FS Nav
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File System Navigation shortcuts for the commandline
In short, `FS Nav` allows users to navigate to directories by typing in a
single word and pressing return.
Learning to use the commandline can be daunting but required in order to use
specific tools. The goal of `FS Nav` is to make navigating to common locations
easier and slightly more intuitive both for new users and those that find
themselves navigating complex file systems.
When set up `FS Nav` allows the user to navigate to the `desktop` like so:
$ pwd
$ desktop
$ pwd
NOTE: The above functionality does not yet support the `Windows` commandline
but works with [cygwin](http://cygwin.org).
Commandline Utilities
#### nav ####
The `nav` utility is responsible for driving the file system navigation. There
are several sub-commands, the most important of which is `nav get`, which
prints out an alias's path.
$ nav get home
In order to see a list of all currently recognized aliases, use `nav aliases`.
$ nav aliases
{'applications': '/Applications',
'desk': '/Users/geowurster/Desktop',
'desktop': '/Users/geowurster/Desktop',
User defined aliases can be added with `nav config addalias`. New aliases can
be added and default aliases can be re-defined but default aliases can not be
fully deleted.
$ nav config addalias fsnav=~/github/FS-Nav desk=~/github
$ nav get fsnav
# Re-assign a default alias
$ nav get desk
# Deleting a re-assigned default alias makes it revert to its original value
$ nav config deletealias desk
$ nav get desk
See `nav config --help` for additional commands.
#### count ####
A bonus utility of sorts - quickly count items on the file system. Handles
wildcard expansion and only counts paths that actually exist.
$ cd github/FS-Nav
$ count *
$ count * fsnav/*
Via pip:
$ pip install fsnav
Master branch:
$ git clone https://github.com/geowurster/FS-Nav
$ cd FS-Nav
$ python setup.py install
Once installed, `FS Nav` requires the user to add a startup command to their
profile. In order to just try `FS-Hav`, do `eval $(nav startup generate)`.
Mac, Linux, Cygwin, etc.
$ nav startup profile >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile
Windows commandline "one-word navigation" is not yet supported.
Verify that everything is working properly with:
$ cd ~/
$ pwd
$ desktop
$ pwd
Python API
For detailed information about a given object, do `help(<object>)`.
#### Loading aliases ####
Load only the default aliases `FS-Nav` defines on import.
from pprint import pprint
import fsnav
aliases = fsnav.Aliases(fsnav.DEFAULT_ALIASES)
#### Working with the configfile ####
The configfile is `JSON` encoded and currently only contains user-defined
aliases in a section called `aliases`. The path to the configfile is stored
in `fsnav.CONFIGFILE` and the name of the section containing the aliases is
'aliases': {
'fsnav': '/Users/geowurster/github/FS-Nav/'
Load the aliases in the configfile:
import json
import fsnav
with open(fsnav.CONFIGFILE) as f:
cfg_aliases = json.load(f)[fsnav.CONFIGFILE_ALIAS_SECTION]
aliases = fsnav.Aliases(cfg_aliases)
#### Loading multiple sets of aliases ####
Note that the `list()` call is required for Python 3. Note that the aliases
from the configfile are loaded last in order to overwrite any default aliases
with the same name.
import fsnav
all_aliases = list(fsnav.DEFAULT_ALIASES.items()) + list(cfg_aliases.items())
aliases = fsnav.Aliases(all_aliases.copy())
#### The `Aliases()` class ####
`Aliases()` subclasses `dict()` but overrides a few methods for `alias` and
`path` validation. A handful of `FS Nav` specific methods are also present.
Generally, an instance of `Aliases()` acts just like an instance of `dict()`.
import fsnav
aliases = fsnav.Aliases()
new_aliases = {'desk': '~/Desktop', 'home': '~/'}
for a, p in new_aliases.items():
aliases[a] = p
assert sorted(new_aliases.keys()) == sorted(aliases.keys())
del aliases['desk']
assert 'desk' not in aliases
aliases.update({'desk': '~/Desktop')
assert aliases['desk'] == new_aliases['desk']
For more information see `help(fsnav.Aliases)`
#### Counting items on the file system ####
The `count` utility directly calls this function.
import fsnav
num_files = fsnav.count('/Users/geowurster/github/FS-Nav/*')