# foremon
foremon is a tool to help develop python projects by executing build tasks when
file changes are detected.
foremon intends to have feature parity to [nodemon][nodemon], a similar tool for
the NodeJS ecosystem, but provide those features within a python toolchain. To
use `foremon` run your script or module as `foremon [script or module]` or run
`foremon --help` for advanced usage.
File monitoring is provided by [watchdog][watchdog] which provides its own
shell-utility, [watchmedo][watchmedo].
foremon is currently in beta.
[nodemon]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodemon
[watchdog]: https://github.com/gorakhargosh/watchdog
[watchmedo]: https://github.com/gorakhargosh/watchdog#shell-utilities
# Installation
Clone `foremon` with git or install it using [pip][pip] (recommended):
pip install foremon
[pip]: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages/#use-pip-for-installing
# Usage
foremon will bootstrap your module or script with the arguments you normally
pass to it:
foremon [script or module or library:func] [args]
If your application uses options which conflict with foremon's options use the
`--` argument separator.
foremon -- mymodules --version
For CLI options `--help`:
foremon --help
Using foremon is simple. It will guess if you are running a module or python
script and adjust command-line arguments and the `PYTHONPATH` accordingly. To
disable this feature, add the `-n` (`--no-guess`) option.
# Executes `script.py`
foremon -n -- script.py
# Executes `python3 script.py`
foremon -- script.py
# Executes `python -m module` if module/__main__.py is present
foremon module
# Executes `python -c 'from lib import main; main()'` if only lib/__init__.py is present
foremon lib:main
# Execute `python -m module` and inserts `path/to` into PYTHONPATH
foremon path/to/module
foremon runs python scripts with the python interpreter of the environment it is
installed in (`sys.executable`).
All foremon output is prefixed with `[foremon]` and written to `stderr`. Output
from your script, errors included, will be echoed out as expected.
If no script is given, foremon will test for a `pyproject.toml` file and if
found, will run scripts specified in the `[tool.foremon]` section
# Automatic re-running
When file changes are detected foremon will restart the script. If a script is
running when the change is detected foremon will terminate the script before
running it again.
foremon will wait a short period after changes are detected before restarting
scripts. If a high volume of events are preventing a script from being restarted
foremon will display a warning.
To control how long foremon waits use the `-d/--dwell` option. _Dwell_ is a
fractional number of seconds to wait and is set to `0.1` (_100 milliseconds_) by
# Manual restart
Scripts may be manually restarted by typing `rs` and `enter` in the terminal
where foremon is running. If a script is still running when `rs` is entered then
foremon will terminate the script with a signal. By default `SIGTERM` is sent
but the signal may be changed by setting `term_signal` in the config file.
foremon can also be shutdown gracefully by typing `exit` followed by `enter`.
Just using `ctrl+c` has the same effect.
# pyproject.toml
foremon supports _pyproject.toml_ configuration files. If the project contains a
_pyproject.toml_ file foremon will automatically load defaults from the
`[tool.foremon]` section. An alternative config file may be specified with the
`-f` (`--config-file`) option.
All configuration settings are optional but foremon wont begin monitoring for
changes if there are no `scripts` to run.
foremon will automatically reload the config file if it changes while foremon is
running. Using the `--no-reload` option will disable this feature.
# Only watch files ending in .py
patterns = ["*.py"]
# Run these scripts in-order on-change
scripts = ["pytest --cov=myproj"]
# Only run if explicitly run with `-a [alias]
skip = true
# Run script like they're in this directory
cwd = "./"
# Exit code to expect for a successful exit
returncode = 0
# Amount of time after an event is received and a script is restarted
dwell = 1.0
# Signal to send if the process should be terminated
term_signal = "SIGTERM"
# Set to false to turn on case-sensitive pattern matching
ignore_case = true
# List of default ignored paths like .git, or .tox
ignore_defaults = []
# Ignore changes to directories
ignore_dirs = true
# A list of patterns to ignore
ignore = ["*/build/*"]
# Paths to watch for changes
paths = ["src/"]
# Watch paths recursively
recursive = true
# List of events - created, deleted, moved, modified
events = ["created", "modified"]
# Environment overrides
All subsections contain the same options.
foremon supports multiple monitor and script definitions. Sections in the config
file matching `[tool.foremon.*]`, where `*` is the alias for the section, may be
defined in addition to the default section.
To run these other sections specify the `-a [alias]` option. The `-a` option may
be used multiple times or the `--all` option can be used to turn on all tasks.
patterns = ["*.c", "*.h"]
scripts = ["./configure"]
# Run me with 'foremon -a make'
patterns = ["make*"]
paths = ["src/*"]
scripts = ["make -C src"]
events = ["created"]
scripts = ["echo skipped"]
skip = true
Any command-line arguments passed to foremon only supersede definitions in
default section.
Refer to the [configuration samples][config] for more examples of configuring
[config]: /config