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# ftCLI
ftCLI is a command line interface built with [click](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.0.x/) to edit fonts using
Python >=3.7 <3.11 is required to install ftCLI.
The following packages will be installed during setup:
- fonttools
- afdko
- beziers
- brotli
- click
- dehinter
- pathvalidate
- rich
- skia-pathops
- ttfautohint-py
- ufo2ft
- zopfli
## Installation
pip install font-cli
Or, to install in editable mode:
git clone https://github.com/ftCLI/ftCLI.git
cd ftCLI
pip install -e .
## tl;dr
To start using ftCLI, just install, open a shell and type `ftcli --help` to list all commands.
Each level 1 command has its own help...
... as well as each level 2 command.
Remember to use `--no-overwrite` or `-out` to avoid overwriting your fonts when experimenting.
## Arguments
- [INPUT_PATH](#inputpath)
## Common options
- [-out, --output-dir](#-out---output-dir)
- [--recalc-timestamp](#--recalc-timestamp)
- [--no-overwrite](#--no-overwrite)
## Commands list
- [**assistant**](#ftcli-assistant)
- [ui](#ftcli-assistant-ui)
- [commit](#ftcli-assistant-commit)
- [init-config](#ftcli-assistant-init-config)
- [init-data](#ftcli-assistant-init-data)
- [**cff**](#ftcli-cff)
- [del-names](#ftcli-cff-del-names)
- [find-replace](#ftcli-cff-find-replace)
- [fix-version](#ftcli-cff-fix-version)
- [set-names](#ftcli-cff-set-names)
- [**converter**](#ftcli-converter)
- [otf2ttf](#ftcli-converter-otf2ttf)
- [ttf2otf](#ftcli-converter-ttf2otf)
- [ft2wf](#ftcli-converter-ft2wf)
- [wf2ft](#ftcli-converter-wf2ft)
- [var2static](#ftcli-converter-var2static)
- [ttc2sfnt](#ftcli-converter-ttc2sfnt)
- [**fix**](#ftcli-fix)
- [caret-offset](#ftcli-fix-caret-offset)
- [decompose-transformed](#ftcli-fix-decompose-transformed)
- [duplicate-components](#ftcli-fix-duplicate-components)
- [italic-angle](#ftcli-fix-italic-angle)
- [kern-table](#ftcli-fix-kern-table)
- [monospace](#ftcli-fix-monospace)
- [nbsp-missing](#ftcli-fix-nbsp-missing)
- [nbsp-width](#ftcli-fix-nbsp-width)
- [os2-ranges](#ftcli-fix-os2-ranges)
- [strip-names](#ftcli-fix-strip-names)
- [**metrics**](#ftcli-metrics)
- [align](#ftcli-metrics-align)
- [copy-metrics](#ftcli-metrics-copy-metrics)
- [set-linegap](#ftcli-metrics-set-linegap)
- [**name**](#ftcli-name)
- [append](#ftcli-name-append)
- [del-mac-names](#ftcli-name-del-mac-names)
- [del-names](#ftcli-name-del-names)
- [find-replace](#ftcli-name-find-replace)
- [find-set-name](#ftcli-name-set-name)
- [**os2**](#ftcli-os2)
- [**post**](#ftcli-post)
- [**print**](#ftcli-print)
- [font-info](#ftcli-print-font-info)
- [font-names](#ftcli-print-font-names)
- [font-fonts-list](#ftcli-print-fonts-list)
- [os2-table](#ftcli-print-os2-table)
- [**utils**](#ftcli-utils)
- [add-dsig](#ftcli-utils-add-dsig)
- [cff-autohint](#ftcli-utils-cff-autohint)
- [cff-check-outlines](#ftcli-utils-cff-check-outlines)
- [cff-dehint](#ftcli-utils-cff-dehint)
- [cff-desubr](#ftcli-utils-cff-desubr)
- [cff-subr](#ftcli-utils-cff-subr)
- [del-table](#ftcli-utils-del-table)
- [font-organizer](#ftcli-utils-font-organizer)
- [font-renamer](#ftcli-utils-font-renamer)
- [ttf-autohint](#ftcli-utils-ttf-autohint)
- [ttf-dehint](#ftcli-utils-ttf-dehint)
- [ttf-remove-overlaps](#ftcli-utils-ttf-remove-overlaps)
## Arguments
With some exceptions, all ftCLI subcommands process files in the given path. The `INPUT_PATH` argument can be generally
a single font file or a folder containing one or more fonts. In case a directory is passed as INPUT_PATH, all fonts
stored in it will be processed, with the exclusion of fonts stored in subdirectories.
