FST Lookup
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Implements lookup for [Foma][] finite state transducers.
Supports Python 3.5 and up.
[Foma]: https://fomafst.github.io/
pip install fst-lookup
Import the library, and load an FST from a file:
> Hint: Test this module by [downloading the `eat` FST](https://github.com/eddieantonio/fst-lookup/raw/master/tests/data/eat.fomabin)!
>>> from fst_lookup import FST
>>> fst = FST.from_file('eat.fomabin')
### Assumed format of the FSTs
`fst_lookup` assumes that the **lower** label corresponds to the surface
form, while the **upper** label corresponds to the lemma, and linguistic
tags and features: e.g., your `LEXC` will look something like
this—note what is on each side of the colon (`:`):
Multichar_Symbols +N +Sg +Pl
Lexicon Root
cow+N+Sg:cow #;
cow+N+Pl:cows #;
goose+N+Sg:goose #;
goose+N+Pl:geese #;
sheep+N+Sg:sheep #;
sheep+N+Pl:sheep #;
If your FST has labels on the opposite sides—e.g., the **upper** label
corresponds to the surface form and the **upper** label corresponds to
the lemma and linguistic tags—then instantiate the FST by providing
the `labels="invert"` keyword argument:
fst = FST.from_file('eat-inverted.fomabin', labels="invert")
> **Hint**: FSTs originating from the HFST suite are often inverted, so
> try to loading the FST inverted first if `.generate()` or `.analyze()`
> aren't working correctly!
### Analyze a word form
To _analyze_ a form (take a word form, and get its linguistic analyzes)
call the `analyze()` function:
def analyze(self, surface_form: str) -> Iterator[Analysis]
This will yield all possible linguistic analyses produced by the FST.
An analysis is a tuple of strings. The strings are either linguistic
tags, or the _lemma_ (base form of the word).
`FST.analyze()` is a generator, so you must call `list()` to get a list.
>>> list(sorted(fst.analyze('eats')))
[('eat', '+N', '+Mass'),
('eat', '+V', '+3P', '+Sg')]
### Generate a word form
To _generate_ a form (take a linguistic analysis, and get its concrete
word forms), call the `generate()` function:
def generate(self, analysis: str) -> Iterator[str]
`FST.generate()` is a Python generator, so you must call `list()` to get
a list.
>>> list(fst.generate('eat+V+Past')))
If you plan to contribute code, it is recommended you use [Poetry].
Fork and clone this repository, then install development dependencies
by typing:
poetry install
Then, do all your development within a virtual environment, managed by
poetry shell
### Type-checking
This project uses `mypy` to check static types. To invoke it on this
package, type the following:
mypy -p fst_lookup
### Running tests
To run this project's tests, we use `py.test`:
poetry run pytest
### C Extension
Building the C extension is handled in `build.py`
To disable building the C extension, add the following line to `.env`:
(by default, this is `True`).
To enable debugging flags while working on the C extension, add the
following line to `.env`:
(by default, this is `False`).
### Fixtures
If you are creating or modifying existing test fixtures (i.e., mostly
pre-built FSTs used for testing), you will need the following
* GNU `make`
* [Foma][]
Fixtures are stored in `tests/data/`. Here, you will use `make` to
compile all pre-built FSTs from source:
[Poetry]: https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry#poetry-dependency-management-for-python
Copyright © 2019–2021 National Research Council Canada.
Licensed under the MIT license.