# Fröjd-Fabric
A deployment toolkit built on top of Fabric.
The purpose of this library is to provide a stable python based deploy tool that covers a wide range a use cases,
Those cases include Wordpress, Node.js and Django. We favor composition and customization by code before configuration.
## Supports
- Git
- Rollbacks
- A full Django deploy script with migrations
- Virtualenv creation and activation
- NPM management
- Nginx
- Uwsgi
- Forever
- Envfile handling
- Celeryd
- Wordpress
- Composer
## Requirements
To install Frojd-Fabric you need Python 2.7, virtualenv and pip.
## Installation
Frojd-Fabric can be installed through pip.
### Stable
`pip install frojd-fabric`
### Develop
`pip install git+git://github.com/Frojd/Frojd-Fabric.git@develop`
## Project layout
We use the following project layout when deploying (it follows the same pattern as the ruby tool capistrano).
│ releases │─┐
└─────────────┘ │ ┌───────────────────┐
├─▶│ 201504121255 │──┐
│ └───────────────────┘ │
│ ┌───────────────────┐ │
└─▶│ 201504121213 │ │
└───────────────────┘ │
┌─────────────┐ │
│ current │─┬─────────────────────────┘
└─────────────┘ │ ┌───────────────────┐
├─▶│ myapp.py │
│ └───────────────────┘
│ ┌───────────────────┐
└─▶│ urls.py │
│ .env │◀─┐
└───────────────────┘ │
┌─────────────┐ │
│ shared │─┐ │
└─────────────┘ │ ┌──────────────────┐ │
└─▶│ .env │───┘
## Commands/tasks
|setup|Initializes you application by creating the necessary directories/files. Must run first|
|deploy|Performs the actual deployment|
|rollback|Removes the current release and reactivates the previous|
>>> fab stage setup
>>> fab stage deploy
## How does it work
Frojd-Fabric consists of three parts, stages, recipes and extensions.
### Stages
The server stage is stored as a file called {stage}.py and it specifies both the recipe and some of the extensions (depending on recipe). It also defines deployment settings by both loading them from a fabricrc.txt file or hard coded in stage file.
The stages are usually placed in a folder called `envs` or `stages` and are organized like this:
**Example: envs/__init__.py**
The init file specifies the stages you want to activate. It might also contain stage wide settings, such as repository url.
from demo import demo
from prod import prod
env.repro_url = "git@github.com:Frojd/Yourrepro.git"
**Example: envs/demo.py**
And here is a stage file example, this file represents the demo environment and uses the wordpress recipe.
from fabric.state import env
from fabric.decorators import task
from frojd_fabric.utils import get_stage_var
def demo():
from frojd_fabric.recipes import wordpress
env.stage = "demo"
env.hosts = ["example.com"]
env.user = "deploy"
env.password = "password"
Configurations are usually loaded through a fabric settings file. Hard coded values should be avoided in most cases.
env.hosts = [get_stage_var("HOST")]
env.user = get_stage_var("USER")
env.password = get_stage_var("PASSWORD")
In the sample below `get_stage_var("USER")` will look for a parameter named `DEMO_USER` (since env.stage was named demo) in the fabricrc.txt file.
Here is a more [detailed example](https://github.com/Frojd/Frojd-Fabric/blob/develop/examples/django/fabricrc.template.txt).
### Recipes
A recipe is essentially the glue between a stage and extensions. It includes the necessary extensions and applies custom configurations that combine different extensions.
### Extensions
Is esentially a way of interacting with various server tools and software, such as nginx or uwsgi. Should be kept small, flexible and modular.
## Parameters
Frojd-Fabric requires a couple of parameters to work, the standard params (listed below) are required to any setup, while other params are depending on recipe or extension.
### Standard params
|[hosts](http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.10/usage/env.html#hosts)|Deployment host target|
|[password](http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.10/usage/env.html#password)|SSH Password|
|[key_filename](http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.10/usage/env.html#key-filename)|Absolute path to SSH key file|
|app_path|The path on the remote server where the application should be deployed (needs to be absolute)|
|source_path|If you have a subfolder you want to use as a application front (such as `src`)|
|current_path|Path where you want your latest release to be linked *(Optional)*|
|stage|The name of your deployment stage (such as `prod`)|
Here's is a [full list of the built in Fabric env vars](http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.10/usage/env.html#environment-as-configuration)
#### Git
|repro_url|Url to your git repro (example: `git@github.com:Frojd/Frojd-Fabric.git`|
|branch|Name of your repro branch, defaults to master *(Optional)*|
**TODO: Add more extension configurations**
## Examples
This project ships with examples for Django and Wordpress (just check `examples/*`)
## Debugging
Simple, just import `debug` from frojd_fabric.api, then run it with your command.
Debug will then generate a log file called `frojd_fabric-debug.log`.
Example: `fab debug demo deploy`
## Tests
Tests can be run with `python runtests.py`, this will run the entire suite.
It also possible to run a specific case: `python runtests.py tests.test_api.TestApi`
... or a specific unittest:
`test_deploy_rollback python runtests.py tests.test_api.TestApi.test_deploy_rollback`
### Writing tests
All tests should reside in the `tests` directory and prefixed `test_*`, to include a test in the main suite add the test path in `runtests.py`.
## Contributing
Want to contribute? Awesome. Just send a pull request.
## License
Frojd-Fabric is released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).