## Common options
The `-out, -output-dir`, `--recalc-timestamp` and `--no-overwrite` options can be used in all subcommands, unless
otherwise specified.
### -out, --output-dir
The directory where the output files are to be saved. If `output_dir` is not specified, files are saved to the same
folder. If the user passes a directory that doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.
### --recalc-timestamp
By default, original `head.modified` value is kept when a font is saved. Use this option to set `head.modified`
timestamp to current time.
### --no-overwrite
By default, modified files are overwritten. Use this switch to save them to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name, so that Times-Bold.otf becomes TimesBold#1.otf).
### Usage examples:
`ftcli metrics align "C:\Fonts" -out "C:\Fonts\Aligned"`
`ftcli metrics copy -s "C:\Fonts\SourceFont.otf" -d "C:\Fonts\" --recalc-timestamp`
`ftcli metrics copy -s "C:\Fonts\SourceFont.otf" -d "C:\Fonts\" --no-overwrite`
## ftcli assistant
A set of tools to correctly compile the 'name' table and set proper values for usWeightClass, usWidthClass, Bold, Italic
and Oblique bits.
ftcli assistant
The logical steps are the following:
1. Create a CSV file containing, for each font in the source path, the following data:
- File path
- Family name
- usWidthClass
- usWeightClass
- Slope classes (Italic and/or Oblique) and Bold flag
- Weight, Width and Slope style names
2. Review the CSV file
3. Write data from the CSV file to the target fonts: this will compile the name table and set the proper
usWidthClass, usWeightClass Slope class and Bold values.
**Step 1** can be executed with one of the following commands:
- `ftcli assistant init-data INPUT_PATH`
- `ftcli assistant ui INPUT_PATH`
The first command will create a directory named `ftCLI_files` containing two files: `fonts_data.csv` and
`styles_mapping.json`. The second one will open the command line user interface that allows to edit both.
The `styles_mapping.json` is created at first, unless it already exists, and contains the default Style Names to pair
with usWidthClass, usWeightClass and Slope class. The default values are the following:
"italics": ["It", "Italic"],
"obliques": ["Obl", "Oblique"],
"weights": {
"250": ["Th", "Thin" ],
"275": ["XLt", "ExtraLight"],
"300": ["Lt", "Light"],
"350": ["Bk", "Book"],
"400": ["Rg", "Regular"],
"500": ["Md", "Medium"],
"600": ["SBd", "SemiBold"],
"700": ["Bd", "Bold"],
"800": ["XBd", "ExtraBold"],
"850": ["Hvy", "Heavy"],
"900": ["Blk","Black"],
"950": ["Ult", "Ultra"]
"widths": {
"1": ["Cm", "Compressed"],
"2": ["XCn", "ExtraCondensed"],
"3": ["Cn", "Condensed"],
"4": ["Nr", "Narrow"],
"5": ["Nor","Normal"],
"6": ["Wd", "Wide"],
"7": ["Ext", "Extended"],
"8": ["XExt", "ExtraExtended"],
"9": ["Exp", "Expanded"]
After creation of `styles_mapping.json`, all valid font files found in `INPUT_PATH` are parsed to retrieve Family Name,
usWidthClass, usWeightClass, Slope Class (Upright, Italic or Oblique). The process searches for matches between the
retrieved values and the JSON data, trying to determine the proper style names. The results are written into the
`fonts_data.csv` file.
The `fonts_data.csv` contains the following columns:
- `file_name`: path to the font file
- `family_name`: the font's family name, retrieved reading the name table
- `is_bold`: True if the bold bits are set, False if they are not set. This column is present only for completeness,
but it's value will be ignored. A font will be set as bold only and only if, while running the `ftcli assistant commit`
command, the user will choose to use linked styles.
(-ls / --linked styles) option while writing data from CSV to fonts
- `is_italic`: True if the italic bits are set, False if they are not set
- `is_oblique`: True if the oblique bit is set, False if it's not set
- `us_width_class`: usWidthClass value
- `us_weight_class`: usWeightClass value
- `wdt`: short literal for the Width style name
- `width`: long literal for the Width style name
- `wgt`: short literal for the Weight style name
- `weight`: long literal for the Weight style name
- `slp`: short literal for the Slope style name
- `slope`: long literal for the Slope style name
- `selected`: 0 to exclude the file while writing data from CSV to fonts, 1 to include the file
Both files can be edited manually or using the character interface.
