# freebible library
Free holy bibles data and toolkit for Python developers
## Project Home Page
## Installation
freebible package is available on PyPI, so it can be installed via pip by using
pip install freebible
# or even better
python3 -m pip install freebible
Please note that freebible requires **Python 3**. It does not work on ~~Python 2~~ anymore.
## Sample code
### Easy access
>>> from freebible import bibles
# Quote everything
>>> bibles.print("Gen")
[1] 創世記
[1] Genesis
>>> bibles.print("Gen", 1, 1)
[Ge 1:1] 元始に神天地を創造たまへり
[Gen 1:1] In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
# Quote from a specific bible
>>> bibles.kougo.quote("John") # this returns a book object
Book(ID='104', title='ヨハネ傳福音書', filename='John', title_eng='John', short_name='John')
>>> bibles.kougo.quote("John", 1) # this returns a chapter object
>>> bibles.kougo.quote("John", 1, 1) # this returns a verse object
John 1:1 太初に言あり、言は神と偕にあり、言は神なりき。
>>> bibles.web.quote("John")
Book(ID='43', title='John', filename='', title_eng='John', short_name='John')
>>> bibles.web.quote("John", 1)
>>> bibles.web.quote("John", 1, 1)
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
### Accessing Kougo
>>> from freebible import read_kougo
>>> kougo = read_kougo()
>>> print(len(kougo))
>>> print(kougo['John'])
[104] ヨハネ傳福音書
>>> print(len(kougo['John']))
>>> print(kougo['John'][1])
>>> print(kougo['John'][1][1])
[John 1:1] 太初に言あり、言は神と偕にあり、言は神なりき。
### Accessing World English Bible (WEB)
>>> from freebible import read_web
>>> web = read_web()
>>> print(len(web))
>>> print(web['John'])
[43] John
>>> print(len(web['John']))
>>> print(web['John'][1])
>>> print(len(web['John'][1]))
>>> print(web['John'][1][1])
[John 1:1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
## Developer setup
If you want to contribute to the source code, you can setup the development environment like this
# Create a virtual environment to install packages
python3 -venv ~/.envfreebible
# Activate the virtual environment
. ~/.envfreebible/bin/activate
# Check out the source code to your machine
git clone https://github.com/freebible freebible-project
cd freebible-project
# Install required packages
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run the demo to make sure that this source code work
python3 demo.py
## Bible sources:
Japanese Colloquial 口語訳: http://jco.ibibles.net/
World English Bible: https://github.com/scrollmapper/bible_databases