# FraudRecord API client for Python
Install from PyPI:
$ pip install fraudrecord
If you will use the non-blocking API, include `aio` extra:
$ pip install fraudrecord[aio]
This package is maintained, stable, and perpetually tested. There will never be
any breaking changes.
## Example
Using the blocking API:
from fraudrecord.query import query as fraudrecord_query
if __name__ == "__main__":
api_code = "a51ff508c331b7e9" # XXX: use your own
print(fraudrecord_query(api_code, email="example@example.org"))
Using the non-blocking API:
import asyncio
from fraudrecord.query_aio import query as fraudrecord_query
async def main():
api_code = "a51ff508c331b7e9" # XXX: use your own
response = await fraudrecord_query(api_code, email="example@example.org")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Using the CLI:
$ FRAUDRECORD_API_CODE=a51ff508c331b7e9 fraudrecord-query --email=example@example.org
## Documentation
### `fraudrecord.hash`
FraudRecord hashing scheme as described on <https://fraudrecord.com/security/>.
32,000 iterations of SHA-1. Case- and whitespace- insensitive: the input is
lowercased and stripped of all whitespace. The hexadecimal digest of each
iteration is fed into the next iteration. The input of each iteration
is prefixed with `fraudrecord-`.
- function `hexdigest(s: str) -> str`
Returns the hexadecimal digest of the input string.
### `fraudrecord.model`
Concepts of FraudRecord API.
- type `APICode`
API code. Lowercase alphanumeric string, 16 characters. Get one by signing up
with FraudRecord and creating a reporter profile.
- type `Reliability`
Result reliability measurement. Decimal; either 0.0 (if there are no submitted
reports) or between 1.0 and 10.0 with one digit after the decimal point.
- type `ReportCode`
Report code. Lowercase alphanumeric string, 16 characters. Used in order to
fetch a human-readable report.
- constant `ENDPOINT: HttpUrl`
API endpoint URL.
- function `query_url(api_code: APICode, **data_vars: str) -> HttpUrl`
Given an API code and non-hashed data variables, returns the corresponding
query API URL.
Data variables are arbitrary bits of information about someone as described
on <https://fraudrecord.com/developers/> under "Data variables". Well-known
data variable names are:
+ `name`: full name
+ `company`: company name
+ `email`: email address
+ `address`: postal address
+ `phone`: phone number
+ `ip`: registration IP address
+ `hostname`: server hostname
+ `accountuser`: hosting account username
+ `accountpass`: hosting account password
+ `domain`: domain name without `www.`
+ `paypalemail`: PayPal email address
+ `ccname`: name on the credit card
+ `ccnumber`: credit card number
- function `report_url(report_code: ReportCode) -> HttpUrl`
Given a report code, returns the corresponding human-readable report URL.
- class `QueryResponse`
Query API response.
+ field `value: NonNegativeInt`
Total sum of points (severity scores) across all submitted reports.
+ field `total_reports: NonNegativeInt`
Total number of the submitted reports.
+ field `reliability: Reliability`
Result reliability measurement, out of possible 10.
+ field `report_url: HttpUrl`
Human-readable report URL.
Example: https://www.fraudrecord.com/api/?showreport=0f5dac5aab7762e6
+ class method `parse(s: str) -> QueryResponse`
Parses the input string containing the query API HTTP response body
into a `QueryResponse` object.
### `fraudrecord.query`
Blocking FraudRecord query API client.
- function `query(api_code: APICode, **data_vars: str) -> QueryResponse`
Makes a query request to the API and returns a `QueryResponse`.
### `fraudrecord.query.cli`
FraudRecord query API command-line interface.
Usage: `fraudrecord-query --DATA_VARIABLE=VALUE ...`
`FRAUDRECORD_API_CODE` environment variable must be set to a valid FraudRecord
API code. Get one by signing up with FraudRecord and creating a reporter profile.
### `fraudrecord.query_aio`
Non-blocking FraudRecord query API client.
*Requires `aio` extra to be installed.*
- async function `query(api_code: APICode, **data_vars: str) -> QueryResponse`
Makes a query request to the API and returns a `QueryResponse`.
Note that the report submission functionality isn't and won't be implemented.
I believe that users of FraudRecord violate their clients' privacy, and I don't
want to be a part of that.
While it's true that FraudRecord only stores hashes of (arbitrary, sensitive)
data, if you do end up in the database, it lets anyone on the internet easily
check if their guess of your personal email address, physical address, legal
name, credit card number, IP address, and such is correct or not as long as
they know any single one of these bits of information in advance. There is
no defined limit to the number of guesses they could make.
Moreover, reports themselves are presented in cleartext and frequently contain
some sensitive data anyway. Here you can see various FraudRecord users posting
their (ostensibly fraudulent) clients' full names, addresses, and even, in one
case, a photo of the driver's license: [\[1\]][1], [\[2\]][2], [\[3\]][3].
I wish I was making it up.
[1]: https://web.archive.org/web/20221020093115/https://www.fraudrecord.com/api/?showreport=f0e0e7544b149849
[2]: https://web.archive.org/web/20221020093328/https://www.fraudrecord.com/api/?showreport=f17ed61cb427f320
[3]: https://web.archive.org/web/20221020094049/https://www.fraudrecord.com/api/?showreport=66853df490a28d3d
This API client is intended for privacy research only.