**Step 2** can be executed, after reviewing `fonts_data.csv`, running the `ftcli assistant commit` command.
### ftcli assistant ui
Opens the character user interface to edit the `styles_mapping.json` and `fonts_data.csv` files. If one or both files
do not exist, they will be automatically created.
ftcli assistant ui INPUT_PATH
The main window displays a list of fonts found in `INPUT_PATH` and allows to access the editors for
`styles_mapping.json` and `fonts_data.csv`.
The Main Window:
![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83063506/226935693-519309a4-c76c-4321-8f1d-5bc0e7a32de5.png "ftCLI assistant main window")
The Styles Mapping Editor:
![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83063506/227150344-6ffd5730-c75c-4836-a8a7-ccb1518d6414.png "Styles Mapping Editor")
The Fonts Data Editor:
![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83063506/227150698-c7c5c0c3-2374-422d-8be7-c19c8c41c69d.png "The Fonts Data Editor")
When the `fonts_data.csv` file contains the desired values, data are ready to be written to fonts using the `ftcli
assistant commit` command.
### ftcli assistant commit
Writes data from CSV to fonts.
ftcli assistant commit [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--width-elidable TEXT The width word to elide when building the
namerecords. [default: Normal]
--weight-elidable TEXT The weight word to elide when building the
namerecords. [default: Regular]
-ls, --linked-styles <INTEGER RANGE INTEGER RANGE>...
Use this option to activate linked styles.
If this option is active, linked styles must
be specified. For example: -ls 400 700, or
-ls 300 600.
-x, --exclude-namerecords [1|2|3|4|5|6|16|17|18]
Name IDs to skip. The specified name IDs
won't be recalculated. This option can be
repeated (for example: -x 3 -x 5 -x 6...).
-swdt, --shorten-width [1|4|6|16|17]
Name IDs where to use the short word for
width style name (for example, 'Cn' instead
of 'Condensed'). This option can be repeated
(for example: -swdt 1 -swdt 5, -swdt 16...).
-swgt, --shorten-weight [1|4|6|17]
Name IDs where to use the short word for
weight style name (for example, 'Md' instead
of 'Medium'). This option can be repeated
(for example: -swgt 1 -swgt 5 -swgt 6...).
-kwdt, --keep-width-elidable Doesn't remove the width elidable words (by
default, "Nor" and "Normal").
-kwgt, --keep-weight-elidable Doesn't remove the weight elidable words (by
default, "Rg" and "Regular").
-sslp, --shorten-slope [4|6|16|17]
Name IDs where to use the short word for
slope style name (for example, 'It' instead
of 'Italic'). This option can be repeated
(for example: -sslp 3 -sslp 5 -sslp 6...).
-sf, --super-family Superfamily mode. This option affects name
IDs 3, 6, 16 and 17 in case of families with
widths different than 'Normal'. If this
option is active, name ID 6 will be
'FamilyName-WidthWeightSlope' instead of
'FamilyNameWidth-WeightSlope'. Mac and OT
family/subfamily names will be FamilyName /
Width Weight Slope' instead of 'Family Name
Width / Weight Slope'.
-aui, --alt-uid Use alternate unique identifier. By default,
nameID 3 (Unique identifier) is calculated
according to the following scheme:
'Version;Vendor code;PostscriptName'. The
alternate unique identifier is calculated
according to the following scheme:
'Manufacturer: Full Font Name: Creation
-obni, --oblique-not-italic By default, if a font has the oblique bit
set, the italic bits will be set too. Use
this option to override the default
behaviour (for example, when the family has
both italic and oblique styles and you need
to keep oblique and italic styles separate).
The italic bits will be cleared when the
oblique bit is set.
--no-auto-shorten When name id 1, 4 or 6 are longer than
maximum allowed (27 characters for nameID 1,
31 for nameID 4 and 29 for nameID 6), the
script tries to auto shorten those names
replacing long words with short words. Use
this option to prevent the script from auto
shortening names.
-cff If this option is active, fontNames,
FullName, FamilyName and Weight values in
the 'CFF' table will be recalculated.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist,
will be created. If not specified, files are
saved to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time.
By default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the
end of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli assistant init-config
ftcli assistant init-config [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-q, --quiet Suppress the overwrite confirmation message if the config.json
file already exists.
--help Show this message and exit.
