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<h2 align="center">Fonemas</h2>
<h3 align="center">A Python phonologic transcription library for Spanish</h2>
*fonemas* is a Python library of methods and functions for phonologic and phonetic transcription of Spanish words.
This library is part of the research project [Sound and Meaning in Spanish Golden Age Literature](https://soundandmeaning.univie.ac.at/). This library was originally intended to analyse only pohonological features relevant to verse scansion. It has expanded its functionality ever since to become a fully featured phonological and phonetic analyser with IPA and SAMPA support.
## Installation
pip3 install fonemas
## Use
The library provides the class *transcription(sentence, mono, epenthesis, aspiration, rehash, sampastr)*. The class takes the obligatoy argument *sentence*, which is a string of characters with a Spanish word or words. It optionally takes two Boolean arguments *mono*, *epenthesis* and *aspiration* set to False as default.
- *mono* sets whether the output shows graphic stresses for monosyllabic words
- *epenthesis* set the behaviour S bfore consonant in onset (spiritu -> es pi ri tu|spi ri tu)
- *aspiration* inserts an aspiration modifier 'ʰ' in onset. This may be useful when dealing with ambiguous verses in classic poetry to choose which synaloepha to break.
- *rehash* moves last consonan on last-syllable coda to next's words first-syllable onset if it begins with a vowel.
- *sampastr* allows an alternativestress symbol, as '"' to prevent issues e.g. when using in a CSV file.
The class *transcription()* has three dataclass attributes, each with two attributes *{words, syllables}* containing each a list of strings, which may be words or syllables, respectively.
- *phonology* for the phonological transcription (requires UNICODE support).
- *phonetics* for the phonetic transcription in IPA symbols (requires UNICODE support).
- *sampa* for the phonetic transcription SAMPA transliteration.
>>> from fonemas import transcription
>>> object = transcription('Averigüéis')
>>> a.phonology.words
>>> a.phonology.syllables
['a', 'be', 'ɾi', 'ˈgwejs']
>>> a.phonetics.words
>>> a.phonetics.syllables
['a', 'be', 'ɾi', 'ˈɣwejs']
>>> a.sampa.words
>>> a.sampa.syllables
['a', 'Be', 'ri', '"Gwejs']
## Description
The transcription is done according to the Spanish phonology and phonotactics described by Quilis (2019).
## Known issues
The phonetic transcription lacks allophones represented in IPA with diacritics. They require double characters, which need a workaround to be evaluated. It can be solved using hacks for 'special cases', which I will do until figure out a general solution.
Non-Spanish languages with different prosodic rules but same spelling will cause problems, e.g.(lat. 'amor', 'amabor', 'amabar', 'amer' vs sp. 'amor'. 'labor', 'acabar', 'temer').
## Contributions
Feel free to contribute using the [GitHub Issue Tracker](https://github.com/fsanzl/fonemas/issues) for feedback, suggestions, or bug reports.
## Changelog
* 2.0.18
** Soved diphthongs contradicting the perceptibility scale.
* 2.0.17
** hie -> ʝe
* 2.0.16
** Isolated consonants
## Licence
This project is under GNU LGPL 2.1. See [LICENCE](https://github.com/fsanzl/fonemas/LICENCE) for details.
## References
Quilis, Antonio, *Tratado de fonología y fonética españolas*. Madrid, Gredos, 2019.