# Frontend-For-Free
A bootstrap of RBNF.hs to generate **standalone** parsers targeting multiple programming languages.
**Standalone**: the generated code can run without runtime dependencies other than the language and standard libraries.
## Installation
### Install from Sources
You can install binary files via: [The Haskell Tool Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/).
sh> stack install .
### Install from Binaries
Otherwise, binary files for various platforms(Win64, Generic Linux, MAC OSX 10.13-10.15) are released on GitHub.
Download it from [Releases](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/releases), add `fff-lex` and `fff-pgen` to your PATH.
### Besides, You Need a Python Wrapper
`frontend-for-free` now provides a wrapper for Python only:
`pip install frontend-for-free` or install it from GitHub.
## Usage
sh> fff <xxx>.rbnf --trace [--lexer_out <xxx>_lex.py] [--parser_out <xxx>_parser.py]
sh> # note that you should also provide a <xxx>.rlex file
sh> ls | grep <xxx>
<xxx>_parser.py <xxx>_lex.py
See examples at [runtest](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/tree/cfg/runtest).
## What is Frontend-For-Free?
A framework for generating context-free parsers with the following features:
- [ ] cross-language
- [x] distributed with a lexer generator, but feel free to use your own lexers.
- [x] **LL(k)** capability
- [x] efficient left recursions
- [x] **standalone**
No 3rd party library is introduced, while the generator requires Python3.6+ with a few dependencies.
- [x] defined with a most intuitive and expressive BNF derivative
- action/rewrite:
`pair := a b { ($1, $2) }`
- parameterised polymorphisms for productions:
`nonEmpty[A] := A { [$1] } | hd=A tl=nonEmpty[A] { tl.append(hd); tl }`
where `append` shall be provided by the user code.
- the parser generator support for a programming language is hard coded in `src/RBNF/BackEnds/<LanguageName>.hs`.
- the lexer generator support for a programming language is hard coded in `ffflex.py`.
## Galleries
- Parsing JSON
- lexer: [json.rlex](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/runtest/rbnfjson/json.rlex)
- parser: [json.rbnf](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/runtest/rbnfjson/json.exrbnf)
- Parser as Interpreter: Implementing a Programming Language within 20 Minutes
- parser/interpreter: https://github.com/thautwarm/simple-pl/blob/master/easylang.gg
- lexer: https://github.com/thautwarm/simple-pl/blob/master/easylang.rlex
- Parsing LaTeX
- lexer: [gkdtex.rlex](https://github.com/thautwarm/gkdtex/blob/master/gkdtex.rlex)
- parser: [gkdtex.gg](https://github.com/thautwarm/gkdtex/blob/master/gkdtex.gg)
- Parsing LLVM IR(A major subset)
- lexer: [llvmir.rlex](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/runtest/llvmir/llvmir.rlex)
- parser: [llvmir.rbnf](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/runtest/llvmir/llvmir.rbnf)
- Parsing nested arithmetic expressions
- lexer: [arith.rlex](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/runtest/arith/arith.rlex)
- parser: [arith.rbnf](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/runtest/arith/arith.rbnf)
- Parsing the BNF derivative used by FFF(bootstrap)
- lexer: [fffbnf.rlex](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/fffbnf.rlex)
- parser: [fffbnf.rbnf](https://github.com/thautwarm/frontend-for-free/blob/cfg/fffbnf.rbnf)
- Parsing ML syntax:
- lexer: [mlfs.rlex](https://github.com/thautwarm/UPL/blob/master/aparser/mlfs.rlex)
- parser: [mlfs.bnf](https://github.com/thautwarm/UPL/blob/master/aparser/mlfs.bnf)
- (**OLD VER 0**)Parsing ML syntax and convert it to DrRacket
- lexer: [yesml.rlex](https://github.com/thautwarm/ml-to-scheme/blob/master/yesml.rlex)
- parser: [yesml.rbnf](https://github.com/thautwarm/ml-to-scheme/blob/master/yesml.rbnf)
- (**OLD VER 1**)Muridesu: 以**木兰的方式**, 三小时做出强比Python,形似GoLang的语言
- lexer: [muridesu.rlex](https://github.com/LanguageAsGarbage/muridesu-lang/blob/master/muridesu.rlex)
- parser: [muridesu.exrbnf](https://github.com/LanguageAsGarbage/muridesu-lang/blob/master/muridesu.exrbnf)
- (**OLD VER 2**)Parsing Python [ASDL](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python/cpython/3.6/Parser/Python.asdl) files
- lexer: [asdl.rlex](https://github.com/python-compiler-tools/ast-compat/blob/master/asdl.rlex)
- parser: [asdl.exrbnf](https://github.com/python-compiler-tools/ast-compat/blob/master/asdl.exrbnf)
**OLD VER 2**, **OLD VER 1** and **OLD VER 0** are out-of-date, hence the code generation does not work with the master branch.
However, the generated code is permanent and now still working.
Further, **OLD VER 2** can be easily up-to-date by manually performing the following transformations:
1. changing slots `$0, $1, $2, ...` to `$1, $2, $3, ...`
2. changing `list(rule)` to `list[rule]`, and provide the definition of `list` production:
list[p] ::= p { [$1] }
| list[p] p { $1.append($2); $1 }
3. changing `separated_list(sep, rule)` to `separated_list[sep, rule]`, and provide the definition of `separated_list` production:
separated_list[sep, p] ::=
p { [$1] }
| list[p] sep p { $1.append($3); $1 }
## End-To-End: A Common Pattern for Using the Generated Parser
For most cases, you don't need to understand any parsing components like lexers, token tables, states, etc.
In fact, **you can easily access your generated parser simply via the following function `parse(source_code, filename="<unknown>")`**:
from <the generated parser module> import *
from <the generated lexer module> import lexer
__all__ = ["parse"]
_parse = mk_parser()
def parse(text: str, filename: str = "unknown"):
tokens = lexer(filename, text)
status, res_or_err = _parse(None, Tokens(tokens))
if status:
return res_or_err
msgs = []
lineno = None
colno = None
filename = None
offset = 0
msg = ""
for each in res_or_err:
i, msg = each
token = tokens[i]
lineno = token.lineno + 1
colno = token.colno
offset = token.offset
filename = token.filename
e = SyntaxError(msg)
e.lineno = lineno
e.colno = colno
e.filename = filename
e.text = text[offset - colno:text.find('\n', offset)]
e.offset = colno
raise e
Calling `parse` will get you the expected result, or a considerably readable error message.