If, for some reason, the user needs to create or reset the `styles_mappings.json` file to the default values, this
command will serve the purpose. Not needed if `ftcli assistant ui` is used.
### ftcli assistant init-data
Creates the CSV database file `fonts_data.csv` in the `ftCLI_files` subdirectory. Not needed if `ftcli assistant ui`
is used.
ftcli assistant init-data [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-s, --styles-mapping-file FILE Use a custom styles mapping file instead of
the default styles_mapping.json file located
in the ftCLI_files folder.
-q, --quiet Suppress the overwrite confirmation message
if the fonts_data.csv and/or styles_mapping.json
files already exist in the ftCLI_files folder.
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli cff
`CFF` table editor.
ftcli cff COMMAND [ARGS]
### ftcli cff del-names
Deletes CFF names.
ftcli cff del-names [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--full-name Deletes CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] FullName
--family-name Deletes CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] FamilyName
--weight Deletes CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] Weight
--version Deletes CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] version
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli cff find-replace
Finds a string in the following items of CFF table topDict and replaces it with a new string: `version`, `FullName`,
`FamilyName`, `Weight`, `Copyright`, `Notice`.
ftcli cff find-replace [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-os, --old-string TEXT The string to be replaced [required]
-ns, --new-string TEXT The string to replace the old string with
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli cff fix-version
Aligns topDict version string to the `head.fontRevision` value.
For example, if `head.fontRevision` value is 2.001, CFF topDict version value will be 2.1.
ftcli cff fix-version [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli cff set-names
Sets CFF names.
ftcli cff set-names [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--font-names TEXT Sets CFF.cff.fontNames value
--full-name TEXT Sets CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] FullName value
--family-name TEXT Sets CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] FamilyName value
--weight TEXT Sets CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] Weight value
--version TEXT Sets CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0] version value
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli converter
Font converter.
ftcli converter [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli converter ft2wf
Converts SFNT fonts (TTF or OTF) to web fonts (WOFF and/or WOFF2)
ftcli converter ft2wf [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-f, --flavor [woff|woff2] By default, the script converts SFNT fonts
(TrueType or OpenType) both to woff and woff2
flavored web fonts. Use this option to create
only woff (--flavor woff) or woff2 (--flavor
woff2) files.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli converter otf2ttf
Converts fonts from OTF to TTF format.
ftcli converter otf2ttf [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli converter ttc2sfnt
Extracts each font from a TTC file, and saves it as a TTF or OTF file.
ftcli converter ttc2sfnt [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli converter ttf2otf
Converts TTF fonts (or TrueType flavored woff/woff2 web fonts) to OTF fonts (or CFF flavored woff/woff2 web fonts).
ftcli converter ttf2otf [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-t, --tolerance FLOAT RANGE Conversion tolerance (0-2.5, default 1). Low
tolerance adds more points but keeps shapes.
High tolerance adds few points but may change
--safe Sometimes Qu2CuPen may fail or produce
distorted outlines. Most of times, use of '--
safe' will prevent errors by converting the
source TTF font to a temporary OTF built using
T2CharstringsPen, and then reconverting it to
a temporary TTF font. This last one will be
used for TTF to OTF conversion instead of the
source TTF file. This is slower, but safest.
--keep-glyphs Keeps NULL and CR glyphs from the output font
--no-subr Do not subroutinize converted fonts
--check-outlines Performs optional outline quality checks and
removes overlaps with afdko.checkoutlinesufo
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli converter var2static
Exports static instances from variable fonts.
ftcli converter var2static [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-s, --select-instance By default, the script exports all named
instances. Use this option to select custom
axis values for a single instance.
--no-cleanup By default, STAT table is dropped and axis
nameIDs are deleted from name table. Use --no-
cleanup to keep STAT table and prevent axis
nameIDs to be deleted from name table.
--update-name-table Update the instantiated font's `name` table.
Input font must have a STAT table with Axis
Value Tables
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli converter wf2ft
Converts web fonts (WOFF and WOFF2) to SFNT fonts (TTF or OTF).
ftcli converter wf2ft [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-f, --flavor [woff|woff2] By default, the script converts both woff and
woff2 flavored web fonts to SFNT fonts
(TrueType or OpenType). Use this option to
convert only woff or woff2 flavored web fonts.
