# ForexRateAPI
ForexRateAPI is the official Node.js wrapper for ForexRateAPI.com. This allows you to quickly integrate our foreign exchange rate API and currency conversion API into your application. Check https://forexrateapi.com documentation for more information.
## Installation
Install the latest release with:
pip install forexrateapi
## Usage
from forexrateapi.client import Client
client = Client(api_key)
## Documentation
#### fetchSymbols()
#### fetchLive(base, currencies)
- `base` <[string]> Optional. Pass in a base currency, defaults to USD.
- `currencies` <[List]<[string]>> Optional. Pass in an list of currencies to return values for.
client.fetchLive(base='USD', currencies=['AUD', 'CAD', 'GBP', 'JPY'])
#### fetchHistorical(date, base, currencies)
- `date` <[string]> Required. Pass in a string with format `YYYY-MM-DD`
- `base` <[string]> Optional. Pass in a base currency, defaults to USD.
- `currencies` <[List]<[string]>> Optional. Pass in an list of currencies to return values for.
client.fetchHistorical(date='2021-04-05', base='USD', currencies=['AUD', 'CAD', 'GBP', 'JPY'])
#### convert(from_currency, to_currency, amount, date)
- `from_currency` <[string]> Optional. Pass in a base currency, defaults to USD.
- `to_currency` <[string]> Required. Specify currency you would like to convert to.
- `amount` <[number]> Required. The amount to convert.
- `date` <[string]> Optional. Specify date to use historical midpoint value for conversion with format `YYYY-MM-DD`. Otherwise, it will use live exchange rate date if value not passed in.
client.convert(from_currency='USD', to_currency='EUR', amount=100, date='2021-04-05')
#### timeframe(start_date, end_date, base, currencies)
- `start_date` <[string]> Required. Specify the start date of your timeframe using the format `YYYY-MM-DD`.
- `end_date` <[string]> Required. Specify the end date of your timeframe using the format `YYYY-MM-DD`.
- `base` <[string]> Optional. Pass in a base currency, defaults to USD.
- `currencies` <[List]<[string]>> Optional. Pass in an list of currencies to return values for.
client.timeframe(start_date='2021-04-05', end_date='2021-04-06', base='USD', currencies=['AUD', 'CAD', 'GBP', 'JPY'])
#### change(start_date, end_date, base, currencies)
- `start_date` <[string]> Required. Specify the start date of your timeframe using the format `YYYY-MM-DD`.
- `end_date` <[string]> Required. Specify the end date of your timeframe using the format `YYYY-MM-DD`.
- `base` <[string]> Optional. Pass in a base currency, defaults to USD.
- `currencies` <[List]<[string]>> Optional. Pass in an list of currencies to return values for.
client.change(start_date='2021-04-05', end_date='2021-04-06', base='USD', currencies=['AUD', 'CAD', 'GBP', 'JPY'])
**[Official documentation](https://forexrateapi.com/documentation)**
## FAQ
- How do I get an API Key?
Free API Keys are available [here](https://forexrateapi.com).
- I want more information
Checkout our FAQs [here](https://forexrateapi.com/faq).
## Support
For support, get in touch using [this form](https://forexrateapi.com/contact).
[List]: https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_datatypes.asp 'List'
[number]: https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_datatypes.asp 'Number'
[string]: https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_datatypes.asp 'String'