FoURLth -- URLs in Forth
*FoURLth* stands for *URLs in forth*. Forth is a third-generation programming language
created by Charles Moore in the early 1970s on an IBM 1130. He thought of it as more of a fourth-generation
language and would have named it "fourth" but for the fact that file names on the 1130 could only be
five characters long at the time. Hence, *forth*.
Forth makes heavy and more or less explicit use of a stack to maintain execution state. Because of its
stack-orientedness, *RPN* (Reverse Polish Notation) works naturally for writing forth programs.
This module works in a python *pyramid* environment using traversal to decode a URL into a forth program.
Whereas an actual forth program that multiplies two numbers and then squares them might look like this::
12 27 * dup *
The equivalent foURLth "program" would look just like a URL: ``http://fourlth.com/12/27/*/dup/*``
Interaction with Pyramid
The *FourlthInterpreter* class is designed to work like a pyramid traversal *resource*, so it
has a ``__getitem__`` method, as well as other methods that can be invoked once the "program" has
been decoded and is ready to run.
The default view simply returns a JSON object that contains the word ``result`` associated with
whatever the top of the stack was at the end of execution. If the stack is empty, this value will be ``null``.
There are two other view callables included for demonstration and debugging purposes.
The pyramid traversal algorithim will scan the ``PATH_INFO`` portion of this URL, calling the
resource's ``__getitem__`` method to look up each element. However, rather than returning the result of
a lookup, the element is incorporated into the "program" being pseudo-compiled and the resource itself
gets returned again.
Where new words are being defined, the returned resource is actually a new *FourlthInterpreter* instance
that will be embedded in the current one. More or less the same scheme is used for IF-ELSE-THEN and
LOOP constructions.
Why Bother?
The idea was to come up with a way to create highly-customized, server-side functions, safely, that could
be rapidly engineered and deployed in web applications. Specifically, I wanted to have a simple query
engine that could access gene expression data (microarray or RNA seq) and metadata that are part of a larger,
web-based application. The idea was to be able to, for example, do a search for genes by symbol, then find out
which, if any, datasets had expression information for those genes. Such a query might look like::
which mightthen return::
{ 'genes': ['Gata5', 'Muyb'], 'datasets': ['hiltonlab' { 'celltypes:' [...] }, ...] }
This JSON object could then be used by client-side logic to populate the web, dynamically.
An addition to building in querying capability, I've also built in several analytical tools.
One could, theoretically, also incorporate an *R* interpreter via the *rpy2* module, but
that necessarily bloats the size of the server-side portion of the application. Care should be taken
when doing this.
These sites served as references for the features included in this implementation:
* http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/551.jvn.fall01/primer.htm
* http://theforthsource.com/
Nick Seidenman <seidenman@wehi.edu.au>
Molecular Medicine
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Parkville, VIC