-d, --delete-source-file Deletes the source files after conversion.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli fix
A set of commands to detect and automatically fix font errors.
ftcli fix [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix caret-offset
Recalculates `hhea.caretOffset` value.
ftcli fix caret-offset [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix decompose-transformed
Decomposes composite glyphs that have transformed components.
fontbakery check id: com.google.fonts/check/transformed_components
ftcli fix decompose-transformed [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix duplicate-components
Removes duplicate components which have the same x,y coordinates.
fontbakery check id: com.google.fonts/check/glyf_non_transformed_duplicate_components
ftcli fix duplicate-components [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix italic-angle
Recalculates `post.italicAngle`, `hhea.caretSlopeRise`, `hhea.caretSlopeRun` and sets/clears the italic/oblique bits
according to the calculated values. In CFF fonts, also `CFF.topDictIndex[0].ItalicAngle` is recalculated.
ftcli fix italic-angle [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-m, --mode INTEGER RANGE 1: sets only the italic bits and clears the oblique bit
2: sets italic and oblique bits
3: sets only the oblique bit and clears italic bits [1<=x<=3]
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix kern-table
Some applications such as MS PowerPoint require kerning info on the kern
table. More specifically, they require a format 0 kern subtable from a kern
table version 0 with only glyphs defined in the cmap table.
Given this, the command deletes all kerning pairs from kern v0 subtables
where one of the two glyphs is not defined in the cmap table.
fontbakery check id: com.google.fonts/check/kern_table
ftcli fix kern-table [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix monospace
If the family is monospaced:
- post.isFixedPitch must be set to a non-zero value
- OS/2.panose.bProportion must be set to 9
- CFF.cff.TopDictIndex[0].isFixedPitch must be set to True
fontbakery check id: com.google.fonts/check/monospace
ftcli fix monospace [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix nbsp-missing
Checks if the font has a non-breaking space character, and if it doesn't, it adds one by double mapping 'space'
ftcli fix nbsp-missing [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix nbsp-width
Checks if 'nbspace' and 'space' glyphs have the same width. If not, corrects 'nbspace' width to match 'space' width.
fontbakery check id: com.google.fonts/check/whitespace_widths
ftcli fix nbsp-width [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix os2-ranges
Generates a temporary Type 1 from the font file using tx, converts that to an OpenType font using makeotf, reads the
Unicode ranges and codepage ranges from the temporary OpenType font file, and then writes those ranges to the
original font's OS/2 table.
ftcli fix os2-ranges [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix strip-names
Removes leading and trailing spaces from all namerecords.
fontbakery check id: com.google.fonts/check/name/trailing_spaces
ftcli fix strip-names [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli fix uprights
Assuming that the font is correctly set as upright (i.e.: italic oblique
bits are all clear), the script sets the following values:
- post.italicAngle = 0.0
- hhea.caretSlopeRise = 1
- hhea.caretSlopeRun = 0
- hhea.caretOffset = 0
- CFF.cff.topDictIndex[0].ItalicAngle = 0 (only if the font has a CFF table)
The font is saved only if at least one table has changed.
ftcli fix uprights [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli hhea
Command line hhea table editor.
--rise INTEGER Sets the `caretSlopeRise` value.
--run INTEGER Sets the `caretSlopeRun` value.
--offset INTEGER Sets the `caretOffset` value.
--ascent INTEGER Sets the `ascent` value.
--descent INTEGER Sets the `descent` value.
--linegap INTEGER Sets the `lineGap` value.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli metrics
Vertical metrics tools.
ftcli metrics [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli metrics align
Aligns all fonts stored in INPUT_PATH folder to the same baseline.
To achieve this, the script finds the maximum ascender and the minimum descender values of the fonts stored in the
INPUT_PATH folder and applies those values to all fonts.
This can produce undesired effects (an exaggerated line height) when one or more fonts contain swashes, for example. In
such cases, it's better to copy the vertical metrics from a template font to one or more destination fonts using the
[`ftcli metrics copy`](#ftcli-metrics-copy-metrics) command.
See https://kltf.de/download/FontMetrics-kltf.pdf for more information.
ftcli metrics align [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--with-linegap By default, SIL method
US/Line_Metrics.html) is used. This means
that, in OS/2 table, sTypoAscender and
sTypoDescender values are set, respectively,
equal to maximum real ascender and minimum
real descender, and the sTypoLineGap is set to
zero. Use '--with-linegap' to set
sTypoAscender value to the maximum ideal
ascender (calculated from letters b, f, f, h,
k, l and t) and the sTypoDescender value to
the minimum ideal descender (calculated from
letters g, j, p, q and y). The sTypoLineGap
will be calculated as follows: (real ascender
+ abs(real descender)) - (ideal ascender +
abs(ideal descender)).
