# Frarch <img src="docs/logo.png" alt="drawing" width="30"/>


Frarch is a **Fra**mework for Pyto**rch** experiments inspired by [speechbrain's](https://speechbrain.github.io/) workflow using [hyperpyyaml](https://github.com/speechbrain/HyperPyYAML) configuration files. Frarch aims to minimize the code needed to perform an experiment while organizing the output models and the log files for the experiment as well as the configuration files used to train them in an organised manner.
## Features
- `CPU` and `CUDA` computations. Note that CUDA must be installed for Pytorch and as such frarch to compute in an NVIDIA GPU. Multi-GPU is not supported at the moment, but will be supported in the future.
- Minimize the size of training scripts.
- Support for Python's 3.8 and 3.9 versions
- yaml definition of training hyperparameters.
- organisation of output models and their hyperparameters, training scripts and logs.
## Quick installation
The frarch package is evolving and not yet in a stable release. Documentation will be added as the package progresses. The package can be installed via PyPI or via github for the users that what to modify the contents of the package.
### PyPI installation
Once the python environment has been created, you can install frarch by executing:
pip install frarch
Then frarch can be used in a python script using:
import frarch as fr
### Github install
Once the python environment has been created, you can install frarch by executing:
git clone https://github.com/victorbadenas/frarch.git
cd frarch
pip install . # for enabling editable mode use the `-e` flag
for development instead of the last command, run `pip install -e .[dev]` to be able to hot reload changes to the package.
### Test
To run the tests for the frarch package:
python -m unittest discover
or with coverage
coverage run -m unittest discover -s tests/unit
coverage report -m --omit='tests/unit/*'
### Documentation
To create the documentation, run the following command:
make -C docs html
sensible-browser docs/_build/html/index.html
make -C docs latexpdf
## Running an experiment
Frarch provides training classes such as [`ClassifierTrainer`](https://victorbadenas.github.io/frarch/source/packages/frarch.train.classifier_trainer.html) which provides methods to train a classifier model.
### Example Python trainer script
In this example we present a sample training script for training the MNIST dataset.
from hyperpyyaml import load_hyperpyyaml
from frarch.parser import parse_arguments
from frarch.utils.data import build_experiment_structure
from frarch.utils.enums.stages import Stage
from frarch.train.classifier_trainer import ClassifierTrainer
class MNISTTrainer(ClassifierTrainer):
def forward(self, batch, stage):
inputs, _ = batch
inputs = inputs.to(self.device)
return self.modules.model(inputs)
def compute_loss(self, predictions, batch, stage):
_, labels = batch
labels = labels.to(self.device)
return self.hparams["loss"](predictions, labels)
def on_stage_end(self, stage, loss=None, epoch=None):
if stage == Stage.VALID:
if self.checkpointer is not None:
self.checkpointer.save(epoch=self.current_epoch, current_step=self.step)
if __name__ == "__main__":
hparam_file, args = parse_arguments()
with open(hparam_file, "r") as hparam_file_handler:
hparams = load_hyperpyyaml(
hparam_file_handler, args, overrides_must_match=False
trainer = MNISTTrainer(
And the hparams yaml file used to configure the experiment:
# seeds
seed: 42
__set_seed: !apply:torch.manual_seed [!ref <seed>]
experiment_name: "mnist"
experiment_folder: "results/mnist_demo/"
device: "cpu"
# data folder
data_folder: /tmp/
# training parameters
epochs: 2
batch_size: 128
shuffle: True
num_clases: 10
transform_tensor: !new:torchvision.transforms.ToTensor
preprocessing: !new:torchvision.transforms.Compose
transforms: [
!ref <transform_tensor>,
# dataset object
train_dataset: !new:torchvision.datasets.MNIST
root: !ref <data_folder>
train: true
download: true
transform: !ref <preprocessing>
valid_dataset: !new:torchvision.datasets.MNIST
root: !ref <data_folder>
train: false
download: true
transform: !ref <preprocessing>
# dataloader options
batch_size: !ref <batch_size>
shuffle: !ref <shuffle>
num_workers: 8
opt_class: !name:torch.optim.Adam
lr: 0.001
loss: !new:torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss
model: !apply:torchvision.models.vgg11
pretrained: false
model: !ref <model>
checkpointer: !new:frarch.modules.checkpointer.Checkpointer
save_path: !ref <experiment_folder>
modules: !ref <modules>
For the code execution run:
python train.py mnist.yaml