# Flink SQL Job Management Website
## Display
> require
1. python3.6+
2. flink 1.9.0+ installed (need set `FSQLFLY_FLINK_BIN_DIR` in ~/.fsqlfly or in env)
ps: if you want run multi fsqlfly in one computer, you can set `FSQLFLY` in env , like
export FSQLFLY=/path/where/you/like
fsqlfly comand
you can generate a env template by `fsqlfly echoenv [filename]`
> install
pip install fsqlfly
> init database
fsqlfly initdb
> run website
fsqlfly webserver [--jobdaemon]
ps: if you want daemon all flink sql job(need set publish and available), add `--jobdaemon` in commands
> reset database (warning it'll delete all data)
fsqlfly resetdb
> support canal consumer(load mysql log data to kafka)
**require install [canal v1.1.4+](https://github.com/alibaba/canal)**
pip install fsqlfly[canal]
fsqlfly runcanal [name or id]
# settings
you can change by write in `env file` (~/.fsqlfly) or just in environment variables (`eg: export name=value`)
Name | Description|Default
---- | --- | ---
FSQLFLY_PASSWORD|admin password(if not set use a random password)|password
FSQLFLY_DB_URL|database connection url(if you set then other is ignore) |None
FSQLFLY_STATIC_ROOT|the dir of static file(if not set then it will be fsqlfly/static) |None
FSQLFLY_FLINK_BIN_DIR|the dir of flink bin dir |/opt/flink/bin
FSQLFLY_FLINK_MAX_TERMINAL|the max value of living terminal |1000
FSQLFLY_DEBUG| set web debug(if set then set True else False) |None
FSQLFLY_DEBUG| set web debug(if set then set True else False) |None
FSQLFLY_WEB_PORT|set http port |8082
FSQLFLY_FINK_HOST| flink REST api host | http://localhost:8081
FSQLFLY_JOB_DAEMON_FREQUENCY| each job check damon time second | 30
FSQLFLY_JOB_DAEMON_MAX_TRY_ONE_DAY| each job maximum try times in one day | 3
FSQLFLY_JOB_LOG_DIR| flink job damon log file | /tmp/fsqlfly_job_log
FSQLFLY_UPLOAD_DIR| upload dir | ~/.fsqlfly_upload
FSQLFLY_SAVE_MODE_DISABLE| if set then support delete or otherwise | False
FSQLFLY_MAIL_ENABLE| send email or not |false
FSQLFLY_MAIL_HOST| smt email host|None
FSQLFLY_MAIL_USER| smt email user|None
FSQLFLY_MAIL_PASSWORD| smt email password |None
FSQLFLY_MAIL_RECEIVERS| smt email receivers sep by ,|None
> connection url detail in [FSQLFLY_DB_URL](https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/engines.html)
ps: the admin token value is `FSQLFLY_PASSWORD` md5 hex value, you can generate it by
import hashlib
md5 = hashlib.md5()
token = md5.hexdigest()
if you want control all flink sql job start and stop by api, you can add token in url or header without login
## API
> need login by token(in request params `token`)
- jobs
url: /api/job
method: get
- job control
url: /api/transform/<mode(status|start|stop|restart)>/<id or job name>
method: post
**Beta** you can set `pt` in request body(json format), then will create a unique job
name for job, if you sql need other format value, we support `jinja2` format
eg: `insert into tablea select * from table where pt_field = {{ pt }};`
you can send `pt` value in request body.I recommend you control daily job by `airflow`.
If you want kill all `pt` job add `kill_all_pt` in request json body.
PS: `pt` only can contain '0-9a-zA-Z_-'
PS: `status` api if no `last_run_job_id` or multi running job , api will return `FAILED`
PS: we will generate a dt variable in your sql template, you can set `execution_date` in request body(json format), eg: (`2020-05-11 23:22:07` or `2020-05-11`)
## Airflow Support
> use dag operator in `fsqlfly.airflow_plugins.FSQLFlyOperator`
from airflow.models import DAG
from fsqlfly.airflow_plugins import FSQLFlyOperator
dag = DAG(
schedule_interval="2 1 * * *",
data = dict(pt="{{ ds_nodash }}")
http_conn_id = "fsqlplatform"
token = '{{ var.value.fsqlfly_token }}'
start_flink_job = FSQLFlyOperator(
method='start', # support restart | start | stop
parallelism=0, # if parallelism set not zero then will control the max running job one time
`token`: fsqlfly token, you can real token, also you can save in `variable` in airflow
`HOST`: airflow connection id , see more in [detail](https://airflow.apache.org/docs/stable/howto/connection/index.html)
`data`: args in flink job
if you want control `connector` by airflow you can use `fsqlfly.airflow_plugins.FSQLFlyConnectorOperator` same usage as upper.
## Quick Start
1. unzip Flink 1.10.0 to /opt/flink
2. `pip install fsqlfly`
3. `fsqlfly echoenv ~/.fsqlfly`
4. change the value `FSQLFLY_FLINK_BIN_DIR` in `~/.fsqlfly` to your flink bin dir like `/opt/flink/bin`
5. `fsqlfly initdb`
6. `fsqlfly runwebserver`
7. open your browser in `http://localhost:8082` the password is `password`