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli metrics copy-metrics
Copies vertical metrics from a source font to one or more destination fonts.
ftcli metrics copy [OPTIONS]
-s, --source-file FILE Source file. Vertical metrics from this font
will be applied to all destination fonts.
-d, --destination PATH Destination file or directory. [required]
-o, --output-dir DIRECTORY The output directory where the output files are
to be created. If it doesn't exist, will be
created. If not specified, files are saved to
the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp By default, original head.modified value is kept
when a font is saved. Use this switch to set
head.modified timestamp to current time.
--no-overwrite By default, modified files are overwritten. Use
this switch to save them to a new file (numbers
are appended at the end of file name).
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli metrics set-linegap
Modifies the line spacing metrics in one or more fonts.
This is a fork of font-line by Source Foundry: https://github.com/source-foundry/font-line
ftcli metrics set-linegap [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-p, --percent INTEGER RANGE Adjust font line spacing to % of UPM value.
[1<=x<=100; required]
-mfn, --modify-family-name Adds LG% to the font family to reflect the
modified line gap.
-o, --output-dir DIRECTORY The output directory where the output files
are to be created. If it doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are
saved to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp / --no-recalc-timestamp
Keeps the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time.
By default, original timestamp is kept.
--overwrite / --no-overwrite Overwrites existing output files or save
them to a new file (numbers are appended at
the end of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli name
Command line `name` table editor.
ftcli name [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli name append
Appends a prefix, or a suffix to the specified namerecords
ftcli name append [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-n, --name-id INTEGER NameID where to append the prefix/suffix. This
option can be repeated to prepend/append the
string to multiple namerecords. For example:
-n 1 -n 2 -n 16 -n 17 [required]
-p, --platform-id [0|1|3] Use this option to add the prefix/suffix only
to the namerecords matching the provided
0: Unicode
1: Macintosh
3: Windows
-l, --language-string TEXT Use this option to append the prefix/suffix
only to the namerecords matching the provided
language string.
See epilog for a list of valid language
--prefix TEXT The string to be prepended to the namerecords
--suffix TEXT The suffix to append to the namerecords
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli name del-mac-names
Deletes all the Macintosh namerecords from the name table, except nameIDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6.
According to Apple (https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/Chap6name.html), "names with
platformID 1 were required by earlier versions of macOS. Its use on modern platforms is discouraged. Use names with
platformID 3 instead for maximum compatibility. Some legacy software, however, may still require names with
platformID 1, platformSpecificID 0".
ftcli name del-mac-names [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--del-all Deletes also nameIDs 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli name del-names
Deletes one or more namerecords.
ftcli name del-names [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-n, --name-id INTEGER NameID(s) to delete.
This option can be repeated to delete multiple
namerecords at once. For example: -n 1 -n 2 -n
6 [required]
-p, --platform-id [0|1|3] PlatformID of the namerecords to delete:
0: Unicode
1: Macintosh
3: Windows
If no platform is specified, namerecords will
be deleted from all tables.
-l, --language-string TEXT Use this option to filter the namerecords to
delete by language string (for example: 'it',
'de', 'nl'). See epilog for a list of valid
language strings.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli name find-replace
Finds a string in the specified namerecords and replaces it with a new string
ftcli name find-replace [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-os, --old-string TEXT The string to be replaced [required]
-ns, --new-string TEXT The string to replace the old string with
-n, --name-id INTEGER nameIDs where to search and replace the
string. If not specified, the string will be
replaced in all namerecords. This option can
be repeated to perform search and replace in
multiple namerecords (e.g.: -n 1 -n 4 -n 6)
-x, --exclude-name-id INTEGER NameID to ignore. The specified nameID won't
be changed. This option can be repeated
multiple times (e.g.: -ex 3 -ex 5 -ex 16).
-p, --platform-id [1|3] platform id [1: macintosh, 3: windows]. If no
platform is specified, the string will be
replaced in both tables.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist,
will be created. If not specified, files are
saved to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the
end of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli name set-name
Adds a namerecord to one or more font files.
If the namerecord is already present, it will be overwritten.
ftcli name set-name [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-n, --name-id INTEGER RANGE The nameID of the namerecord to add.
[0<=x<=32767; required]
-s, --string TEXT String to write in the namerecord. [required]
-p, --platform-id [1|3] Use this option to write the namerecord only
in the specified table:
1: Macintosh
3: Windows
If not specified, namerecord will be written
in both tables.
