FtpBackup Overview
FtpBackup provides a simple way to backup all things in your folder to FTP.
FtpBackup take thesettings in the config file (default is `.ftpbackup`). And
you can add ignore files in `.ftpignore` and `.gitignore`.
pip install ftpbackup
Tested Platforms
- Python:
- 3.4-3.6
- Windows (32bit/64bit):
- Only test on win10 now.
Getting started
1. Generate your config file ::
ftpbk genconf
2. Edit your config file.
3. Add a new file called '`.ftpignore`' and edit it.
4. Backup your floder to FTP by the command. ::
ftpbk backup
NOTE : Because `.ftpbackup` contains IP, password, and other pravite info. So
it's necessary to add it in `.gitignore` or `.ftpignore` manually. You can also
add it in git global ignore file list.
Set the config file (default: `.ftpconfig`)
The default config is like below. ::
"protocol": "ftp", // string - Only 'ftp' now.
"host": "localhost", // string - The hostname or IP address of the FTP server. Default: 'localhost'
"encoding": "utf-8", // string - The encoding of the FTP server. Default: utf-8
"port": 21, // integer - The port of the FTP server. Default: 21
"user": "anonymous", // string - Username for authentication. Default: 'anonymous'
"pass": "anonymous@", // string - Password for authentication. Default: 'anonymous@'
"remote": "/", // string - The path on FTP to upload files.
// NOTE : Use absolute path of remote or get a error.
"local": ".", // string - The folder on local to be uploaded.
"useGitIgnore": true, // bool - Use .gitignore in ignored file list.
"gitIgnoreEncoding": "utf-8", // string - The encoding of .gitignore
"useFtpIgnore": true, // bool - Use .ftpignore in ignored file list.
"ftpIgnoreEncoding": "utf-8" // string - The encoding of .ftpignore
Set the .ftpignore
The format of `.ftpignore` is just like `.gitignore`.
usage: ftpbk [-h] {genconf,backup} ...
Backup to FTP.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
command 'genconf'::
usage: ftpbk genconf [-h] [-F] [-f FILE]
Generate a default config file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-F, --force overwrite the config file if it exists.
-f FILE, --file FILE assign the config file to be writed, default is
command 'backup'::
usage: ftpbk backup [-h] [-c CONFIGFILE]
Backup all the file in the 'local' floder to 'remote' on ftp. You can change
the config in config file(default is '.ftpbackup').
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
assign the config file to be loaded, default is