote checksum, then this directory is skpped
Download with CRC checking:
- downloadfile_sync
def downloadfile_sync(self, remote_file, local_file):
Upload with CRC checking:
- downloadfile_sync
def downloadfile_sync(self, remote_file, local_file):
It is important to know that right now the entire directory is transferred, is something is changed.
The CRC file is a simple INI file format, with one section. It contains a list of files with checksum values, and directory listing.
# Other
You can try installing this using pip. I have not checked if that works.
pip install git+https://github.com/rumca-js/ftplibshutil.git#egg=ftpshutil-renegat0x0