-l, --language-string TEXT Use this option to write the namerecord in a
language different than 'en' (e.g.: 'it',
'nl', 'de').
See epilog for a list of valid language
strings [default: en]
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli os2
Command line `OS/2` table editor.
-ver, --version INTEGER RANGE Upgrades `OS/2` table version. [1<=x<=5]
-wgh, --weight INTEGER RANGE Sets `usWeightClass` value. [1<=x<=1000]
-wdt, --width INTEGER RANGE Sets `usWidthClass` value. [1<=x<=9]
-it, --italic / -no-it, --no-italic
Sets or clears the ITALIC bits
(`fsSelection` bit 0 and `head` table
`macStyle` bit 1).
-bd, --bold / -no-bd, --no-bold
Sets or clears the BOLD bits
(`OS/2.fsSelection` bit 5 and
`head.macStyle` bit 0).
-rg, --regular Sets REGULAR (`fsSelection` bit) 6 and
clears BOLD (`fsSelection` bit 5,
`head.macStyle` bit 0) and ITALIC
(`fsSelection` bit 0, `head.macStyle` bit 1)
bits. This is equivalent to `--no-bold --no-
-obl, --oblique / -no-obl, --no-oblique
Sets or clears the OBLIQUE bit
(`fsSelection` bit 9).
-utm, --use-typo-metrics / -no-utm, --no-use-typo-metrics
Sets or clears the USE_TYPO_METRICS bit
(`fsSelection` bit 7).
If set, it is strongly recommended that
applications use `OS/2.sTypoAscender` -
`OS/2.sTypoDescender` + `OS/2.sTypoLineGap`
as the default line spacing for the font.
See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
-wws, --wws-consistent / -no-wws, --no-wws-consistent
Sets or clears the WWS bit (`fsSelection`
bit 8).
If the `OS/2.fsSelection` bit is set, the
font has `name` table strings consistent
with a weight/width/slope family without
requiring use of name IDs 21 and 22.
See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Also: https://typedrawers.com/discussion/385
-vend, --ach-vend-id TEXT Sets the `achVendID` tag (vendor's four-
character identifier).
-el, --embed-level [0|2|4|8] Sets/clears `fsType` bits 0-3
0: Installable embedding
2: Restricted License embedding
4: Preview & Print embedding
8: Editable embedding
See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
-ns, --no-subsetting / -as, --allow-subsetting
Sets or clears `fsType` bit 8
When this bit is set, the font may not be
subsetted prior to embedding. Other
embedding restrictions specified in bits 0-3
and 9 also apply.
-beo, --bitmap-embedding-only / -no-beo, --no-bitmap-embedding-only
Sets or clears `fsType` bit 9
When this bit is set, only bitmaps contained
in the font may be embedded. No outline data
may be embedded. If there are no bitmaps
available in the font, then the font is
considered unembeddable and the embedding
services will fail. Other embedding
restrictions specified in bits 0-3 and 8
also apply.
--recalc-unicode-ranges Recalculates the `ulUnicodeRange*` values.
--recalc-codepage-ranges Recalculates `ulCodePageRange1` and
`ulCodePageRange2` values.
--recalc-x-height Recalculates `sxHeight` value.
--recalc-cap-height Recalculates `sCapHeight` value.
--recalc-italic-bits Sets or clears the italic bits in
OS/2.fsSelection and in head.macStyle,
according to the `italicAngle` value in
`post` table. If `italicAngle` value is
other than 0.0, italic bits will be set. If
`italicAngle` value is 0.0, italic bits will
be cleared.
--recalc-max-context Recalculates `usMaxContext` value.
--import-unicodes FILE Imports `ulUnicodeRanges*` from a source
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist,
will be created. If not specified, files are
saved to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time.
By default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the
end of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli post
Command line `post` table editor.
--italic-angle FLOAT RANGE Sets the `italicAngle` value.
--ul-position INTEGER Sets the `underlinePosition` value.
--ul-thickness INTEGER Sets the `underlineThickness` value.
--fixed-pitch / --no-fixed-pitch
Sets or clears the `isFixedPitch` value.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist,
will be created. If not specified, files are
saved to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time.
By default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the
end of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli print
Prints various font's information.
ftcli print [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli print font-info
Prints detailed font information.
ftcli print font-info [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli print font-names
Prints the `name` table and, if the font is CFF, the names in the `CFF` table topDict.
ftcli print font-names [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-ml, --max-lines INTEGER Maximum number of lines to be printed for each
-m, --minimal Prints a minimal set of namerecords, omitting the
ones with nameID not in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 16, 17,
18, 21, 22, 25
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli print fonts-list
Prints a list of fonts with basic information.
ftcli print fonts-list [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli print os2-table
Prints the `OS/2` table.
ftcli print os2-table [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--help Show this message and exit.
## ftcli utils
Miscellaneous utilities.
ftcli utils [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils add-dsig
Adds a dummy DSIG table to fonts, unless the table is already present. WOFF2 flavored fonts are ignored, since encoders
must remove the DSIG table from woff2 font data.
ftcli utils add-dsig [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils cff-autohint
Autohints CFF fonts with psautohint.
ftcli utils cff-autohint [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--optimize / --no-optimize Optimize the hinted font by specializing the
charstrings and applying subroutines.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils cff-check-outlines
Performs `afdko.checkoutlinesufo` outline quality checks and overlaps removal. Supports CFF fonts only.
ftcli utils cff-check-outlines [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils cff-dehint
Drops hinting from CFF fonts.
ftcli utils cff-dehint [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils cff-desubr
Desoubroutinize CFF fonts.
ftcli utils cff-desubr [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils cff-subr
Subroutinize CFF fonts.
ftcli utils cff-subr [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils del-table
Deletes the tables specified in the table_tag argument(s).
ftcli utils del-table [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-t, --table-tag TEXT TableTag of the table(s) to delete. Can be
repeated to delete multiple tables at once
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils font-organizer
Organizes fonts by moving them into a subdirectory named after the font's family name, and eventually a subdirectory
named after the font's extension and version.
ftcli utils font-organizer [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--rename-source [1|2|3|4|5] Renames the font files according to the
provided source string(s). See ftcli utils
-ext, --extension Sorts fonts by extension.
-ver, --version Sorts fonts by version.
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils font-renamer
Takes a path to a single font file or directory of font files, extracts each font's metadata according to the
`--source` parameter passed by the user, and renames the font file to match the metadata, adding the correct
ftcli utils font-renamer [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-s, --source [1|2|3|4|5] The source string(s) from which to extract the new
file name. Default is 1 (FamilyName-StyleName),
used also as fallback name when 4 or 5 are passed
but the font is TrueType
1: FamilyName-StyleName
2: PostScript Name
3: Full Font Name
4: CFF TopDict fontNames (CFF fonts only)
5: CFF TopDict FullName (CFF fonts only)
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils scale-upm
Change the units-per-EM of fonts.
Hinting is removed from scaled TrueType fonts to avoid bad results. You may
consider to use `ftcli utils ttf-autohint` to hint the scaled fonts. In
addition, CFF scaled fonts are not subroutinized. Subroutines can be applied
using the `ftcli utils cff-subr` command.
ftcli utils scale-upm [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-upm INTEGER New UPM value [default: 1000]
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils ttf-autohint
Autohints TrueType fonts using ttfautohint-py.
ftcli utils ttf-autohint [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils ttf-dehint
Drops hinting from TrueType fonts.
This is a CLI for dehinter by Source Foundry: https://github.com/source-foundry/dehinter
ftcli utils ttf-dehint [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--keep-cvar keep cvar table
--keep-cvt keep cvt table
--keep-fpgm keep fpgm table
--keep-hdmx keep hdmx table
--keep-ltsh keep LTSH table
--keep-prep keep prep table
--keep-ttfa keep ttfa table
--keep-vdmx keep vdmx table
--keep-glyf do not modify glyf table
--keep-gasp do not modify gasp table
--keep-maxp do not modify maxp table
--keep-head do not modify head table
--verbose display standard output
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
### ftcli utils ttf-remove-overlaps
Simplify glyphs in TrueType fonts by merging overlapping contours.
ftcli utils ttf-remove-overlaps [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATH
--ignore-errors Ignore errors while removing overlaps.
-out, --output-dir DIRECTORY Specify the directory where output files are
to be saved. If output_dir doesn't exist, will
be created. If not specified, files are saved
to the same folder.
--recalc-timestamp Keep the original font 'modified' timestamp
(head.modified) or set it to current time. By
default, original timestamp is kept.
--no-overwrite Overwrite existing output files or save them
to a new file (numbers are appended at the end
of file name). By default, files are
--help Show this message and exit.
**To Sergiev. May you rest in peace.**